I think we're forgetting to mention that most part of "our" generation, men between 18-45, comes from "dismantled" houses with divorced parents, narcissistic mothers and absent fathers. This story is way too common all around the world.
The consequence of that? You'll have a generation of spoiled brats, whiny men who are either extremely insecure and needy on a positive emotional response from females (the so called "betas"), or a guy who is completely disgusted by women and therefore lacks any wish or will do develop any kind of deeper emotional connection (the so called "players"). Both of them are problematic in their own way.
Players usually don't do well financially, but do relatively well with women (because, as mentioned before, they don't look for nor need their support and positive emotional responses, so they're better off than most men in this case, but the ugly truth is that deep inside their sense of "value" is strongly connected to the amount of women they can pull, therefore, making them dependent one way or another). Betas usually do well financially, but don't do well with women (for obvious reasons).
The ideal would be something in-between, that, right? A man who can do well financially as much as he can be a good catch for women. Why is it so rare? Well, I think it's clearly because of the lack of a strong male AND female figure in these men's childhood.
Sure, we can't be crying all our lives regarding the fact that papa didn't care and momma used you as emotional support. But it takes a considerable amount of time to overcome being in either of these "poles".
You'll see that in most men's development, as soon as he realises that he's not valuable and, therefore, he must be better, he'll start, for YEARS, to behave between either beta or player behaviour, eventually displaying some traces of a balanced, "healthy" male.
I think the ideal development, in the absence of a father figure, is to first realize a little bit who you are and what you want. Throw away the useless ideas of hitting the gym to get women, getting a good job to get more women, buying a brand new car to get women. First realize why you're not so valuable, and work on that for the sake of becoming more valuable.
As many of these dating coaches, especially the older ones, will say: "When you're in a good place in life, women will naturally feel attracted to you.". They can sniff your insecurities, you're faking behaviour.