PlayHer Man said:
Don't be ridiculous. The fact that he is married alone increases the likelihood he is beta by 90%. Few men marry women for non-emotional reasons.. thus suggesting he is emotionally ruled by a woman (or was at one point).
Then you add his pro-women, pro-faggot politics and the answer is clear as day = Beta fag.
Like I said.. its not that complex. And this is why people here think you're a woman. Your long-winded, over-analysis of simple and obvious concepts suggests you bleed every month. :yes:
Marriage does not make you less alpha. I just did like 2 minutes of research and found that the technical definition of an "alpha" organism is the one with the highest rank within a certain society. So technically, regardless of how Obama behaves around women, he is the most Alpha person in the country because he literally is the highest ranking member of society. This has nothing to do with marriage.
I don't really understand why you and other people here look down upon marriage so much. Honestly, it's beneficial. In fact, any person who doesn't get married is "inferior" in the sense that they are drastically lowering their chances of successful survival and reproduction. I definitely plan on getting married and having children and that does not make me beta - if anything, it makes me superior to people who don't want this (people who will be removed from the gene pool).
His politics don't make him a "beta fag"... you just disagree with them.
And as far as it being "not that complex"... I'm not over-complicating anything. You and many other people on this forum oversimplify things and overgeneralize concepts (particularly alpha/beta). Things in life are rarely as simple as they seem. I hope that eventually you understand that.
And lastly this view that my short and simple logical arguments (which you referred to as "long-winded, over-analysis of simple and obvious concepts") are womanly is just silly. You guys seem like you are saying that only women write the way I am writing (intelligently, coherently, and logically). Honestly what you are really saying is that you think women are superior writers to men and you don't even recognize it - you just dismiss intelligent arguments as over-analysis.