Man I got sucked in by a serious Attention *****


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
los angeles
Well its over now but damn what a ride it was. This girl was absolutely insane. She would get upset at the littlest things and turn them into huge issues. We literally broke up 5 times within 10 months!!!! only to make up with her calling back everytime at 3 in the morning. I am good looking, dont have trouble getting women but for some reason I took her back everytime. Be careful guys, these attention *****s are dangerous, they can suck anyone in. They are usually great in bed and when they arent being a selfish brat, they can be really cool believe it or not.

This was by far the most intense and painful relationship I have been in. Thing is at times we would be really really close but at a moments instance, she would turn on me. She told me she loved me so many times yet as soon as something didnt go her way, in her words..."uh this is not working anymore, I am not happy". Haha yeah right, you were happy 5 minutes ago you wacko!

Has anyone experienced something like this? This is my first experience with a attention ***** this bad, i feel like I have been through 30 relationships after getting out of this one lol. Learned a lot, thats for sure.

Its been 3 weeks and I must admit I am still getting over it. I know she is already doing someone else, that really pisses me off.

I was thinking about calling her up and telling her that she is a piece of crap and will be miserable her whole life but figured its better to not burn your bridges and go out on good terms ad "friends."


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Be a man and dont call an aw ****.

Reading your post mate was like deja vu.Ive been exactly were you have been only 5 months ago.I was with the manipulative twisted cow for 2 years before i got sense.Only wish i found this site a long time ago,but ive learned a lot about an AW.These attention *****s are what they are.They need attention.So wipe her out of your life totally and dont bother calling or answering this ****ed up ****.Trust me,this ***** is still callin me at least twice a day 2 since january askin me 2 to see her or talk to her.That is the attention *****s weakness,"they need 2 be liked and wanted".Walk away and show some bollox.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
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The hardest decision in life, is figuring out which bridges to burn and which to cross.

If you have any sort of feelings for this girl, and you remain friends with her i hope you have a lot of will power.
It will hurt a lot, and i hope you're prepared to deal with that.

I like to burn bridges, because it make it easier to go on to the next one when you're not looking back.
You don't necessarily have to say mean sh*t thought.
If you truly believe something, you don't have to say it because you believe it.

Whatever you decide to do... Good Luck.


May 25, 2005
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You have seen the truth, now join my young apprentice to the dark side...

Jedis lie, Sith is the truth.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
los angeles
Nice to hear I am not the only one.

What is it about these attention girls that suck you in??? I guess thinking about it, they are sort of a ****ed up version of a DJ.

I have a strong feeling that once she pisses the new guy off and he goes, she will come crying back to me.

Aw-Insider, I am curious what kind of specific crap did she pull with you? I am wondering on a scale of 1-10, how much of a wacko was my ex compared to others....

As for burning your bridges, I see what you are saying and I was seriously considering that. I chose to end it on a good note, will see if it turns out to haunt me though.

What happens to these attention craving women? My guess is they live out a miserable life and never find what they are looking for. The only guy who will give them what they want will be a loser with no life and no mind of his own, and this type of person even she wont want lol.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score

too selfish and self centered to be a friend.

This chick is spiritually ****ed up. She's toxic.

Don't give two ****s of her feelings. How else is
she going to learn that there are consequences for her



Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
los angeles
Re: yes..

Originally posted by gmm567
too selfish and self centered to be a friend.

This chick is spiritually ****ed up. She's toxic.

Don't give two ****s of her feelings. How else is
she going to learn that there are consequences for her

I dont think these girls will even learn that they are infact the problem. They have it embedded in their brain that they are never wrong. Its impossible to convince them otherwize no matter what. I tried so many times. Its like they just block everything out except what they want to believe.

The girl in my case was 30, I am 24. If she is 30 and still never figured it out, then she will never....looking back, its no wonder she is 30 closing in on 31 and never came close to a serious relationship except for a sugardaddy. She will end up just like her mother, 50 and miserable.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Listen 2 me mate.I wont bull**** u.

U cannot change an attention *****.They are so full of self hatred and insecurities bud,its a losing battle 2 even try.
What sort of crazy **** did she pull on me???
Every single 1 u can think of assius.
Bet u she gave u a story about how bad the other guys in her past treated her?
Bet u she talked about and praised other guys that she called "he is just a good friend" to your face a lot?
Bet the sex was great at the start and the dirty lil cow would do anything u wanted?Anal,swallow ur load,etc...
This is because of her insecurity that she will feel obliged to make u happy in case u walk out on her for some1 else but she will walk out and lose interest as soon as she gets attention from another guy.
Check this site for the post about HPD. "HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER".
It will all make sense mate.Promise.
Dont contact that **** whatsoever or u will be just doin what she thinks u will do.
P.S this is usually a bad sign when a girl says her dad walked out on her when she was young.Read the HPD POST.


New Member
May 27, 2005
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I'm a younger guy, but I've also had an ecounter with an attention *****. We fought alot, she was all over the place, blah blah blah. I finally burned my bridges with her by calling her up and basically making her hate me (I was pretty drunk, so it was pretty bad). I realized that with her, and probably most other AWs, that I get nothing from keeping her in my life except whining and *****ing and hearing how she misses me.

Now, I think that you can at least bring something positive out of this. Think about how these girls act, how they turn your words around, etc. etc. Why not remember this and use some of the things yourself! Maybe not to the same extremes, but we know that girls get addicted to that 'emotional roller coaster', and you can use it to your advantage. You can also use some material for a laugh with a girl (put on the 'I'm a snobby *****' role). :)


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by FiveOneNine
how they turn your words around,
....ohh I've been through that one. Every little comment is turned around to apparently be "insulting her". Then the ***** and moan and cry and then ask how you're gonna make it up to them and so on. And you're standing there like "....umm, huh? I only said hello, calm down"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
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Check this site for the post about HPD. "HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER".
It will all make sense mate.Promise.
Dont contact that **** whatsoever or u will be just doin what she thinks u will do.
P.S this is usually a bad sign when a girl says her dad walked out on her when she was young.Read the HPD POST.

OMG... that's the chick that brought me to this place right there.
I mean i can usually handle a girl, but that chick just fu*ked me over with her "niceness".
She would go to incredible lengths to be nice to people... to the point where it drove me nuts.

In the end i felt like like all her feelings were fake.

They're so fake that they convince you they're the perfect and sweetest girl you've ever met but deep down inside they're very very sick.
She also didn't have a daddy [drug addict that died], and her mom was a hot-head always telling her that i should be a better BF... I guess thats how i got her.
Not paying any attention to her and blowing her off.
Just like daddy...

Eventually she made me feel like i was a bad person and that i should take care of her....UGH!!!!

Normally i would say "H0 you got a job pay for yourself", but she was so fu*ked up it got to me and i turned into Capt. Save-a-Ho.

Hehe i got back at her though... told her to take her friendship and stick it up her a*s.
It's the only thing that seemed to have an effect on her.

you wanna know what haps to AW? Just look at that girl in the caribean... They're niceness usually ends up fu*king them over when they meet some psycho. And boy do they attract a lot of fu*ked up people.
I had to save this girl from getting raped once... by her "friend" :rolleyes:

I wish i hadn't listened to my morals and just left. I think my signature explains it all...
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Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
los angeles
Re: Listen 2 me mate.I wont bull**** u.

Originally posted by aw-insider
U cannot change an attention *****.They are so full of self hatred and insecurities bud,its a losing battle 2 even try.
What sort of crazy **** did she pull on me???
Every single 1 u can think of assius.
Bet u she gave u a story about how bad the other guys in her past treated her?
Bet u she talked about and praised other guys that she called "he is just a good friend" to your face a lot?
Bet the sex was great at the start and the dirty lil cow would do anything u wanted?Anal,swallow ur load,etc...
This is because of her insecurity that she will feel obliged to make u happy in case u walk out on her for some1 else but she will walk out and lose interest as soon as she gets attention from another guy.
Check this site for the post about HPD. "HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER".
It will all make sense mate.Promise.
Dont contact that **** whatsoever or u will be just doin what she thinks u will do.
P.S this is usually a bad sign when a girl says her dad walked out on her when she was young.Read the HPD POST.
Yup man, same with my girl. She was a freak in bed...also she kept in touch with exes who would call her. I dont think she ****ed them when with me but who really knows? Anything is possible with these wackos.

Is it accurate to say that attention hos are easy and more likely to cheat?


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
los angeles
Originally posted by penguin
....ohh I've been through that one. Every little comment is turned around to apparently be "insulting her". Then the ***** and moan and cry and then ask how you're gonna make it up to them and so on. And you're standing there like "....umm, huh? I only said hello, calm down"
That kind of crap is really common with attention hos. They often cant take a joke or take things very literally. I remember numerous moments on the phone where she would take something totally personally or offensively when there was absolutely nothing meant by it. They are really insecure!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
They often cant take a joke or take things very literally.
Yup man, same with my girl. She was a freak in bed...also she kept in touch with exes who would call her.

This is scary... it's like our EXs are the same freaking person.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
western canada
i had a girl like this, if that ever happened again at least you realize it and get out to save your ass some time


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
los angeles
Ok, update on the nutcase attention ho...

So the other night she text messages me...I text back and she all of the sudden calls, keep in mind its like midnight. She asks if I want to come over and visit her dog which I hadent seen in a while. So I go over, we just chat and are sort of playful, anyways, we end up making out in her bed and I stay the night. Didnt screw or anything and I certainly didnt act like I want her ass back. Next day she calls again and we grab lunch. At lunch, she starts rubbing my legs and crotch with her feet.....but get this, after the meal, she expects me to pay for it like we are still a couple. I tell her that we are going half/half. She hesitated and agreed in the end. We had a nice time, laughed, just chilled and got back to her place. So being the horny bastard I am, I try to make a move, not looking to get back together but just sex...she plays it off like I am acting crazy despite the fact that she was practically ****ing me at the table!! So I leave and havent heard back since. I know she is still ****ing this other guy. Anyways, what the hell are these games she is playing? I dont want her ass back as a girlfriend, but hey the sex is good, a booty call thing would be nice.

What you guys think? How should I go about this?

Another thing the first thing I noticed when I walked into her place is some new things lol. A new playstation with half a dozen games, a brand new laptop computer!! Keep in mind this girl is broke, apparrently this loser she is with is totally trying to buy her. I just thought that was pretty funny and sick lol.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by assius
Ok, update on the nutcase attention ho...

So the other night she text messages me...I text back and she all of the sudden calls, keep in mind its like midnight. She asks if I want to come over and visit her dog which I hadent seen in a while. So I go over, we just chat and are sort of playful, anyways, we end up making out in her bed and I stay the night. Didnt screw or anything and I certainly didnt act like I want her ass back. Next day she calls again and we grab lunch. At lunch, she starts rubbing my legs and crotch with her feet.....but get this, after the meal, she expects me to pay for it like we are still a couple. I tell her that we are going half/half. She hesitated and agreed in the end. We had a nice time, laughed, just chilled and got back to her place. So being the horny bastard I am, I try to make a move, not looking to get back together but just sex...she plays it off like I am acting crazy despite the fact that she was practically ****ing me at the table!! So I leave and havent heard back since. I know she is still ****ing this other guy. Anyways, what the hell are these games she is playing? I dont want her ass back as a girlfriend, but hey the sex is good, a booty call thing would be nice.

What you guys think? How should I go about this?

Another thing the first thing I noticed when I walked into her place is some new things lol. A new playstation with half a dozen games, a brand new laptop computer!! Keep in mind this girl is broke, apparrently this loser she is with is totally trying to buy her. I just thought that was pretty funny and sick lol.
Ummm......why are you still staying in contact with this psycho? She's emotionally unstable!!! You are a mere "object" to her in her little world. They all cheat, they are afraid of abandonment. That's why they constantly tell you they love you to seek re-assurance that you feel the same way. I know how seductive and sexy they are, but you need to delete her number and move on bro!!! What do you expect from this? She's a fukin' 30 year old with histrionic or borderline personality disorder. Go look that shiat up on the 'net, its serious shiat.

She's got you on an emotional rollercoaster that will constantly make you spin outta your skin as long as you allow her to control you. She was rubbing your legs under the table to keep you interested, and she denies sex to you now because she knows your her puppy dog. And yes, she definitely is working on a new prospect and as soon as he commits to her, she'll leave you in the dust and you'll be an emotional mess.

This shiat has nothing to do with being AFC or a PUA, its serious mental wackiness!!! You need to get out and cut off contact, if you don't your digging your own grave. Its going to eat you up every time you see her or find out she's with someone else.

And do answer your question: You CANNOT keep ANY GIRL as a fuvk buddy when you have emotional feelings for her, ESPECIALLY with a PSYCHO!!!! :woo:

I know you won't listen because you feel obligated to answer the phone when she calls, but trust me she will RUIN YOUR LIFE!!!



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Assius: Read this and then think about whether its a good idea to keep your little girl as a fuvk toy.

Personality disorders affect about 10% of the general population. This group of mental disorders is defined by maladaptive personality characteristics that have a consistent and serious effect on work and interpersonal relationships. DSM-IV defines ten categories of personality disorder. Of these, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is the most frequent in clinical practice. BPD is also one of the most difficult and troubling problems in all of psychiatry.

The term "borderline" is a misnomer. These patients were first described sixty years ago by psychoanalysts who noted they did poorly in treatment, and therefore theorized that this is a form of pathology lying on the border between psychosis and neurosis.

Although we no longer believe that patients with BPD have an underlying psychosis, the name "borderline" has stuck. A much more descriptive label would be "emotionally unstable: personality disorder." The central feature of BPD is instability, affecting patients in many sectors of their lives.

Thus, borderline patients show a wide range of impulsive behaviors, particularly those that are self destructive. They are highly unstable emotionally, and develop wide mood swings in response to stressful events. Finally, BPD may be complicated by brief psychotic episodes.

Most often, borderline patients present to psychiatrists with repetitive suicidal attempts. We often see these patients in the emergency room, coming in with an overdose or a slashed wrist following a disappointment or a quarrel.

Interpersonal relationships in BPD are particularly unstable. Typically, borderline patients have serious problems with boundaries. They become quickly involved with people, and quickly disappointed with them. They make great demands on other people, and easily become frightened of being abandoned by them. Their emotional life is a kind of rollercoaster.

What Causes BPD?

We are only beginning to understand the causes of BPD. As in most mental disorders, no single factor explains its development. Rather, multiple risk factors, which can be biological, psychological, or social, play a role in its etiology.

The biological factors in BPD probably consist of inborn temperamental abnormalities. Impulsivity and emotional instability are unusually intense in these patients, and these traits are known to be heritable. Similar characteristics can also be found in the close relatives of patients with BPD. Research suggests that the impulsivity that characterizes borderline personality might be associated with decreased serotonin activity in the brain.

The psychological factors in this illness vary a great deal. Some borderline patients describe highly traumatic experiences in their childhood, such as physical or sexual abuse. Others describe severe emotional neglect. Many borderline patients have parents with impulsive or depressive personality traits. However, some patients report a fairly normal childhood. Most likely, any of these scenarios is possible. Borderline pathology can arise from many different pathways.

The social factors in BPD reflect many of the problems of modern society. We live in a fragmented world, in which extended families and communities no longer provide the support they once did. In contemporary urban society, children have more difficulty meeting their needs for attachment and identity. Those who are vulnerable to BPD may have a particularly strong need for an environment providing consistent expectations and emotional security.

Most likely, BPD develops when all these risk factors are present. Children who are at risk by virtue of their temperament can still grow up perfectly normally if provided with a supportive environment. However, when the family and community cannot meet the special needs of children at risk, they may develop serious impulsivity and emotional instability.

The Course of BPD

Borderline personality disorder is an illness of young people, and usually begins in adolescence or youth. About 80% of patients are women. BPD is usually chronic, and severe problems often continue to be present for many years. About one out of ten patients eventually succeed in committing suicide. However, in the 90% who do not kill themselves, borderline pathology tends to "burn out" in middle age, and most patients function significantly better by the ages of thirty-five to forty. The mechanism for this improvement is unknown. However, other disorders associated with impulsivity, such as antisocial personality and substance abuse, also tend to burn out around the same age.

The level of long term improvement in borderline patients varies a great deal. A minority will develop a successful career, marry happily, and recover completely. A minority will continue to be highly symptomatic into middle age. In the majority of cases, both impulsivity and emotional instability decline over time, and the patient is eventually able to function at a reasonable level.

BPD can be very burdensome for the patient's family. It is particularly difficult to deal with suicidal threats and attempts. Parents often wonder if they are at fault for the patient's condition and patients sometimes blame their parents, and some therapists will agree with them. However, the scientific evidence does not justify the conclusion that the family carries the primary responsibility for the development of borderline personality disorder.

PIMP :down: