( . )( . ) said:
How bout:
* pushed for women in combat roles
* faggots in scouts
* endorsed same sex marriage
* wants to see football less violent
* despises traditional masculinity
* administered more incentives and loans for single mothers
* appointed a manjaw to lead the secret service
* pushed for loans to people with bad credit
* an effete socialist
* sh!ts on the constitution
* completely unenthusiastic and disrespectful toward his countries service men and to a lesser extent national anthem. I'm surprised he even stands up
* more concerned with posturing as a hepcat "niqqa rockstar" and dancing with lezzo's than running a country
But we can pretend it's cause he's half a brother, no skin off my d!ck..............you unobservant, painfully simple fvcknuckle
Your previous comment on this thread was stupid enough that it didn't deserve a response. This comment, however, is so retarded and ignorant that it NEEDS a response.
Do you really hate Obama for being in support of gay marriage and gays in scouts? Honestly I think that scouts, as a private organization, should have the right to deny participation to anyone for any reason, but that doesn't mean they SHOULD disallow gays. Furthermore, do you really think that gay people don't deserve the right to get married? The fact that you feel slightly uncomfortable with the idea of two men or two women being married means they shouldn't be allowed that right? I mean it's one thing to be against gay marriage for religious reasons (which is NOT the reason you are against it and don't even try to say that it is) but it's another to be against it because you're a retarded southern inbred piece of sh1t whose experiences posted on this website probably mostly involve fvcking his own sister.
Obama NEVER SAID he wanted to see football less violent. He said that if he had a son, he would have to think before letting the kid play football due to the fact that it is a violent sport. This is completely reasonable. Obama is actually a football fan. I found this out with like 1 minute of research. You should use your tiny little brain to try to do the same, idiot.
Your comment about him despising traditional masculinity is stupid and based on nothing, which makes YOU stupid.
Do you really think single mothers get too much support from the government? I shouldn't even have to explain this one, but you're displaying your stupidity and inferiority as a human here once again.
Why do you give a fvck who leads his secret service?
What you are referring to with the loans is that Obama pushed to make home loans easier to get for people with bad credit. HOME LOANS. For people get HAVE HOMES instead of being homeless on the street. This is a good thing you fvcking retard. How the fvck are you this stupid? I seriously don't understand.
The rest of your points are stupid and based on nothing and I fear that if I go through them and actually try to explain to you why, I might actually become less intelligent.
If you honesty believe these things you need to get off sosuave and just keep fvcking all of your farm animals and hating on people you moronic hick. It's one thing to dislike Obama - and there are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike him - but you have given the worst possible reasons anyone could give. You are a stupid person and I really, sincerely hope you don't have children.