salsalero said:
I did tell my new gf that i still have feelings for my ex
Well believe it or not,you saying that to your girlfriend probably made her even
more interested in you because it presents a challenge to her.
This is the opposite of when a guy tells a girl "how he feels" about her.
When a guy tells a girl how he feels,99% of the time,she automatically loses interest because there's no challenge there.
She doesn't have to do anything to try to win you over because you just told her that she has you EMOTIONALLY,so it's game over.
So she'll seek out another guy to try to win his affection,like when a guy pursues a girl. He'll try and try and try until he
finally has sex with her.
Then once he sleeps with her,game over,it's on to the next girl,(unless he wants a relationship).
Logically,you'd think that the girlfriend would just dump him upon finding out that he has feelings for his ex,but she'll just probably try to do any and everything she can to make win his feelings for herself.
salsalero said:
So do you guys think she loves her bf if she can do this behind his back. She say she love him.
Maybe she does love him,but the deal is that people have NEEDS,and an unfulfilled need will override "morals" or "right and wrong".
A guy may love his girlfriend and the thought of cheating on her never even cross his mind,but let that girlfriend start withholding sex from him,which is a need as far as relationships go.
He may love her with all his heart,but if she starves him of sex and physical affection for too long,that need being unfulfilled will OVERPOWER his being faithful to her. Even ugly women will start to look good to him.
salsalero said:
Obviously I'm outgoing, fun and flashy and the childs dad just want to sit at home. So she knows if she hang out with me and my friends then she will have fun.
If what you're saying is true here,then this is what's known in the Sosuave community as "having her cake and eating it too".
The thing is this.....this girl has different needs (as all women do),and she's getting one need met by you,and another met by her boyfriend.
Women need to feel secure and have reliability,but they also want fun,excitement,and unpredicability.
You meet her need for excitement because you're fun,outgoing,and like to go out,but her boyfriend is reliable and more stable.
You said that her boyfriend is her child's father. So bascially she has a family with him,and him being at a slower pace,who's at home more instead of going out partying like you is a GOOD thing. No one wants to have a child and raise it with someone who's out partying and drinking at all hours of the night.
She may like having fun with you,but I doubt you're someone she'd want to raise her kid with.
Eventually,there's a good chance that going up against this other guy,you will LOSE.
She'll probably keep going back and forth between you for a while two to get both her security and excitement needs met,but if she decides to go for something more serious,the fact that she has a child with her bf will win out over having "fun",and she'll choose him.