Meeting a girl from OR maybe not

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Originally posted by BigFoot
The real attractive women don't need to resort to "internet dating". Ask some - they will hardly know what you are talking about. For the few that are hot (in their pictures anyway) they can get 50 emails or contacts a day so you have little chance of getting their attention - certainly alot less than if you knew them in person.
Basically the same thing holds true for
"attractive" guys. When my friend was seperated from his wife recently, and soon to be divorced, word got around and women were approaching HIM ! Internet dating would be (and is) of no interest to him.
I have to disagree with you. The real hot ones DO get hit on a lot more in person, yet they get hit on mostly by real idiots, so they have developed a very strong ***** shield. After a while, it does get very old and they'll try other methods that you might think is below them (why are you putting them on a pedestal just for being hot, anyway?). Online they are able to better screen who contacts them. Being *****y and turning down guy after guy is a lot more work than deleting emails will ever be.

Most hot women get approach in quantities, not quality, so online, at least in their mind, they are able to be more selective. Most women are not approached by their "Ideal" type of guy, so they search for it if they are online. Sure, there are lot more men on dating sites, but men in general are more desperate than women, even in person to person situations.

Another argument is the reality that women are the selectors even online. They are the ones with the standards, and make men jump through hoops online, as they do in person. Most men will still go out with most of the women. Then come and complain how the uglies, fatties, etc. actually have standards. Most KBJ's here still have trouble with avg to above avg girls in person, and when they try it online, they come back here even more frustrated complainin about how "it is not worth it", etc.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Immaculate
Hey Fancisco get this...I know for a FACT it's a 2 hour drive for her, and when I asked her how long it took she told me "25 minutes" WTF?

I'm still confused as to what to do... I like this girl, and want to persue and date her, but then when I find a girl w/o a kid, I'll have to dump the girl w/ a kid.. I don't like hurting people like that... dunno man...
She probably said 25 minutes because she knows its not the norm for a woman to drive to meet a guy whose name isn't Francisco. You know that she did, she knows that she did, don't make a big deal out of it.

You need to get your primary focus off of poon, it has you messed up in the head. Your personal morality is tormenting you because what you truly want and what you are being offered are different things yet you want the immediate payoff. You need that payoff because it is foremost in your mind as apposed to something that isn't related to women.

You talk about not wanting to date a single mother yet you put yourself through this turmoil. Dude, this is a waste of energy. Make a decision and stick with it. If it doesn't work, change your mind and do something else, whatever you do stop riding on the fence.

Here's something to consider, women "date" several men at once on a regular basis. They may be looking for a BBD (bigger better deal) or they just may be trying out the waters, unsure if any particular guy they are seeing is truly what they want. Which guy has the most of what they want... Now, who said that guys should not do the same thing? The only thing is that you need to know what you want.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by BigFoot
The real attractive women don't need to resort to "internet dating". Ask some - they will hardly know what you are talking about. For the few that are hot (in their pictures anyway) they can get 50 emails or contacts a day so you have little chance of getting their attention - certainly alot less than if you knew them in person.
Basically the same thing holds true for
"attractive" guys. When my friend was seperated from his wife recently, and soon to be divorced, word got around and women were approaching HIM ! Internet dating would be (and is) of no interest to him.
You must be talking about Montana because they are out there. And who cares if they get 50 emails a day? The majority of them are from AFCs! You'd know that, right?

But who am I to say, personally I don't see any problem with the competition online; you may have a experiences that prove otherwise.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
LOL I just got on match and this chic has hidden her profile for some reason..... what's up with that?? Plus she's a "new" member so I got to her before anyone else... so she meets me and hides her profile??

I think that's a good sign


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Immaculate
LOL I just got on match and this chic has hidden her profile for some reason..... what's up with that?? Plus she's a "new" member so I got to her before anyone else... so she meets me and hides her profile??

I think that's a good sign



Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
She probably said 25 minutes because she knows its not the norm for a woman to drive to meet a guy whose name isn't Francisco. You know that she did, she knows that she did, don't make a big deal out of it.

You need to get your primary focus off of poon, it has you messed up in the head. Your personal morality is tormenting you because what you truly want and what you are being offered are different things yet you want the immediate payoff. You need that payoff because it is foremost in your mind as apposed to something that isn't related to women.

You talk about not wanting to date a single mother yet you put yourself through this turmoil. Dude, this is a waste of energy. Make a decision and stick with it. If it doesn't work, change your mind and do something else, whatever you do stop riding on the fence.

Here's something to consider, women "date" several men at once on a regular basis. They may be looking for a BBD (bigger better deal) or they just may be trying out the waters, unsure if any particular guy they are seeing is truly what they want. Which guy has the most of what they want... Now, who said that guys should not do the same thing? The only thing is that you need to know what you want.
yo Francisco.. are you a writer or something? You have some profound posts... You should write a book man seriously. I'm starting to think you might be the DeAngelo guy. I got the DeAngelo Cd's... I haven't cracked em open yet. Are they really that good?

anyway this girl still has her profile hidden... I'm not trying to say it's because of me, but she hides her profile RIGHT after our date??? seems weird..maybe she just got 300 emails so she decided to hide it...

or maybe she wants me and only me bad lol

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Immaculate
yo Francisco.. are you a writer or something? You have some profound posts... You should write a book man seriously. I'm starting to think you might be the DeAngelo guy. I got the DeAngelo Cd's... I haven't cracked em open yet. Are they really that good?

anyway this girl still has her profile hidden... I'm not trying to say it's because of me, but she hides her profile RIGHT after our date??? seems weird..maybe she just got 300 emails so she decided to hide it...

or maybe she wants me and only me bad lol
Eh, there's enough books out there for now. Once I get my PhD in psychology however, THEN I'll consider it along with $200 hourly sessions. But for now I'm comfortable giving out snippets of info (and taking tons of notes from the stories posted in the forum).

Listen to David D's stuff, if it's anything like his very first DYD eBook, it will be majorly worth listening to. DYD is one of the keystones that I base my personal foundation. The other's if you are interested are Doc Love's System, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz.

Anyway, women online get their mailbox bombed at an unbelievable rate if she has an attractive picture in her profile. Here's the thing, you have connected with her already. Is this a good sign? Perhaps...

You seem to have a decent grasp on the Internet dating best practices so don't loose it by focusing on only one woman. Meet more women both online and off.

Believe it or not, the better you become online, the better your sarging offline become. Think of is as learning martial arts well while wearing a blindfold then being allowed to take it off. Look out world!