Razor Sharp said:There is a big difference between slinging feces and simply responding in kind.
My point is that right now any American can be arrested, tried and convicted without probable cause, a jury of his peers or any kind of warrant or trial. War has been declared on our liberties and essentially us as a whole. To make matters worse, everytime the sh*t hits the fan, be it economical or ecological, they ask us to bend over more so they can rail us even better than before.
Business as usual indeed!
I say f*ck that and f*ck them! We are 100% justified right now in taking the law back into our own hands and executing some semblance of justice.
Make no mistake - heads should be rolling over this. We are talking about millions of lives at stake, human and otherwise. We are talking about the future of our world at large, the collective destiny of all life on earth - but no one seems to care. At least not as much as they should.
We've seen some pretty natural responses online, and I know a lot of Americans are generally pissed off, but while there are not enough angry mobs out there demanding justice - things will just continue as they always have. People need to start getting pissed off and doing SOMETHING about the situation. By far my favorite protest group at the moment is http://www.seizebp.org/. They will never get what they are asking for but IMHO it is the least that should be done.
If I was king, BP would be liquidated, its assets used to restore all the damage and the people responsible would be publicly executed without a trial, warrant or judge's signature. If a serial killer can get the chair, so should the folks who murder and destroy at such a massive scale.
We like to think we've advanced so much in law and politics, but sometimes a good old-fashioned eye for an eye is the only way to establish balance.
Good job, Razor! You're really sticking it to the powers that be! Now, if you'd like to actually accomplish something you can bring your ass down here to Florida and clean up some beaches.