men should not chase women


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
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Quick Question,

you say you dont pursue women and they come to you. Did you hook up with any of these women? or do they just come to your for laughs and amusement?

Also, if a guy shouldnt care about what he eats, why is it the men in the best shape, with ripped abs the women salivate over?

Player SUpreme, Why do you look sleepy in all your pics?
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Player SUpreme, Why do you look sleepy in all your pics?

1. It's the shape of my've heard the term bedroom eyes.

2. I'm just cool like that. If you notice all of my pictures I have my game face on...I wear it all day long!

3. I don't recommend trying to copy me though. My one buddy tried this and he did look sleepy and funny. I do what's natural to me. Like being a ****y arsed son of a bytch alpha male spermanator.


Mar 4, 2004
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I believe I'll spread the word of the good lord on this one. Exhibit A: Eat watcha want but don't justify, explain, or rationalize. Excuses are for little girls and any guy who feels he has to do so is viewed by the fairer sex as gay. Whether it's a salad or a steak just say "cause I f***ing feal like it-- I'm in the mood" not "well I think I'm a tough-assed jock redneck and these guys are not so they don't eat steak" because that's just trying too hard, is viewed also as insecure and gay. When you put guys down in front of people for no reason it tells the world "I'm a b*tch and I am just trying to cover it up." And the same goes for the salad eaters out there, don't say: "I'm on a diet, and I've got to get home so I can watch reruns of "Will and Grace" with my roommate Lance." This is also gay because you're telling women how much you care what other people think-- very feminine.


Mar 4, 2004
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Sorry about the double post I had to step out for a while. This is exibit A again: Apologies, excuses, explanations= gay. Grovelling is not the idea. Move on to exhibit B: this goes back to trying too hard. Don't ignore women, but don't kiss their asses either. Find the balance and avoid emotional attachment. But don't try so hard. Whether you ignore her or suck up to her you are playing too hard and after a while this will wear a girl out. No girl will respect a guy who kisses her ass too much, and neither will she appreciate a guy who ignores her all the time and talks **** to her, would you?


Mar 4, 2004
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Sorry about the triple post, but my mom told me to clean my room and I'm on a diet. See? There it is again. Don't try so damn hard. Do like Jerry Rice does when he scores a touchdown: act like you've been there before. Simple. You have to KNOW you can get laid to do so. Whether it's tonight or five minutes from now you WILL get some, it is inevitable. Until you have this attitude and stop trying so hard you will be a pretender a poser and a fool who doesn't believe his own hype. Guys who ignore women are just geeks copying guys they see getting some. The truth is the guys they are copying just don't care that much, they know it will work out in their favor eventually. They don't even care enough to ignore women, it just happens. But when they notice they say "HI" and not "your hair looks like sh*t, wanna f*ck me and my friends b*tch?". Get it? If you care too much you will try too hard and either way you play this lame game you will lose in the end.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover

I get the gist of your post - it does not really matter what you eat - there are guys 250 pounds who eat salad and light foods and are in very good shape and then there are guys who eat meat 3 times a day and are skiinny twigs.

I think your main point was that men should not have the mindset of women and count their calories on a hourly basis and be obsessed with their fat content, as women are. Men who constantly fret about their body have a feminine quality about them and women don't respect them for being in this frame of mind on a daily basis.

Also, it is ok to act aloof and not to act desperate when chasing women, but it is our divine responsibilty to pursue females and it is a genetically prescribed trait that we call masculinity and which we naturally recognize when we reach the state of manhood!
I'm glad you understood my post. Most people who responded thought I was advocating gluttony or that I'm some kind of hick. Very funny. :)

The dinner I described was with a bunch of people I work with at a very large financial company. There were some hot business type girls at the table. I was sickened by what they other guys said so I thought I would be myself and say what was on my mind. I'm glad I did that. Their wives whip those guys. It was truly pathetic.

Women such as these want real men; men who are strong and masculine. They don’t want cavemen or pigs, but they do want a man that isn’t afraid to show is strength and speak his mind.

In the end, the women at the table respected me for it. They deal with AFC's and whipped men all day in the business world. Someone who even shows the slightest masculine quality is a prize in this environment.

All I’m basically saying is that women like men who are men and not the ones that act like other women. Sure, you may be able to communicate on their level if you act that way, but in the end they will not look upon you as a man or as someone that can please them sexually.

I would encourage those who go on dates to show your woman that you can eat and eat well. Don’t pig out, but don’t be delicate with your food. It will also set you a bit apart from the rest. She will want to cook for you.

Well… I can dream about the cooking part. hey.. Just fetch my beer woman!

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
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No offence dude. But if you busted on me like that, I'd *****slap you the minute you stepped outside of work at the end of the day. The problem with acting ****y and smart-arsed as an attempt at alphaness, is that you'd damn well better have the backbone to go along with the attitude. I've encountered alot of guys that act like this that don't.

It's like the AFC who threatened to 'kick me in the balls' the other week for merely talking to his woman (who is a friend of mine and my ex). He sat and did phuck all as I stood there telling him to 'go for it', and 'I'm right here man, do it.'


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
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It is a sad day to be a man, when somebody thinks being a man is defined by your COURAGEOUS and VIRILE behavior to have the BALLS to order and eat anything you want at a table.

Kevin Hate to say this, but you dont sound like you are too much of a man to me. A real man doesnt have his radar up 24/7 trying to have a pissing contest with other guys around you in regards to what it means to be a man. This is insecurity.

I know many guys that eat right and they will dominate you in all aspects of life: health, athletics, women, career, etc.

You are trying to demonstrate your manhood by showing women "you dont care"

and if you didnt care, this post wouldnt exist and you wouldnt be patting your manly self on the back for your actions.

REAL MEN have more important things to worry about. You are on a blatetently pathetic mission to prove to yourself and everyone that "you dont care what others think"


Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
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Busting on other guys about stuff like that isn't the way to go. Actually, I think it's AFC behaviour. One shouldn't bemoan someone else for any reason, solely in order to feel better about themselves.

Also, it's a surefire way to get labelled with the 'arsehole' tag. I'm sure all those guys are talking amongst themselves trying to figure out why you have the attitude. We have a guy here that acts like that because he's from a small town. No one likes him.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
No offence dude. But if you busted on me like that, I'd *****slap you the minute you stepped outside of work at the end of the day. The problem with acting ****y and smart-arsed as an attempt at alphaness, is that you'd damn well better have the backbone to go along with the attitude. I've encountered alot of guys that act like this that don't.

It's like the AFC who threatened to 'kick me in the balls' the other week for merely talking to his woman (who is a friend of mine and my ex). He sat and did phuck all as I stood there telling him to 'go for it', and 'I'm right here man, do it.'
I don’t know what kind of guy friends you hang out with, but mine are rather harsh to each other when it comes to things like that. With my group of friends, you will hear it from everyone if you act like a metrosexual or some kind of fema-male. As for those guys at work, well they don't have the balls to say anything back. If they did I would respect them. It would prove to me that they at least have a sense of their manhood. The fact that would try to fight back shows that you at least have that sense - which is good.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ManOMan
It is a sad day to be a man, when somebody thinks being a man is defined by your COURAGEOUS and VIRILE behavior to have the BALLS to order and eat anything you want at a table.

Kevin Hate to say this, but you dont sound like you are too much of a man to me. A real man doesnt have his radar up 24/7 trying to have a pissing contest with other guys around you in regards to what it means to be a man. This is insecurity.

I know many guys that eat right and they will dominate you in all aspects of life: health, athletics, women, career, etc.

You are trying to demonstrate your manhood by showing women "you dont care"

and if you didnt care, this post wouldnt exist and you wouldnt be patting your manly self on the back for your actions.

REAL MEN have more important things to worry about. You are on a blatetently pathetic mission to prove to yourself and everyone that "you dont care what others think"


Yes you are right, a real man doesn't look for pissing contests. If you read my post correctly you would see that I just said what came natural to me. I wasn't trying to prove anything. In fact, the reason I made this post was to tell everyone what I had learned - "Women like guys who are not afraid to speak their mind". I had nothing to prove when I said that. It just came natural. I was telling the truth when I said that I was disgusted with their behavior. I think everyone who isn’t an AFC should be disgusted with that kind of behavior. If you didn’t like those comments then perhaps it is because you would act just like them. If you do behave that way then I feel sorry for you.

The main reason I speak out now more than ever ageist this sort of behavior is that men are being feminized by our society. As time goes on popular culture promotes the metro sexual more and more. If you care for your fellow man then perhaps you will care enough to rebuke that behavior. Men who listen to the "What women want" rhetoric will fall down the wrong path.

The big joke is that you say that if i was a real man my post would not exist, but you just posted on here. Does that not make you a hypocrite? According to your own works you are not a Real Man. I post on this board to provide wisdom that I have learned. If it is wrong then I appreciate the comments of others.