Yo General Karma,
A test, eh? That's a GREAT IDEA, man. I have found that a man's "essence" can act as a beacon of brotherly warmth, OR a flamethrower of UNBEARABLE heat, in regards to how we are perceived by others.
What I mean is that I have noticed that whenever I cast aside the defensive, combative demeanor that I must oftentimes carry in the corporate environment, and INSTEAD, project an air of openness, while RETAINING my confidence and AUTHORITATVE "manliness"------other men (AND WOMEN) tend to gravitate towards me. But for DIFFERENT REASONS of course! lol
The women are attracted to, and tend to find comfort in my confidence and calm self-assuredness. And the men are drawn to, and tend to admire my coolness under pressure, my willingness to reach out to them, and my perceived ETHICAL SUBSTANCE----which says A LOT in this world that champions NO STANDARDS of personal accountability.
Just yesterday, I saw a young cat I met a while back who looked up to me when we used to work together, and I stayed (in the grocery store) and chatted with him for awhile. He reiterated how much he had learned from me in the past, and I was able to SEE EVIDENCE in how he views things now (in SOME areas) that shows me that my presence in his life HAS made an impact. And it feels good------REWARDING, even. So what WE do “matters”. And no matter whether or not we CHOOSE to be, we ARE somebody’s ROLE MODEL------even by “accident”.
I forget WHICH news station used to have THIS advertising slogan (CNN maybe???), but when it comes to Mentoring the Younger Man, that slogan applies to all of us men whether we LIKE it or not. The slogan said:
“The WORLD is watching…”
Peace…one day.