First off congrats on deciding to make a change, that's a huge step right there and your positive attitude will take you as far as you want to go in life.
With that said as others have already pointed out, your diet is just not going to make you grow. I'm surprised others haven't mentioned this, but getting your 1st meal in at 11am is not good! Your body's metabolic rate is generally the fastest first thing in the morning, your body has already been fasting while you sleep and needs fuel, specifically protein.
Secondly, you need to be eating at least 5x, preferably 6 small, high protein meals a day to make a significant change with your body. No offense, but you have quiet a bit of body fat, especially around your mid-section. Your primary goal should be to lose fat, then phase 2 of your transformation should be all about building muscle.
With that said, you should be focusing on intense cardio 3-4x a week to burn fat and work out with weights 3x a week. Right now as others have pointed out, your over-training by going 6x a week and your also not letting your body recover by going 6 consecutive days in a row.
Fat Burning Essentials:
a) 1-1.5g of protein/lb of body weight; NO EXCEPTIONS! If you want to burn fat, you need to reduce your calories and make sure the calories you are getting are predominately from high quality protein.
With all due respect to your religious beliefs, if you cannot eat protein every day and are vegetarian on those certain days, you will have a nearly IMPOSSIBLE time seeing any progress. Your virtually starving your body of the main fuel source on those veggie days and then replacing them with refined carbs, this is leading to your excess body fat.
b) Intense Cardio for 20-30 minutes 3-4x a week; this is what will make you burn fat by elevating your metabolism and poundiing protein after you finish.
c) Essential Fats Key To Energy: When you go low carb you need brain food; that's where essential fats (Omegas 3, 6 and to a lesser degree 9) come into play. Fish, Flaxseed, Nuts are all great sources of these essential fats.
Here are some great websites you can reference to get you started:
The final thing you should now about your diet is you need to have a nutrient break-down ratio. Meaning, the amount of protein, carbs and fat you eat, should be spread evenly over the 5-6 meals you eat. Most people who are looking to burn fat use something along the lines of a 45/25/30 ratio. Meaning 45% of your daily calorie intake comes from protein, 25% from carbs and 30% from healthy fats for the most part.
Your body is also a quick learner, so if you eat say 2,000 calories a day to start, you should drop the amount of calories your intaking every other week to keep seeing progress, similar to muscle confusion when you work out with weights.
Set yourself up with a schedule:
Week 1: 2,000 calories
Week 3: 1,900 calories
Week 5: 1,800 calories
This way you can judge your progress and know if you have to reduce your overall caloric intake or keep it the same based off your weight loss. And the math on this is really easy:
For example: If you weight 200 lbs and your eating 2,000 calories a day with a breakdown of 45/25/30. Simply multiply .45 x 2,000 = 900. That tells you 900 or 45% of your daily calories on a 2,000 calorie diet should come from protein. To figure out exactly how many grams that is, divide by 4 = 225 grams. Which falls just above the min requirement of protein (1 g /lb of bodyweight)
You should also get some measuring tape and take all your main measurements: waist, biceps, chest, calves etc. Then every month re-measure at the same exact time of the day to put hard numbers to your progress. I say this because a lot of times people lose weight by simply eating less, but they come to find they've actually gained or maintained weight in the wrong areas (waist, legs) and lost muscle; effectively becoming smaller, but not looking healthy.
You have made slight progress, but generally when you first start working out is when you should see the GREATEST gains, because your body is not use to the exercises. As others have said, your doing too many isolation movements and your over-training. You should do something like this:
Mon: Chest & Biceps
Flat Presses: 3 sets of 10 reps
Incline Press: same as above
Decline Press: same as above
EZ Curls: 3x10
Seated alternate curls :3x10
Preacher Curls: 3x10
Note: (If you don't know what these exercises are, Google them)
Tuesday: Cardio 20-30 minutes. No weights; You should be sweating like you came in from the rain when your done if you do this right
Wed: Back & Triceps
Lat Pull downs: 3x12-15
Seated Rows: 3x12-15
Pull ups: 3x12-15
Closed Grip Bench: 3x12-15
Dips: 3x12-15
Pull-downs: 3x12-15
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Legs and Shoulders:
Squats: 3x12-15
Leg Curls: 3x12-15
Lunges: 3x12-15
Shoulder Press: 3x12-15
Flyes: 3x12-15
Front Raises: 3x12-15
Sat: OFF
Sun: Cardio
As many have said, if your serious about this it takes dedication, sacrifice, commitment and desire to reach your goals. If you follow the program above, I guarantee you will lose A LOT of weight and look your best.