Don't be. I know many "educated" women who are halfway retarded. They got book smarts but, the edu system, gov edu is hell bent catered to women. All that is masculine is demonized. HR is full of this Marxist doctrine and nonsense as is the education system. They flyer out diplomas and degrees these days. The ratio is 4:1 but, the same goes for online dating, for skiing down cawk mountain, trashing SMV, and then seeking house when her best days are over.
I never understood what it was about young girls and youth as a whole that seemingly is the key. I heard a Maps of Meaning - Peterson lecture whereby, he depicts you as, "untapped potentiality." This in here lies the answer. Top form SMV *sexual market value* is 18-23 typically. If a woman is not on top form, at best, she can hope for Netflix and chill. I am charging up my troll cannon when she tries to playhouse.
There are more red pilled women these days coming up and out but, they want trad, they want the ring, and mostly fake trad thots like Rooshv is calling out. Still, the Lauren Southerns maybe fake trad thots and not living that lifestyle but, they are a million times better then 99% of the sluts these days. I think the spectrum of autism and mental health has increased all the whole male sterility has as well due to GMOs, birth control in our water systems, abundance of micro estrogens in a variety of things from water bottles to foods.
Decades of emasculating men, promo for sloot gonna sloot, single mother victimhood and cucks raising the Chads babies. Classic.