A lot of you on this site know about my ex. I never realized she was such a BPD. I actually broke up with her 8 months into my relationship, we were long distance, and on the day we broke up she actually drove to my city (4 hours away) to try and save things. I told her that we couldn't get back together. Thereafterwards, she went on vacation to a foreign country for a while and instead of moving to the West coast (like she originally intended) she actually moved to my city so I will quote her words, "I would never forget about her." I begged and pleaded for her to move to her city because I knew it would never work out (there were lots of issues). She sent me over 200 cards the next few years and I got sucked backed in bigtime. I actually fell in love with her all over again. By the time I got around to telling her I would move to her city, she found another guy and spit me out like a piece of ****ing ****. I actually begged her to take me back. She wouldn't so I said screw it and listened to the advice on this site. But then she called me a few times to keep me as a backup. Anyway, I am free of her now but guys if a woman is BPD, get the **** OUT!!!!