This is one of those theories that's been running through my head lately. I doubt anyone will deny that competition anxiety is a powerful tool to stir a woman's emotions, but I don't think most guys realize just how powerful it is.
The side of competition anxiety that gets discussed the most is how it pertains to amping up women's attraction levels.
I have seen this play out firsthand, and it is indeed one of the best tools in a man's arsenal, but recently I have been witness to another side of competition anxiety that doesn't get quite as much attention- the side that keeps a woman in check.
I bring up the concept of "leverage" quite often on here. In any kind of adversarial relationship (business, romantic) when you have leverage, you have power. Lose your leverage, and the other party gains power. I firmly believe that in order to ensure the security of any long term relationship, you must always have leverage over the other party. In business this might mean being the best of the best, where, lets say, a business partner KNOWS that you bring a lot to the table and he could stand to lose substantially if the relationship is damaged. It could also be "dirt" that you have on someone. The net effect is the same- your hand is strong.
In romantic relationships it can also be the fact that your value is through the roof, that your chick would be stupid to do anything to jeopardize her standing with you.
That's kind of a given, but as with having "value" compared to having "dirt" on someone in a business relationship, in a romantic relationship there is an arguably more "down and dirty" way that leverage (via competition anxiety) can work to a man's advantage.
I hadn't paid much attention to this side of things until recently, but after discussing a certain matter with my business partner (whom I possess leverage over because I effen ROCK) I realized that I was watching it play out right in front of my face, or more accurately I was INVOLVED in the situation as an unwitting participant.
I told him that I had noticed a change in the behavior of a friend of ours' girlfriend.
It seems that lately, she is trying to use ME to make her b/f jealous.
This is something that isn't necessarily new- she has done this in the past, but recently she brought out the big guns and it seems as if she is deliberately trying to assert some leverage of her own.
I mentioned to my business partner that lately this girl seemed to be doing things to intentionally try to get a rise out of her b/f. I told him that I was at a party at their house the other day, and she asked me for a ride to the store to pick up some ice. I told her "no problem" and as we were leaving, my friend (the b/f) made a comment how this would be the first time she got to ride in my car (I have a unique vehicle). She replied "Oh no, this isn't the first time....I've ridden in it before". I don't even remember if she has or hasn't, but the way she said it made it a slightly awkward moment for me.
Anyway, the three of us are walking out to the driveway, and as I'm walking to my car with the g/f, my buddy makes a smart remark to her, but not loud enough that we could really hear it. She asks him what he said and he just smirked, so she says to him "Hey baby, you want me to suck your balls?", followed by "Right after I suck STR8UP.....".
Now I know it sounds "bad" for her to say something like that, but in reality we all joke around "in that way", so it wasn't so much what she said that was shocking, it was the fact that I could tell she was trying to get a rise out of him that made this situation different.
Later that day after I told my business partner about this, he came up to me and said "I know EXACTLY why she was acting that way."
I'm going to tell you what he thought was going on and how this all pertains to this post, but first the back story-
This friend of ours is "well off". He makes good money, he also has "family money" from a couple of inheritances, AND he's got GAME.
It's the deadly combo. He's the life of the party, and he THROWS parties at his big ass house that sits on a lake, with a pool and a wakeboarding boat docked out back on the lake. He is the epitome of "high value"
He has been with his g/f for a few years now, but somehow during the time he was dating her HE MANAGED TO MOVE HIS EX G/F INTO A SPARE BEDROOM.
Being a high value male, he pulled this off for a couple of years. Yes, he actually had a LTR with one chick while he lived with his ex, but recently the ex MOVED OUT.
That's a brief synopsis.
In case you haven't figured out where this is going, my business partner nailed it. The reason why the g/f is all of the sudden flaunting this in her b/f's face is because THE EX MOVED OUT.
He had leverage over the g/f with the competition anxiety that was created by having another woman (an EX at that!) living under the same roof.
And there we have it. Man has power. Man LOSES power. Woman sees opportunity and exploits it.
Basically, now that there is no immediate threat to her relationship living two doors down on the other side of the kitchen, she has more room to exercise HER leverage by initiating competition anxiety of her own!
It kind of sucks for me because I like them both, and I don't want anything to do with their little power game, but it is VERY interesting to watch it play out right in front of me.
She is actually helping me out with something tomorrow night and my buddy will be working so he won't be around, which kind of sucks cause it exacerbates the situation. I'm tempted to have a little talk with her, but it would probably make the situation even worse.
Anyway, the point of this thread is that competition anxiety can be useful in attracting a woman AND keeping them in check. I recommend EVERY man cultivate this before AND during a relationship. It's one of the most powerful tools you have as a man for getting what you want from women.
On a side note- if your chick tries to pull this on you (and most of them do, some more subtle than others), best thing to do is to let it roll off your back. There is no doubt in my mind that this particular chick is bluffing and even if I were to throw down on her she wouldn't be having any of it, but when it gets under his skin it lets her know she has the power to pull his strings.
Leverage fellas, leverage.
The side of competition anxiety that gets discussed the most is how it pertains to amping up women's attraction levels.
I have seen this play out firsthand, and it is indeed one of the best tools in a man's arsenal, but recently I have been witness to another side of competition anxiety that doesn't get quite as much attention- the side that keeps a woman in check.
I bring up the concept of "leverage" quite often on here. In any kind of adversarial relationship (business, romantic) when you have leverage, you have power. Lose your leverage, and the other party gains power. I firmly believe that in order to ensure the security of any long term relationship, you must always have leverage over the other party. In business this might mean being the best of the best, where, lets say, a business partner KNOWS that you bring a lot to the table and he could stand to lose substantially if the relationship is damaged. It could also be "dirt" that you have on someone. The net effect is the same- your hand is strong.
In romantic relationships it can also be the fact that your value is through the roof, that your chick would be stupid to do anything to jeopardize her standing with you.
That's kind of a given, but as with having "value" compared to having "dirt" on someone in a business relationship, in a romantic relationship there is an arguably more "down and dirty" way that leverage (via competition anxiety) can work to a man's advantage.
I hadn't paid much attention to this side of things until recently, but after discussing a certain matter with my business partner (whom I possess leverage over because I effen ROCK) I realized that I was watching it play out right in front of my face, or more accurately I was INVOLVED in the situation as an unwitting participant.
I told him that I had noticed a change in the behavior of a friend of ours' girlfriend.
It seems that lately, she is trying to use ME to make her b/f jealous.
This is something that isn't necessarily new- she has done this in the past, but recently she brought out the big guns and it seems as if she is deliberately trying to assert some leverage of her own.
I mentioned to my business partner that lately this girl seemed to be doing things to intentionally try to get a rise out of her b/f. I told him that I was at a party at their house the other day, and she asked me for a ride to the store to pick up some ice. I told her "no problem" and as we were leaving, my friend (the b/f) made a comment how this would be the first time she got to ride in my car (I have a unique vehicle). She replied "Oh no, this isn't the first time....I've ridden in it before". I don't even remember if she has or hasn't, but the way she said it made it a slightly awkward moment for me.
Anyway, the three of us are walking out to the driveway, and as I'm walking to my car with the g/f, my buddy makes a smart remark to her, but not loud enough that we could really hear it. She asks him what he said and he just smirked, so she says to him "Hey baby, you want me to suck your balls?", followed by "Right after I suck STR8UP.....".
Now I know it sounds "bad" for her to say something like that, but in reality we all joke around "in that way", so it wasn't so much what she said that was shocking, it was the fact that I could tell she was trying to get a rise out of him that made this situation different.
Later that day after I told my business partner about this, he came up to me and said "I know EXACTLY why she was acting that way."
I'm going to tell you what he thought was going on and how this all pertains to this post, but first the back story-
This friend of ours is "well off". He makes good money, he also has "family money" from a couple of inheritances, AND he's got GAME.
It's the deadly combo. He's the life of the party, and he THROWS parties at his big ass house that sits on a lake, with a pool and a wakeboarding boat docked out back on the lake. He is the epitome of "high value"
He has been with his g/f for a few years now, but somehow during the time he was dating her HE MANAGED TO MOVE HIS EX G/F INTO A SPARE BEDROOM.
Being a high value male, he pulled this off for a couple of years. Yes, he actually had a LTR with one chick while he lived with his ex, but recently the ex MOVED OUT.
That's a brief synopsis.
In case you haven't figured out where this is going, my business partner nailed it. The reason why the g/f is all of the sudden flaunting this in her b/f's face is because THE EX MOVED OUT.
He had leverage over the g/f with the competition anxiety that was created by having another woman (an EX at that!) living under the same roof.
And there we have it. Man has power. Man LOSES power. Woman sees opportunity and exploits it.
Basically, now that there is no immediate threat to her relationship living two doors down on the other side of the kitchen, she has more room to exercise HER leverage by initiating competition anxiety of her own!
It kind of sucks for me because I like them both, and I don't want anything to do with their little power game, but it is VERY interesting to watch it play out right in front of me.
She is actually helping me out with something tomorrow night and my buddy will be working so he won't be around, which kind of sucks cause it exacerbates the situation. I'm tempted to have a little talk with her, but it would probably make the situation even worse.
Anyway, the point of this thread is that competition anxiety can be useful in attracting a woman AND keeping them in check. I recommend EVERY man cultivate this before AND during a relationship. It's one of the most powerful tools you have as a man for getting what you want from women.
On a side note- if your chick tries to pull this on you (and most of them do, some more subtle than others), best thing to do is to let it roll off your back. There is no doubt in my mind that this particular chick is bluffing and even if I were to throw down on her she wouldn't be having any of it, but when it gets under his skin it lets her know she has the power to pull his strings.
Leverage fellas, leverage.