I want to start off by thanking each and everyone of you who have taken time out of your busy schedules to offer your insights and suggestions.
This situation has been a difficult one for me, and I want you to know that your feedback is giving me some clairty and perception of my situation.
Atom Smasher:
Best of luck on trying to to enhance the new communication style that you mentioned. I agree, that remaining calm and in control is ideal for any and all situations. However I don't believe its practical for 100% perfection everytime. I have gotten better in terms of holding myself back when I agrue with my g/f but even a raised voice disagreement once a month is too much for her. For her, she has communicated to me that she can't handle more then 1/2 'raised voice' arguements a year. And absolutely no shouting.
I am thinking that for me to get to a level where i can hone my 'unaffected communication style' will take quite some time (i have to retrain 30years of behaviour). Unfortunately, I don't have the confidence in her patience to wait for me to get there. She expects to see me reach that level within the next few months.
Let me know how you are progressing would be interested to see.
Despite our differences, I have strong feelings for this woman as i thought we were going to move to the next level. She is a good person at heart and has made me happy in many other ways. I would not want to intentially hurt her, or cause her pain. If our relationship ends, I wouldn't have one final screaming match and blame her for everything. Ironically, i would take the high road.
Rollo, Die Hard & Tazman:
I agree I felt insulted that she gave me a list, but after i got over anger and thought that it was a blessing that i saw this side of her now, and not after we had gotten married. At the same time, if shes unhappy, she is letting me know what is it about me that is causing her to be unhappy. Now I have a line of sight to see what, if anything can be done to salvage things.
Over the years I have been able to gather some tidbits of information that may have helped shapped her psychi:
1. Her parents divorced at age 10. She has emotional scars from this. She has stated when she was young she would hear her parents fighting then she saw the divorce and the pain each parents went through. This tramatized her and she tied a connection to raising ones voice to arguements=fighting=divorce=ultimate pain
2. Her male figure in her life (father) spoiled her with attention from a divorced dad, never raised a hand or his voice to her. She has been conditioned for a man to treat her like her father has. I can show her love and attention, but its difficult for me to be monotone in emotional situations.
I have thought about the email communication strategy for when we fight, but like you i don't know if that is a long term solution.
As far as she has told me she has never been hit by an ex or father. I have never thrown anything at her or made any motions to her that would indicate that i was about to strike her. When she told me she felt i could get physically violent, I was shocked because i didnt feel i had done anything to make her draw that conclusion. I pointed to my history and track record of never hitting a woman before and she responsed by saying "in an emotional situation anyone can lose it". I was taken aback by this because it showed me that A) she doesnt trust me completely B) she doesn't believe i can control myself.
To have this doubt and lack of trust in your partner is signs of a disaster no? It's like when one partner thinks the other is cheating, and its only a matter of time until the evidence comes out.
Her lake of faith in me was really hurtful and dissappointing