Looks are the most important thing (Ditto)

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Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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Yeah I know, you have seen women dating bald,old, or fat guys, who didn´t?? the real question is: were they attracted to them? Or they were with them just for money, job or any other convenience. You have to distinguish between the two things... just because a woman is with a man it doesn´t mean she is attracted to him.

Now you may also say, that you know a guy that is ugly that gets a lot of girls attracted to him. He is ugly because you think he is ugly? Or a female friend said he is ugly? It doesn´t matter maybe all those girls found him good looking and you and your friend didn´t.

Looks are subjective, but if you are good looking to a particular girl it´s on, she will fall in to you in a matter of time.... it doesn´t matter if all the others say you are not attractive. You just have to be good looking to one girl to get her.

You may also quote (JSA) that there are scientific studies sayin looks don´t matter... who cares? Those guys are alienated from the world, and probably wish that was true, and of course there are a lot of flawed scientific studies that´s why science improves every day... because knowledge is changing. You have to forget what rat labs are saying and look at the real world. What do you see?? In most cases, women that are considered hot by the majority men will date men also considered hot by the majority of women, ugly women will date ugly men... Of course there are exceptions and once again you may see ugly dudes with hot girls, but are these girls really attracted to them?

This doesn´t mean that you only need good looks, if you are completly retarded, or lack hygiene the woman will probably reject you.

Perhaps you say that game has made you score with more girls, yes but probably these girls found you good looking, but you had other handicaps like lack of confidence...Looks don´t do it all...

Finally this is not for you to have limited beliefs, you just have to deal with your reality. You can improve your looks a lot.....

And you don´t have to be perfect to be considered good looking! How many times yo u found a girl attractive, just because she had nice teeth, or a cute smile, a pretty hair etc a lot I guess... You might have more women thinking you as an attractive men than you think.

Thinking you can be a fat,ugly guy and still make women attracted to you is a belief that will damage you a lot...you can change that, remember.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Well that's just super, Jdela. Let's say for the sake of argument that the guys with the Nobel Prizes are wrong and you (random Internet poster with zero scientific background) are right. What's the point of even starting the thread? To let guys know that they'll never be able to get certain girls? Quite a noble cause, that. I hope you get a decent amount of satisfaction from doing this.

However, since you have already splattered your filth on this page and can't take it back, let's correct a few things you've said in this pile of garbage that you call a thread.

Yeah I know, you have seen women dating bald,old, or fat guys, who didn´t?? the real question is: were they attracted to them? Or they were with them just for money, job or any other convenience.
I've seen plenty of broke unemployed dudes with gorgeous chicks. So there's no question.

Now you may also say, that you know a guy that is ugly that gets a lot of girls attracted to him. He is ugly because you think he is ugly? Or a female friend said he is ugly?
Fat and balding are not subjective attributes. But yes, in the past I have asked female opinions on these guys and they normally agree on the ugliness.

Looks are subjective, but if you are good looking to a particular girl it´s on, she will fall in to you in a matter of time....
Completely outrageous false statement that would never come out of someone's mouth with personal experience. Good looks = guaranteed play
(eventually)? Put down the crackpipe and pick up a scientific journal.

Those guys are alienated from the world, and probably wish that was true, and of course there are a lot of flawed scientific studies that´s why science improves every day...
The science on sexual selection has basically been unchanged for the past 150 years. We've discovered more about it, sure. But as far as discoveries of previous research being completely wrong? Nah. As far as scientists being "alienated from the world", you are basing this on nothing and is very consistent with somebody who thinks that looks are more important than confidence, such as yourself.

This doesn´t mean that you only need good looks, if you are completly retarded, or lack hygiene the woman will probably reject you.
Of course. Or lack confidence, game, a good personality, solid conversational skills, a dominant aura, carry yourself without the prerequisite amount of masculinity or a myriad of the other things that girls actually DO care about.

Finally this is not for you to have limited beliefs, you just have to deal with your reality. You can improve your looks a lot.....
This is one big PSA for plastic surgery? Give me a break. Just walk away, man. Edit the thread body to read "my mistake" and just leave.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
JdelaSilviera said:
He is ugly because you think he is ugly? Or a female friend said he is ugly? It doesn´t matter maybe all those girls found him good looking and you and your friend didn´t.
Bingo. These ''ugly'' guys, are guys with extreme masculine features. They are not Johnny Depps or Brad Pitts or other guys considered ''beautiful''. What we tend to consider beautiful is actually feminine.

These threads on Sosuave, they are all mental masturbation. Just get out of the house please.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
Well that's just super, Jdela. Let's say for the sake of argument that the guys with the Nobel Prizes are wrong and you (random Internet poster with zero scientific background) are right. What's the point of even starting the thread? To let guys know that they'll never be able to get certain girls? Quite a noble cause, that. I hope you get a decent amount of satisfaction from doing this.

However, since you have already splattered your filth on this page and can't take it back, let's correct a few things you've said in this pile of garbage that you call a thread.

I've seen plenty of broke unemployed dudes with gorgeous chicks. So there's no question.

Fat and balding are not subjective attributes. But yes, in the past I have asked female opinions on these guys and they normally agree on the ugliness.

Completely outrageous false statement that would never come out of someone's mouth with personal experience. Good looks = guaranteed play
(eventually)? Put down the crackpipe and pick up a scientific journal.

The science on sexual selection has basically been unchanged for the past 150 years. We've discovered more about it, sure. But as far as discoveries of previous research being completely wrong? Nah. As far as scientists being "alienated from the world", you are basing this on nothing and is very consistent with somebody who thinks that looks are more important than confidence, such as yourself.

Of course. Or lack confidence, game, a good personality, solid conversational skills, a dominant aura, carry yourself without the prerequisite amount of masculinity or a myriad of the other things that girls actually DO care about.

This is one big PSA for plastic surgery? Give me a break. Just walk away, man. Edit the thread body to read "my mistake" and just leave.
I've tried to stay away from these looks threads but I just can't resist. Just a shot away do you get paid for or do you run some kind of dating/PUA company or site? Because most of your arguments fall against common sense. But filling guys heads who have had issues with women or are not that attractive with something like "EVEN UGLY GUYS CAN GET 10's!" is a hot, but crooked way to make money right now.

Of course looks matter, more than anything, bar none, not even a question. Walk around any city and look at couples. 99% of the time, people together are within 1 hotness rating point of each other. Thats just evolution working its wonders. To deny that is just being bull headed. If looks don't matter, then why don't you date a 200 pd ug? Why don't I? Why doesn't Brad Pitt? The reason is because we are not attracted to them and any person that is a 7 or better will want to date a 6.5 or higher or they will feel unsatisfied sexually and always think they can do better. And if you think girls think any differently than guys as far as looks, you are sadly mistaken. They want a hot guy just as much as we want a hot girl.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
Just a shot away do you get paid for or do you run some kind of dating/PUA company or site? Because most of your arguments fall against common sense.
I wish I got paid, and I'm not making any "arguments." I've said numerous times that I'm only communicating facts based on 150 years of scientific evidence.

Of course looks matter, more than anything, bar none, not even a question.
Looks matter more than confidence or fame, huh man? You're off to a bad start in making your case against science.

Walk around any city and look at couples. 99% of the time, people together are within 1 hotness rating point of each other. Thats just evolution working its wonders.
That's absolutely true, but you're making false deductions from this fact. People get the girls they THINK they are able to acquire. In other words, confidence makes all the difference. The ugly guys (usually) have low self-esteem and confidence and therefore only believe they can get ugly girls, so that's all they try for. Good-looking guys (usually) have high self-esteem and confidence due to endless conditioning from tabloid magazines and people like you going around saying that looks are everything, therefore they believe they can get the hot girls and try for them.

If looks don't matter, then why don't you date a 200 pd ug? Why don't I? Why doesn't Brad Pitt? The reason is because we are not attracted to them and any person that is a 7 or better will want to date a 6.5 or higher or they will feel unsatisfied sexually and always think they can do better.
You're making the very common mistake of assuming female attraction criteria is identical to that of males. Not so. Female attraction is much more profound than ours. Brad Pitt is famous by the way. His looks don't come into the picture when it comes to dating.

They want a hot guy just as much as we want a hot girl.
No, they really don't. Leave the WBAFC newbies alone. Everyone has the right to try to improve without clowns like you and Jdela trying to tell them that they're screwed if they aren't good-looking.

J. Darko said:
These threads on Sosuave, they are all mental masturbation. Just get out of the house please.
Awesome. Glad to see you making an intelligent post, man. It's good to have you on the light side. It's too bad about that random B.S. comment you made about how ugly guys are somehow "beautiful" if they have masculine features, but I'm just happy to see you campaigning for the banning of these threads.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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How is femininity shown? Hip to weight ratio, hair, lips, skin, ass, boobs, face, voice, how she moves herself.

How is masculinity shown? Dominance over other males, status, athleticism, musculature. Femininity traits are shown in looks. That's why a personality doesn't mean **** to us when watching porn. Masculinity traits are controlled by testostorone. The true fantasy of a woman is to get ****ed by an alpha male.

For a girl to be attractive she needs looks. For a guy to become attractive he needs to become alpha male.

The shape of a mans face will not affect his attractiveness towards woman.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
I wish I got paid, and I'm not making any "arguments." I've said numerous times that I'm only communicating facts based on 150 years of scientific evidence.
Scientific evidence? Scientific evidence shows that species of all types will mate with the strongest and best looking. That is evolution and has gone on for billions of years. Same goes for humans.

Just a Shot Away said:
Looks matter more than confidence or fame, huh man? You're off to a bad start in making your case against science.
99.99999999% of people in the world have no "fame". They are just regular people, therefore you throw that out of the equation. You can have the most confident guy in the world, but if he's 6 feet 2 and 150, or 5 feet 4 and 250 with a face that would stop a mack truck, he's not gonna get anywhere close to a 6 7 or 8 99.999999% of the time. Always exceptions. But again, how many great looking guys do you see with ugs? I never do. Sure there are some but I dont see them.

Just a Shot Away said:
No, they really don't. Leave the WBAFC newbies alone. Everyone has the right to try to improve without clowns like you and Jdela trying to tell them that they're screwed if they aren't good-looking.
No one is saying they are screwed. Plenty of 2-5's out there for ugly guys to date. Ug's need loving too. Just don't fill their head with false expectations because its just wrong. I take it you aren't all that attractive and are just telling yourself this crap because it makes you feel better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Ease said:
The shape of a mans face will not affect his attractiveness towards woman.
Probably the funniest, and most wrong thing I have seen written on here in a LONG time. Just seriously delusional. I don't know about you? But I have dated plenty of hot girls, and almost without exception they have never said they dated someone because he was nice, or confident, or whatever, and weren't at least initially attracted because of his looks. They might say later on that is one of the great things about him, but they all say oh he was freaking HOT, or his face was "beautiful" and that is what initially pulled them in.

Keep deluding yourself if it makes you feel better.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
Well that's just super, Jdela. Let's say for the sake of argument that the guys with the Nobel Prizes are wrong and you (random Internet poster with zero scientific background) are right.
LOL. Show me the PAPERS! Where's the evidence. I want to see the studies that are about HUMAN subjects.

To let guys know that they'll never be able to get certain girls?
You'd be surprised how good a new coat of paint makes a car look, or in this case some new clothes for the man.

Good looks = guaranteed play (eventually)?
One good point. I agree with this. Good looks get you in the door, but don't guarantee anything.

As far as scientists being "alienated from the world", you are basing this on nothing and is very consistent with somebody who thinks that looks are more important than confidence, such as yourself.
How about you talk about these things when you get some. Right now, you're probably still banging that married chick with the military husband overseas. So much for your confidence and "game".
Stop preaching about things you don't know. It makes you a hypocrite.

cordoncordon said:
Probably the funniest, and most wrong thing I have seen written on here in a LONG time. Just seriously delusional. I don't know about you? But I have dated plenty of hot girls, and almost without exception they have never said they dated someone because he was nice, or confident, or whatever, and weren't at least initially attracted because of his looks. They might say later on that is one of the great things about him, but they all say oh he was freaking HOT, or his face was "beautiful" and that is what initially pulled them in.

Keep deluding yourself if it makes you feel better.
Exactly. If women were attracted to pure confidence, our species would evolve to look like hideous (but confident) mole people. Looks matter ALOT. But you can still get hot girls if you compensate by adjusting your physical appearance (body and style), social proof, inner game... etc.
If you're an attractive male you can walk into a bar and put in minimal effort and walk out with a girl. If you're ugly, you need to put in way more work. Still doable though.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
Well that's just super, Jdela. Let's say for the sake of argument that the guys with the Nobel Prizes are wrong and you (random Internet poster with zero scientific background) are right.
Oh please Just shot away, you are becoming downright ridiculous with this topic. Tell me who is the nobel prize winner who said that looks don´t matter, ups there isn´t any. Scientists are wrong many times. That´s why for each study there is always another to refute it.... it´s their life.
It would be quite silly if I ignored the hundreds of couples I have seen in my life, to trust in guys that live in the labs..
Also you don´t have any idea of my academic archievements, and I don´t have to prove nothing to you..

And sorry if you think that facial symmetry is the only thing that makes you good looking (hence the plastic surgery). Why do guys get more stares, when they build some muscle, get a new hair cut, new clothes, or a tan... I bet most of you get more stares in the summer... why? because you just got better looking.

I know your intentions are good, but I think you are wrong.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Assume looks matter. Assume you are not good looking. Now. Looks are off the table. The question then becomes "now what?". The answer to now what means work on the other aspects of your person. Your character as a man, your financial life, get in shape (a good body can offset a less than stellar face), improve the way you dress, learn how to hold conversations and build friends and social circles, become a leader in your own life. Learn the modern dating rituals (aka game). These are things we tell every man here to regardless of how he looks. This is why the "looks debate" is moot, if you have good looks, yay for you, you won the genetic lottery. If you don't, do what you can to improve or give up. It's really that simple.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Warrior74, I agree with you... but looks are never off the table.. You see ugly women becoming gorgeous with help of professionals. Although men can´t use make up, an ugly guy can become decent looking.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
JdelaSilviera said:
Warrior74, I agree with you... but looks are never off the table.. You see ugly women becoming gorgeous with help of professionals. Although men can´t use make up, an ugly guy can become decent looking.
Most people aren't ugly, they just don't take care of themselves.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
JdelaSilviera said:
Warrior74, I agree with you... but looks are never off the table.. You see ugly women becoming gorgeous with help of professionals. Although men can´t use make up, an ugly guy can become decent looking.
Well, exactly. If you become decent looking and have the rest of you ducks in a row, you'll have some success. I think guys here think that they are going to find some magic pill and start dating supermodels tomorrow, or the swing in the opposite direction and feel like since they don't look like brad pitt they will never have a hot girl. All of this stuff is just in their heads. I'm a little below average in looks. I know that. I accept it. I've had some really hot girls and some dogs. The hot ones, I got via game and social circles and dressing well and being outgoing, the dogs...well no real work was involved. I also noticed that the quality of women I got directly corresponded with how I felt about myself. When I felt like the king of the world, I was more outgoing, dressed better, had more fun and I got hotter chics, when my self esteem was low or I was depressed, I got the dogs. I've probably dated only 2-3 girls that I would consider a 9, never a 10 and most of those were in college. I'm never going to have that again out here in the real world at my age being who I am, I know where I stand and I can deal with that. Most of the guys here don't seem to be able to accept that reality.

Alle_Gory said:
Most people aren't ugly, they just don't take care of themselves.
I agree. Most people are average. Some below, some are above. All you can do is improve on what you got and roll with that.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Dongorgon, we are talking about attraction... what makes women love you.

Warrior you are right again. I can tell you that I shouldn´t even be here, I just have a lot of free time now in college and this subject is interesting to me. I don´t have relationship problems or hate women.

Honestly I don´t believe most guys here go out that much. When you socialize a lot you see that there are plenty of confident guys out there, ,most guys who are out going, with time will develop social skills, and will start to become funny, confident etc... and most of these guys don´t get hotties... They all end up with guys considered hot too...again there are exceptions.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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cordoncordon said:
Scientific evidence? Scientific evidence shows that species of all types will mate with the strongest and best looking.
No, it doesn't. The evidence shows that female animals choose males (with a select few exceptions) that will best be able to provide healthy offspring. Facial symmetry does not come into play, here.

Always exceptions. But again, how many great looking guys do you see with ugs? I never do. Sure there are some but I dont see them.
That's because guys are all about looks. Since girls are all about confidence and game, this is why you see girls with guys all up and down the looks scale. It makes perfect sense once you think about it, and do your homework.

Plenty of 2-5's out there for ugly guys to date. Ug's need loving too. Just don't fill their head with false expectations because its just wrong. I take it you aren't all that attractive and are just telling yourself this crap because it makes you feel better.
Ok, dude. Most guys would agree that being limited to only dating UG 2-5's fully qualifies as being screwed. As far as my looks go, I'm nowhere near petty enough to make up facts in order to make myself feel better about being ugly. If you had been paying attention, you would've seen that I'm regularly complimented on my looks by women. I also have a profile picture for you to take a look at. Believe me, I wish I could lie to myself and believe that looks matter. That way I would have confidence and be able to get girls. But that s.hit ain't the truth, and I have to live with that. Unfortunately, I am well-informed on what matters to women and am aware that I have none of the qualities that they look for. Ignorance truly is bliss.

Alle_Gory said:
LOL. Show me the PAPERS! Where's the evidence. I want to see the studies that are about HUMAN subjects.
Oh. It's you again. I thought I got rid of you the last time you trollishly kicked open the door on one of my teaching sessions to spew out all kinds of childish insults my way. Well, I'm not your b.itch. You can go do the googling yourself. I have faith.

Good looks = guaranteed play (eventually)?
One good point. I agree with this. Good looks get you in the door, but don't guarantee anything.
I didn't say that. I was paraphrasing an embarrassingly asinine comment the OP made. You really think such filth would come out of my mouth? Please. To believe that one can get GUARANTEED bush simply by having a symmetrical face, one would have to be developmentally disabled.

Stop preaching about things you don't know. It makes you a hypocrite.
...which is why I would never do that. I only speak of things of which I know. In this case, it happens to be evolutionary biology.

If you're an attractive male you can walk into a bar and put in minimal effort and walk out with a girl.
Sure you can. You can also become an astronaut, or a professional basketball player. Humans are capable of anything. Does this mean that it's common or realistic? Of course not. The situation you described comes from a startling lack of personal experience and is a common misconception of the looks-matter crowd. :yawn:

JdelaSilviera said:
Oh please Just shot away, you are becoming downright ridiculous with this topic.
You are garbage, Jdela. You have the stones to start a thread claiming that having a symmetrical face is the most important thing in the dating game, and then to proceed to say that anyone who doesn't share that view is "ridiculous"? Get the f.uck out of here, man.

Tell me who is the nobel prize winner who said that looks don´t matter
I'll do better. Here's 72: Luis W. Alvarez, Carl D. Anderson, Christian B. Anfinsen, Julius Axelrod, David Baltimore, John Bardeen, Paul Berg, Hans A. Bethe, Konrad Bloch, Nicolaas Bloembergen, Michael S. Brown, Herbert C. Brown, Melvin Calvin, S. Chandrasekhar, Leon N. Cooper, Allan Cormack, Andre Cournand, Francis Crick, Renato Dulbecco, Leo Esaki, Val L. Fitch, William A. Fowler, Murray Gell-Mann, Ivar Giaever, Walter Gilbert, Donald A. Glaser, Sheldon Lee Glashow, Joseph L. Goldstein, Roger Guillemin, Roald Hoffmann, Robert Hofstadter, Robert W. Holley, David H. Hubel, Charles B. Huggins, H. Gobind Khorana, Arthur Kornberg, Polykarp Kusch, Willis E. Lamb, Jr., William Lipscomb, Salvador E. Luria, Barbara McClintock, Bruce Merrifield, Robert S. Mulliken, Daniel Nathans, Marshall Nirenberg, John H. Northrop, Severo Ochoa, George E. Palade, Linus Pauling, Arno A. Penzias, Edward M. Purcell, Isidor I. Rabi, Burton Richter, Frederick Robbins, J. Robert Schrieffer, Glenn T. Seaborg, Emilio Segre, Hamilton O. Smith, George D. Snell, Roger Sperry, Henry Taube, Howard M. Temin, Samuel C. C. Ting, Charles H. Townes, James D. Watson, Steven Weinberg, Thomas H. Weller, Eugene P. Wigner, Kenneth G. Wilson, Robert W. Wilson, Rosalyn Yalow, Chen Ning Yang.

Also you don´t have any idea of my academic archievements, and I don´t have to prove nothing to you..
Considering that your spelling and grammar is of third grade level and you still don't know where the apostrophe is on your keyboard, I'm guessing that you still haven't opened your GED practice book. You're right. You don't have to prove anything to me. But then again...you can't, since such proof doesn't exist. This is another reason why you should leave the forum.

Why do guys get more stares, when they build some muscle, get a new hair cut, new clothes, or a tan...I bet most of you get more stares in the summer... why? because you just got better looking.
No, that's appearance. Here, let's try your logic. I bet most of you get more stares when you smear dogs.hit all over your face. Why? Because you just got better looking. Wow, that works great! I like your logic, man.

I know your intentions are good, but I think you are wrong.
Well, you're entitled to your opinion. There's also people out there that think the moon is made of cheese. But we can easily divide that issue into two separate categories just as we can this one: those who have an opinion on the issue, and those who are aware of the facts. Guess which category you fit into, Chief? And for the record, your intentions are s.hit. You're doing the forum a disservice by speaking out against the DJ Bible and are confusing newbies. You should delete this thread with a full apology to the forum and a concession that you were wrong and that 72 Nobel Prize winners were right.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
No, it doesn't. The evidence shows that female animals choose males (with a select few exceptions) that will best be able to provide healthy offspring. Facial symmetry does not come into play, here.
Most people here aren't talking about facial symmetry, but the whole package. That includes, body shape / structure and the clothes they wear. Does that change anything?

Oh. It's you again. I thought I got rid of you the last time you trollishly kicked open the door on one of my teaching sessions to spew out all kinds of childish insults my way. Well, I'm not your b.itch. You can go do the googling yourself. I have faith.
Wrong. The burden of proof is on you since its you making the claim. I like to think any good scientist such as yourself should know that.

I'll do better. Here's 72: Luis W. Alvarez, Carl D. Anderson, Christian B. Anfinsen, Julius Axelrod, David Baltimore, John Bardeen, Paul Berg, Hans A. Bethe, Konrad Bloch, Nicolaas Bloembergen, Michael S. Brown, Herbert C. Brown, Melvin Calvin, S. Chandrasekhar, Leon N. Cooper, Allan Cormack, Andre Cournand, Francis Crick, Renato Dulbecco, Leo Esaki, Val L. Fitch, William A. Fowler, Murray Gell-Mann, Ivar Giaever, Walter Gilbert, Donald A. Glaser, Sheldon Lee Glashow, Joseph L. Goldstein, Roger Guillemin, Roald Hoffmann, Robert Hofstadter, Robert W. Holley, David H. Hubel, Charles B. Huggins, H. Gobind Khorana, Arthur Kornberg, Polykarp Kusch, Willis E. Lamb, Jr., William Lipscomb, Salvador E. Luria, Barbara McClintock, Bruce Merrifield, Robert S. Mulliken, Daniel Nathans, Marshall Nirenberg, John H. Northrop, Severo Ochoa, George E. Palade, Linus Pauling, Arno A. Penzias, Edward M. Purcell, Isidor I. Rabi, Burton Richter, Frederick Robbins, J. Robert Schrieffer, Glenn T. Seaborg, Emilio Segre, Hamilton O. Smith, George D. Snell, Roger Sperry, Henry Taube, Howard M. Temin, Samuel C. C. Ting, Charles H. Townes, James D. Watson, Steven Weinberg, Thomas H. Weller, Eugene P. Wigner, Kenneth G. Wilson, Robert W. Wilson, Rosalyn Yalow, Chen Ning Yang.
No they didn't.

Please provide exact quotes / references. Again, the burden of proof is on you.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Just a SHot away, you are just too idiotic to be true, and sorry( who gives a fvck) english is not my native language, I would like to see you speaking in portuguese though.

"having a symmetrical face is the most important thing in the dating game"

Looks don´t equal to facial symmetry, there are other things that need to be taken into account.

"I bet most of you get more stares when you smear dogs.hit all over your face. Why? Because you just got better looking"

Lool... brilliant analogy, and I bet women will approach more and ask your phone numbers as if you were more tanned or muscular, let it go son, this isn´t making you any good.
Also if you knew any woman, you would know that a simple change in your hair style is enough for changing what they think about you physically.. You can go from ewww to hot..

Show me the papers you moron, they probably have won the nobel prize for other works than sexual selection. Like this:

Luis W. Alvarez won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physics for his 'decisive contributions to elementary particle physics
... you are a complete fraud, who probably didn´t even finish high school... good bye loser.
You just showed:

1) you have a serious chilhood trauma, of being dismissed by girls because you are ugly
2) you are being paid to perpuate a lie
3) you don´t have any good character, but what should we expect of a guy who is "fvcking" a married woman.
4)you are sick


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
JDSilvera, you're deliberately riling up JASA aren't you? Lulz. If you have the energy to fight for your arguement and cause for another, lets say, 100 pages. I'll give you rep. Lulz. JASA wins by attrition most of the time and the opposing side usually gives up after page 8. JASA wins by unanimous decision on Round/Page 9. I've got money on it.
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