You fail to see the beauty of arranged marriages. My country is the oldest in Europe after the ancient civilisations and was formed right next to what was left of the old Roman empire, the Eastern Roman empire, Byzantium.
Yours is 200 years old you cant talk straight on these matters.
In the old days peeps were like, ok kids (the kids are 15 years old say), this is your woman, this is your man, love each other. But dont **** around or youll get slapped. This was the old European model. At least in the west.
Though around here it was abit different. There was the thing with stealing girls from their home. It was like that, if youre good enough to steal the girl from her father, youre good enough to be her man. So that in times of slavery, people who fought the power, real OG badboys got laid too

. There is much written in folk songs, poems and literature about these things. And there were many cultural influences and throughout history things changed.
But mostly, around the time the country was under Ottoman control (5 centuries), the people were really real, and people didnt forget they are a nation despite having no government, people didnt **** around from early age like nowadays, everything was more pure, there was love between young people, then some kind of agreement was struck between the families, and then, till death do us part. But for real. Not till something better comes up.
I've heard about these interesting Kurdish people, their practise is, if the girl is virgin, the man gives her father like 20 grand and takes her, then if she cheats even one time, he gives her back to her father and takes his money. See this is a good way to keep both in check.
You americans are too blinded by your "liberty", "democracy", "freedom", "equality" and things like these, when they really dont exist. As Vinnie Paz says "everybody is a slave, only some are aware".
As Washington I think put it, Ill paraphrase, if you try to balance between freedom and security you lose both. So you kinda did that didnt you, moreover your country fought a long war with the world banking system but then lost around the beggining of the 20th century - theres no escaping the good ole jew bankers, And your marriages are failing all over the place, and countries like ours, heavy influenced by you since the eastern block fell apart, are suffering too. So please dont judge traditions of 1000s of years. Couse here its much like that now - FREEDOM, yay, but at what cost? People became grade A w*ores - both male and female. This is why I will always be reserved to nations like USA and Russia - you are not wise, you dont have tact, you dont know you cant force your will on another human being, you americans do it more clever ofc - with cultural brainwash. But Ill always hold a grudge to the these 2 nations sorry.
I see many wrong things, for example the catolic church having seats inside it? Wtf is that ****? Look how our Orthodox church is: there are no seats, you go inside, light a candle, and while you watch it burn you think about stuff. Then at the moment you are no longer comfortable with standing on your feet, you leave. So there isnt a risk of sitting down listening to some crap and falling asleep or dissociating. But because of all the communist BS, people forgot God. Its sad.
There are so many good things about my country, people here are beutifull, the women are generally slim and there are all kinds of exteriors, people are highly intelligent and have many wanderful qualities, the equalisation of sexes through labour was one of the few things done right in the Eastern block, yet most like to believe they are dumb and like have bad manners on pourpose, the brainwash applied after 1989 was very heavy and very effective, money is always short, so people are becoming more and more pragmatic and frigid from that fact which I hate. The rich and powerful males are few and far between and the golddigers are more and more. So there is this thing golddiggers settle for so little, you cant really call them this way, the smartest grab a German guy or something, and spin his head around couse western European women look like **** mostly, so its easy
But just be open minded, I would love to live in your country to see how it is, but please, dont think like youre the best thing since sliced bread, more humble guys, its good.