Longer Life, Hotter Chicks, Bigger Balls


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Every Womans Heart
Originally posted by darthsidious
I call bullshat on CrotchSniffer since he is a troll on this website and bullshat on others that try to make themselves "righteous" or better than others by saying "I don't masturbate" - YOU DO YOU LIARS.
Never said that Darth. I do indeed wack but don't bust every time. And here I always thought that dark Sith Lords had keen eyes for details :confused:
Originally posted by darthsidious
If you hold back your semen before ejaculating, YES You can hold it back but your semen goes back to your body and it is UNNATURAL. Infact it may damage your reproductive system.
Prove it, good doctor.
Originally posted by darthsidious
Crotchsniffer YOU OFFEND ME, Don't ever fabricate this bullshat story ever again and associate it with "Martial Arts" you f@ggot, You offend my years of practice in martial arts, You offend my masturbation practices, and frankly NO ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE.
Why are you so filled with anger and fear? Oh wait...that's right.
Originally posted by darthsidious
Anyone who offers "new age ideas" or "enthusiastic approach" to DJism are liars, theorists, and perhaps drug dealers.
Hey, take that back! I stopped dealing YEARS ago!
Originally posted by Sh0t
When i see you kung fu guys facing me in valu tudo matches, I'll take you seriously
Question: Why do people place such a high premium on being taken seriously? I find it highly overrated. Anyways// I like Kung Fu cause its more like dancing than combat. Perhaps this is because I am more of a lover than a fighter. Ultimately, I'd much rather break a good sweat with women as opposed to men, but that's just me!
Originally posted by ~ªêQµïTª$~
are u telling me that if you dont masturbate often, you'll slow down the "aging" of your body? .. I find this hard to believe.... please elaborate;)
You can wack all you want. Just make sure not to ejaculate every time. In the winter months you should avoid busting as much as you can. Max told me he doesnt shoot a single load from December to February, but to me that's just silly. You end up having messy dreams anyway. I find that a minimum of once every two weeks suits me fine, although there are days that I splurge :p
Originally posted by themanwithnoname
i get longer life, hotter chicks, and bigger balls when i do my daily ejaculation in crotchsniffer's mama's mouth.
Hmm...been wondering where all that extra weight been coming from. She's up to almost 250 now and farts something awful, but if that's what floats your boat, who am I to judge?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ok less theory, here are the facts i've gathered while studying this:

Chinese believed that every single time you ejaculate, a part of you leaves the body, which makes you weaker/older (this is where max go it from)

Bodybuilders are against mastrubation before working out, same with athletes, becuase you do not perform as well (i have no idea why.,.i just know this becuase i have been both)

Not wacking off for a month WILL NOT GET YOU MORE WOMEN. I've done it. You will not get turned on as easily by chicks on TV, CONTRARY TO THE POPULAR BELIEF, but as the time comes to that 29..30 you will have a dire need to wack off.

Girls DO GO CRAZY when you dont get off. they start asking how the can make you do it and wont leave you alone... you can use it to your advantage if you wish.

Porn on your PC is the #1 reason you cant go through with the no mastrubation thing.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah some chinese believe you loose some of your energy each time you ejaculate... i must be pretty weak then :p

Man if i were you i would just approach chicks even if you have masturbated that day... you feel more confident if you actually go through with it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
This is stupid!!!
If you dont use it you lose it!..The more you wack off the more testosterone you produce!..
You cant just keep semen in your system...you will have a "wet dream" after about 30 days and you will ejaculate in your bed!
If you hold your penis tight to prevent ejacualtion when orgasming...u still lose semen,it just goes into blader and mixes with urine.
Those are medical facts..


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Originally posted by CrotchSniffer
Hi guys,My name is Chris and I used to be a chronic masturbator.
welcome to masturbators annonymus....if you would like to share any stories with us, we would be please to hear you. come on open up.

Nooby Doo

Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
New Joisey
It is kind of curious....do you guys think that holding back your jizz is actually harmful? I did a search but came up empty (no pun intended)


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by darthsidious
If you hold back your semen before ejaculating, YES You can hold it back but your semen goes back to your body and it is UNNATURAL. Infact it may damage your reproductive system.
actually it is sometimes recommended that you do this, it may/may not help you last longer and control when you blow your load


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
i don't understand how you can stop ejaculating, u say you can wack off but don't ejaculate... how do u stop it from ejaculating?


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
:( wow, I learned a lot. I'm confused by all these facts they say about how sex helps you live longer and is very healthy and all that stuff. I wonder why masturbation would be any different from sex though.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Every Womans Heart
Originally posted by Nooby Doo
It is kind of curious....do you guys think that holding back your jizz is actually harmful? I did a search but came up empty (no pun intended)

There is still a lot of speculation as to whether this is harmful or not. To my knowledge there is absolutely no conclusive evidence that it is harmful to control your nuttings. I welcome anyone here to prove me wrong, (instead of talking out they asses)

Originally posted by DJ_in_making
:( wow, I learned a lot. I'm confused by all these facts they say about how sex helps you live longer and is very healthy and all that stuff. I wonder why masturbation would be any different from sex though.
Sex helps you live longer because of the chemical reactions that happen in your body. These are triggered by your partner's scent and touch, which release certain endorphins into your brain and lymphatic system. These happy hormones help alleviate stress and flush the very damaging cortisone out of your system. Jerking off does not have this effect.

BTW, if you have any doubts, look at the cultural difference between us and the Asians. On the average, they live a lot longer than we do and they are famous for aging well. There is something to be said for the Tantric influence in the Far East.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by CrotchSniffer
Hi guys,

My name is Chris and I used to be a chronic masturbator. Perhaps it was a nervous disorder, or a psychological condition, the point is that I could not go 5 minutes without fiddling with me twig n berries. As a result, I suffered from chronic fatigue, depression and though I did many approaches and made many female friends, I never got any pvssy.

But then one day my life changed. I was out at a club trying to meet girls and I ran into Kenny, an old friend of mine from high school. Now this kid used to be an A+ nerd. We are talking braces, glasses, awkward speech and just plain weird sense of humor. You can imagine my suprise when I saw him macking chicks left and right. The bastard ended up leaving with the hottest babe that night.

We linked up the following week and of course I had to know his secret. He refused to tell me anything and just wrote it off like it was a natural ability, but I knew better. After much prodding, I found out he had taken an interest in Kung Fu. I decided to join him one day for a class and I met his sifu (master), we'll call him Max.

Now as fate would have it, Max used to be a friend of my dad's. They served together in Vietnam but lost touch many years ago. I told him how my dad passed away 2 years ago and from that moment I felt like he adopted me as his son. He said there were no coincidences and every unexpected turn of our paths served a purpose. My dad saved his life back in Nam, so he poured a lot of attention into me. I learned some basic kung-fu moves, but the biggest transformation happened in my mind.

Max taught me all about meditation, energy and the flow of life. Eventually I came to see him as a great and trusted friend as well as a teacher. One day I told him about my chronic jerk habit and he became very concerned. He told me that I was slowly killing myself and opening all channels of my body to disease and aging. He showed me a picture of his father and asked me to guess his age. He looked about 50 so, knowing he was trying tom impress me, I said "60". Turns out the man in the photo was 85 years old. I thought he was pulling my chain, but then he asked me to guess his age. The man was in great shape, didn't have any wrinkles, if I met him on the street, I'd place him at 35, 40 tops.

He showed me his drivers license and I couldn't believe his birthday was in 1944. That makes him 61 for you mathematically challenged out there. I had to know how he and his old man did it. He told me that the answer was so simple I would laugh.

"Stop ejaculating"


"You can polish the gun, just don't fire every time!"

He went into detail how man can achieve multiple orgasms by toning his PC muscles with a variety of exercises, essentially pinching his sperm tube off and experiencing the sensation of climax without actually busting the nut. He said that every time you bust, you are giving up a great portion of your life essence, this is why you feel so sleepy afterwards. If you learn to hold back, then you build a storehouse of energy and your body uses that to regenerate old cells and keep your energy levels up.

I was very inspired by all this new information and I vowed not to bust a nut for at least one month. During this period of witholding my ball cheese, I would exercise or meditate whenever I got the urge. Quite a few times I did a little jacking, but managed to control myself. I noticed that every time I did this, I had a surplus of energy and would run farther, bench more weight and be more in tune with my kung-fu training. It really was amazing.

The whole time I avoided meeting women but as the end of the month neared, my curiosity was peaked and I rang Kenny up so we could hit the clubs. The difference was staggering! Instead of standing there, wondering what to say, how to open, etc. I simply picked out a girl I liked, walked up to her and started a conversation, about ANYTHING...it really didnt matter what I said because I already knew what I wanted. First I wanted to see if they were cool, then if they knew how to dance, then if they would like to continue having fun at my place or theirs.

I got 3 numbers that night and ended up going home with one of the bartenders, a fine little asian thing. The dry spell was broken, and in the middle of us getting it on, I remembered the teachings of Max and refused to bust one with the new chick. She got off a number of times and I could tell it was driving her crazy that I hadn't nutted at all. She became obsessed with me over the next few days and I finally gave her what she wanted the following weekend....damn it came out like Old Faithful....so much nut she was swimming in it!

She was hot , but I had to let her go because she developed a stalker fixation on me and it got tiring. Over the next few months I hooked up with more women than I had my entire lifetime. Every single one of them became obsessed with the fact that I would not let them pop my cork every time. This simple piece of advice changed my whole life!

I know I am probably not taken too seriously on this forum, and trust me, I would much rather have it that way. But if there was one serious tip I could pass along to you DJs it was this one. Hope it proves as enlightening to you as it did for me.


The Sniffer
Nice piece of fictional creative writing. Complete with a Vietnam backstory :crackup:

It's impossible to not bust for a month, it'll just come out at night. And you say "I refuse to ejaculate during sex!" Umm, yeah, if it was easy as just "refusing", then everyone would be doing that.


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I too have a big problem. I need to cut back crazy style. Longest I have gone without doing it is 2 weeks.

I dont remember how I felt after that, but I am tired all the time!

This is a major reason why I dont/wont/cant get out of the house!

I never feel up to it and I want to sleep all the time.

Im 19, but I have the energy of an 80 year old!

I'll try to hold back and see how it affects me.

But damn this internet!

All this damn porn. Im a porn addict.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Every Womans Heart
Re: Re: Longer Life, Hotter Chicks, Bigger Balls

Originally posted by snintel
It's impossible to not bust for a month, it'll just come out at night. And you say "I refuse to ejaculate during sex!" Umm, yeah, if it was easy as just "refusing", then everyone would be doing that.
True. After 2-3 weeks of not jacking, you will shoot some in your sleep. The difference is that you will not lose as much spunk as you would by stroking.

Like I said before, I don't buy into the whole Tantra thing 100%. I feel it is a little extreme. For my body and mind state, I find that shooting one off every 6-12 days is the way to go. One perk of this whole schedule of restraint and exercise is that you will bust triple the amount of nut at an impressive trajectory!

Last night I was banging my FB missionary style, and right at the magic moment, I could feel myself going over the edge, I squeezed the muscle trying to hold back, but she broke me by begging for my nut with this sexy look in her eyes, so I caved in, pulled out and let loose the fury! My first shot went above her head and hit the wall, the second shot was an even more copious amount and hit her square in the face.. the remainder covered her entire torso in glistening spunk. We both started laughing our asses off because it was outrageous!

Afterwards she told me she couldnot believe how much jizz I was packing and that it was a complete turn on. She tried to kiss me, but I sent her straight to the shower...(the whole "snowballing" thing never really did it for me.)


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Porn is nothing compared to a genuine addiction, with cravings that won't let you sleep or get up until you give in to them ...

... but let's be men here and admit that we do it because we don't like going without, regardless of what we might gain from it.
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Visceral
Porn is nothing compared to a genuine addiction, with cravings that won't let you sleep or get up until you give in to them ...
Funny you should say that because if I don't whack off, at about the 4/5 day mark, I find it hard to sleep. I can't get ****** out of my head.

I agree that you shouldn't jack off everyday, it probably does make you lazy and stuff. I do feel more manly when I stop for a few days. But not jacking off for a month is pointless.

I highly doubt that you can go for a month without wanking and then hold back again and again when a girl is riding you. That's almost impossible. Or it would be for me anyways.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Great post. I agree that shooting jizz drains a certain type of energy. But I'm also thinking that any sexual activity whatsoever can also be draining.


I've practiced ejac control while wanking to porn, and have had it where I have not ejaculated in a few days, and then was basically riding the point of ejaculation like straddling a fence for up to an hour and a half at a time (not for one potential ejaculation though, that would be insane, rather continuosly hitting the edge). If I felt myself going over the edge, I'd just withhold it with the PC muscle, maybe breathe deeply, etc. It got to the point where I could go slightly over the edge, and only have to hold it for a second, or way over the edge, and have to hold it for half a minute or more. Either way, at the end of these sessions two things would happen.

First, I WOULD feel drained, porn no longer turned me on and my dyck got soft.

Second, there was a huge buildup of fluids somewhere in the tubing behind and slightly above my sack, and it was a PAINFUL ACHE that lasted up to two or three hours. Very unpleasant.

I also felt that the whole experience was draining overall.

Note, I did NOT ejaculate at all during these sessions.

Give me any explanation you can on this whole thing :)


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
"Retrograde ejaculation" - when semen that would be ejaculated - but can't be because you're using the PC muscle - is sent backwards through your tubes and ends up in your bladder.

Not a good thing to do, as you can imagine.

The Tantric sex that CrotchSniffer's been talking about I'm sure is a lot more complicated than just clamping down to keep everything in.
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