Latinoman said:
Just re-read my other posts on this issue. Honestly...I did not even bother absorbing the above quote.
That's the problem right there. You are not absorbing what I'm saying.
Trust me...I have no problems going that route. But I rather not...because I am not here to brag about my education as quite is irrelevant when it comes to Manhood.
You started down that route first not me, so whatever.
I am forced to make it simplistic. If I could explained it at the Sesame Street level...I would too.
See this your problem just because someone disagrees with you and even tells you why they disagree with you, you assume they didn't understand your simple argument. They did, you just didn't understand their counter points maybe.
General consensus...meaning that NOT everybody's morals are the same.
A general consensus means that
most people hold that moral to be true, therefore it is believed that the few people who don't hold that moral to be true are the ones in error. Maybe they are and maybe they aren't, but people tend to go with the majority over the minority unless and until the minority can convincingly
justify their opposing belief and convince the majority.
You act like you are agreing with me here then you go right on to disagree with me. What I am saying here is what is moral is moral regardless if any one particular person believes it is moral. That person simply has an incorrect belief. Another example, every person in a population sample can believe a lie, but that doesn't make it to be true. Are you still exactly agreeing with me?
Actually...that was an example of me communicating in very simplistic ways in order to help you grasp a simple concept.
I am grasping your concepts even though they don't all add up. I'm not only grasping what you're saying, I'm disagreeing and I'm even trying to explain why I'm disagreeing and where I think you are wrong. So it's beyond ridiculous for you to keep saying I don't even grasp your concepts. You are the one quilty of not comprehending things. morals in this particular case did not match societal ethics (or what society view as immoral). And here is the difference between you guys and I... I do NOT try to justify my behavior by implying that it was not wrong. I knew it was wrong. And I knew society would lable me. But at the time, I could see myself in the mirror.
Dude what does it matter if you justify something or not? You are not making sense here. If you're morals didn't match societal ethics, then how can you say you knew you were wrong? Which is it? Either you knew your morals were wrong or you knew society's ethics were wrong. You said you know you were wrong because of societal ethics, then you said society didn't match your morals. Then you are saying society's ethics were wrong. It doesn't matter whether you justified it to anyone else or not, but you must've justified it to yourself. If you thought fvcking married women was morally wrong too, then of course you wouldn't want to justify it. What you are trying to say is if something is considered to be unethical by society and even if you have a moral belief that justifies doing it, you can't justify it.
Look I'm getting your argument, I'm just disagreeing with it.
Now...what makes this situation an unethical situation is that it is grounds for LEGAL divorce. This is not the same as sleeping with two women at the same time.
Dude lots of things could be grounds for a divorce. The real grounds for divorce is that the woman has already decided to break her commitment regardless if she finds Strr8up or whoever else to physically act that broken commitment out. You are now starting to argue contexts and degrees, inn other words justifications for your belief. Yet, you shun anyone else from justifying their beliefs.
What I said is that MY morals trump societal form of ethics as long as I am not committing criminal acts or engaging in professional unethical behavior.
Well it's not illegal to have sex with a married woman and it wasn't violating anyone's professional ethics of behavior.
So if a person's moral belief is that fvcking a married women isn't wrong and their moral beliefs should trump societal ones with the 2 conditions you gave, legality and professional ethics, then you just gave the green light to do it and have just totally contradictd your whole premise of not fvcking a marrid girl because of societal ethics.
All I am saying is that by societal standards it is either unethical or it is not.
The point is society's ethics can be in fact not so ethical and it can be a good thing to question/change the ethics. And now you previously said a person's morals should trump ethics. You are going around in circles.
Okay...let me simplify my statement. My morals are MINE. Your morals are YOURS.
OK but that doesn't mean they're both right. If they are not in agreement then one of us has to be wrong, otherwise morals have no value and are just preeferences. What needs to happen is a person should give their justification for their view of the moral in question. And see if they can come to some agreement and maybe even adopt the other person's view. Your view that fvcking a marrid woman is wrong just because they're married on paper isn't good enough to sway my belief. My morals on this matter are based on context and yours seems to be based on whether there's a claim of marriage on paper and what you belive society's ethics are.
You wrote "So preaching ethics IS preaching morals."...and my remark was to how that statement is NOT necessary true. have lawyer and also a you have man accused of child molestation. Of course, I am using ethics from the perspective of a professional group and not from the perspective of society in general.
1- Do you think is legal to deny a child rapist from legal representation?
2- Do you think a Lawyer has an ethical (professional in this case) responsibility to provide the best defense possible in this case?
3- Do you think a Lawyer assigned to defend a child rapist makes that lawyer one with similar morals?
Here are the answers:
1- No. It is illegal.
2- Yes.
3- No.
So...if a lawyer talks about how he has to do his best in this particular case...does that make him a man with similar moral standards of the rapist?
Your scenario is a little shaky but I see what you are getting at. You're saying a person's morals doesn't have to match society's ethics for him to follow them. No sh!t, I never said they did. My point is whether your personal ethics coincide with society ethics or not, it's the issue of whether you will or won't follow society ethics. the overall context of the situation and the degree to which you are violating societal ethics will be your guide. When you justify it, what you are showing is that the ethics in question aren't that storng/and or violating them isn't really considerd that ethical.
I see your point. But you don't see mine.
This is a common backwards misconception you have.
Here is the HUGE difference...just because 90 people out of 100 in a particular nation believe in one thing to the point that it becomes societal standards...does not mean that there is a huge difference between (a) what is societal standards of ethics and (b) what the other 10 remaining people has defined as morals. You see? Maybe societal standards of ethics is the SAME to the morals of 90% of those individuals or based on the morals of 90% of the people (I would argue that societal standards are actually based on what the most powerful in our society defines as standards more so than what the majority defines, but that's another topic). But...the fact that it is not the SAME to the morals of the other 10% makes the "there is not a huge difference" incorrect.
The point is the societal ethics were based upon a majority of people's moral belief. The fact that a few may disagree strongly doesn't change what the ethics were based upon in the first place, being the majority's moral belief
Just because you have 90 yellow bananas, 5 rotten bananas, 3 green bananas, and 2 baby bananas. And all 100 together are considered bananas...that does not mean there is a huge difference between the vast population of bananas and the rotten ones. A HUGE difference.
Again you are confusing a minority's opposition to societal ethics as meaning that ethics aren't based on morals. Just because not everyone has the same morals as an ethic is based on doesn't mean ethics and morals are way different things. It just means some people's morals are different from others. Why do you keep making the point that a person's morals and society's ethics don't always match? No one is bound to or is following every societal ethic anyway.
You don't need to keep repeating your point. I got your point from the get go:
Cheating with a married woman is considered unethical.
I will not cheat because it's unethical.
One cannot justify going against an ethic.
So if you do cheat with married woman, do not try to justify it.
I got your points, I'm just disagreeing with them as follows. I don't think most people really find cheating unethical or there wouldn't be so much of it. How unethical and the consequences of breaking an ethic are dependent on context. And I think you can justify go against an ethic.