Methinks Wyldfire is starting to show her true self
First, a quote. I wish I could properly attribut it, but I cannot.
Immature love (infatuation)= I love you because I NEED you.
Mature love = I need you because I LOVE you.
Yes, there is true love. No, it doesn't necessarily take all that much time, but it usually does.
Yes, women are heartless. Can you think of any phrase that is the male equivalent of "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?"
That phrase was invented for a reason you know.
There are very few good women out there. They are damn rare. How do WOMEN try to control men? "Let me count the ways!" (I'm just a Shakespeare quoting MACHINE tonight
Gentlemen, see how many of these apply to you when you have been in an LTR/marriage/lived together:
1) She will try to tell you what to wear.
2) When she moves in, she will immediately rearrange your furniture.
3) She throws out perfectly good items because SHE doesn't like them.
4) Everything is always about HER feelings
5) Try, JUST TRY and keep the toilet seat up.
6) Emotional manipulation abounds.
7) Thinks THEY should lead the household.
Here's some for the dating guys:
1) Will always want to listen to HER music on the radio
2) Always wants to pick the restaurant/movie/place. If she doesn't do this, then the next one will apply
3) When asked what she would like to do, responds with "I don't know. You decide." then b*tches about your decision
4) Tries to get you to spend less time with your friends.
Here's some for ALL women
1) B*tch B*tch B*tch, Nag Nag Nag, B*tch B*tch B*tch! All in the guise of "helping" you to be a "better person". Hmmm, seemed you were plenty good enough to get together in the first place.
2) Plays the "If you loved me..." routine
There are more, but I could go on all night, so I will end it there.
I think that Wyldfire is just an older, smarter version of MsThang.
Out of all the posts on here, how many can you recall where the guys said "This girl is great, she never lies, she treats me with respect" etc., etc., etc.?
I can think of ONE. One out of thousands. In another thread, I told you about 4 women who actually preferred "nice guys". Four.
So, I think it IS safe to "generalize" about women.
The younger guys on here don't need to hear this crap about "all women aren't the same" because, YES THEY ARE. Sure, there are a FEW rare exceptions, but as the saying goes, they prove the rule.
Listen, how do you think all of us got here? You think it was by some accident? All of us either 1) Got d*cked around by women or 2) Had our hearts stomped on.
Yes, men will tell women anything they want to hear to get laid. Guess what? It works. Guess what again? All woman have to do to not get played like that is to not give it up. Pretty simple, right? Guess who that little tactic is used by all the time? Jerks. Guess who doesn't use the tactic? Nice guys. Want to go for the trifecta and guess who gets laid more?
We have to learn all these "rules" (which, as you get older and more experienced, becomes "guidelines") to get to know women. Know why? Because women are conniving, heartless, greedy, thankless b*tches.
I could go on and on. Ok, all of those here who have had a woman draw out a breakup raise your hands. Now, why did the woman draw it out? There could be a couple of reasons. She will say she didn't want to "hurt him", when what she really meant was that she didn't want him to be mad at her. Or she will hang on because she doesn't want to be alone. What do those two examples have in common? It's all about what SHE wants and/or feels.
Can you please explain to me how a woman sacrificies in a relationship, because I'm pretty clueless right now. What sacrificies does SHE have to make? What's with the silence? Could it be because SHE DOESN'T? That's right. She doesn't.
Women run on their emotions. When men find this out, they find out how easy it is to manipulate them (the woman's feelings, that is). Which, by the way, is not something men are prone to do. They do it as a last resort, because nothing else has worked. Once he learns how to manipulate a woman's feelings, she is putty in his hands. Case in point....Wyldfire.
She thinks her Across-The-Country-Would-Be-Boyfriend is a DJ on this site. Well, guess what Ms. "All women aren't the same"?
You KNOW he is using these tactics on you, AND THEY ARE STILL WORKING!
But you aren't like other women, are you? Nope, women aren't the same.