I'm 41 and have been in 3 simultaneous LTRs (MLTRs) for the past few years. I'm getting bored with all of them. Plus, when I hit 40 my libido dropped substantially. One of my MLTRs recently dumped me because we were fighting all the time and I wasn't interested in having sex with her anymore. I thought about replacing her but really haven't had much interest.
I went out with a 36 year old a few days ago who was very full of herself. We bounced from one bar to a second. At the first one I paid and was waiting to see what she did at the second one. Well, she didn't offer to pay so I said, "Second one's on you." She got miffed but paid and then said, "I would think since you're an older gentleman and I'm younger that you would be paying." I said "You ain't that young."
She was pissed and called an Uber (we'd had a fair amount to drink). I walked her to her Uber, gave her a wave and said "Bye." She said "That's it?" I smiled and waved again and walked off.
Just a few years ago I would have tried to salvage the date somehow but these days.... I just don't care.
Last week I had another first date with a woman who was 42. She was very sweet and offered to pay for the second round of drinks (I always bounce my first dates from bar to bar). But she was beginning to get jowls. I'd never dated someone with jowls before and I just wasn't attracted to her.
I had picked her up at her place and when we got back she invited me in and made it clear she wanted to have sex. I said no thanks. She seemed disappointed. Texted me a few times the next day asking what went wrong. I avoided answering the question directly but she got the hint that I wasn't into her so she stopped
I see middle-aged men as sort of equivalent to 18 year old girls as far as an overall blase feeling toward the opposite gender. Neither has enough testosterone to be that interested in sex so they end up turning it down when things aren't perfect.
Plus, I've seen it and done it all (never married) so I don't need notches just for the sake of notches.
Now I can understand young girls' ambivalence and why they flake. They don't have that drive that young men (and older women) do due to testosterone.
TL;DR summary: When you get to be middle aged, your testosterone drops and that makes you care about scoring poon less, which makes you less willing to put up with dating BS. Also, it takes a very attractive woman to turn me on these days. The average and below-average girls who could still get me aroused up into my mid-30s just don't do it anymore.