Long hair or short?


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
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I was just curious on what you guys thought of the hair situation. Maybe some of you don't care or may think this is a bad post, but..

Is their some kind of significant meaning behind having long hair versus short. I mean is there some kind of lifestyle that you must have to have your hair long?

I'm probably thinking too deeply as I sometimes do, but I was just curious on what yall thought was more attractive. Or what the girls may find more attractive.

Cause I always thought for a long time that long hair was for girls. But I have my hair kinda long now and I 'm kinda digging it. Does long hair seem to childish? Cause I mean I have had my hair short in the past and I can't just let it be like it is naturally cause i think it doesn't look good. So I put gel and stuff in it to kinda spike it up and make it look messy. But now I've got it kinda long.

But anyways.. any feedback would be nice


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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I'd say whatever length enhances your facial qualities better/makes you look more attractive....certain people look better with certain lengths of hair. Personally I don't look as good with really short hair so I tend to grow it out a little because it compliments my features better.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
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Are you referring to jaw structure? And do you put anything in it to kinda keep it looking like you want it?


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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B-Real said:
I was just curious on what you guys thought of the hair situation. Maybe some of you don't care or may think this is a bad post, but..

Is their some kind of significant meaning behind having long hair versus short. I mean is there some kind of lifestyle that you must have to have your hair long?

I'm probably thinking too deeply as I sometimes do, but I was just curious on what yall thought was more attractive. Or what the girls may find more attractive.

Cause I always thought for a long time that long hair was for girls. But I have my hair kinda long now and I 'm kinda digging it. Does long hair seem to childish? Cause I mean I have had my hair short in the past and I can't just let it be like it is naturally cause i think it doesn't look good. So I put gel and stuff in it to kinda spike it up and make it look messy. But now I've got it kinda long.

But anyways.. any feedback would be nice
I've had my hair long since 8th grade or so, and I wouldn't say it was the least bit childish... but it could be if that's what you wanted it to represent. People always bring it up as if it somehow inherently means something beyond just being the way I wear my hair. Just this weekend, this woman I was talking to made the assumtion that I had some 'unique job' (which I don't really) because my hair was long. Seriously though, if you stop to think about it you can think of just about any stereotype where long hair could fit into it. Rock stars, criminal enforcers, male models, bodybuilders, carefree surfers, nerdy IT guys, artists, soccer players, rebel rednecks, euro-sheek posuers, bikers, etc. I don't think you can really assign anything to it... maybe how you style it, and how your coordinate it with your style of dress, but I disagree with Demonslut's comments about social stigma... no one's going to look at a GQ model with long hair and think "dirty hippie". I keep my clean and cut, and generally dress causal preppie or dress shirt sheek.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2005
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where you do not expect me :)
i want to say 1 thing , girls ( women) are very carefull about details .a girl told me that the first things a girl notice about a boy when starting to talk with her is his hygiene , moreover , ur hair style will tell a lot about you as a whole :
long hair for girls means that u dont care of your self , u dont have a life of your own ( all this is according to girls interpretations , and how your body language may reflect your hair style).
a short hair ( not too short ;) ) means that u have things handeled , and you take care of yourself ( it will even make u appear as more masculine , look at all the sexyest hollywood stars , or music singers , do they have long hair ? )
2 year ago , i had my hair very long , exceeded my shoulders , and to me and other guys it was great , until one of my girl --- friends told me that it wasnt the best cut for me .


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
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I have had my hair long and short for extended periods of time now my hair is about down to the tip of my nose. I considered cutting it but now only trimming it. Its at the length were I sorta got the M:II tom cruise hair going on but from surfing all summer its near blond so I get massive double takes and such. I have very pronouce cheekbones and the way my jaw is structured an non-expressive facial expression seems that I look like I got a lot on my mind or stern...etc.. So long hair helps soften me up some.

I've had people thought I was in the miltary when my hair was short from my walk/stride posture and all..that BL stuff. Plus I think it makes me look older than I am. People thought I was 25 when Im 19. I lost some hot older chicks because of it so ... and still get way of age guesses from people.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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keoss said:
i want to say 1 thing , girls ( women) are very carefull about details .a girl told me that the first things a girl notice about a boy when starting to talk with her is his hygiene , moreover , ur hair style will tell a lot about you as a whole :
long hair for girls means that u dont care of your self , u dont have a life of your own ( all this is according to girls interpretations , and how your body language may reflect your hair style).
a short hair ( not too short ;) ) means that u have things handeled , and you take care of yourself ( it will even make u appear as more masculine , look at all the sexyest hollywood stars , or music singers , do they have long hair ? )
2 year ago , i had my hair very long , exceeded my shoulders , and to me and other guys it was great , until one of my girl --- friends told me that it wasnt the best cut for me .
Shut the fvck up, you don't know sh1t! :cuss: If I walk up with an freshly pressed CK dress shirt and slacks, polished dress shoes, good hygine, and well taken care of long hair, I'm not going to be precieved as "not taking care of myself", just that I have a unique sense of style. Just the same, some punk-fvck with unkempt, greesy short hair, ripped jeans, and a scubby old t-shirt isn't going to be precieved as being together, and taking care of himself. The length has nothing to do with it... how you present it does.

And while at any given time MOST male hollywood celebrities don't sport long dos, many have had long hair at one time or another, and not lost their appeal because of it. Orlando Bloom, Jonny Depp, and the hopelessly overrated Brad Pitt to name a few. As for musicans not having long hair, WTF? Are you high? I'm not even going to start a list here. F'k, theirs even been guys in boy bands (Howie Dorough & Kevin Richardson from the Backstreet Boys) and rappers (Ice-T, Lil' Jon) with long hair... now rock music? C'mon, it's almost prototypical. :yes:


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2006
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picture this, an attractive woman with a shaved head. Its disgusting, well this is analageous to what women see when they see a guy with girl long hair, even if he is attractive in the face and body. they wanna barf, just like men do when seeing a woman with a shaved head.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
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Hasn't been that way with me


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
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Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
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Somewhere in Europe
Super_geek said:
picture this, an attractive woman with a shaved head. Its disgusting, well this is analageous to what women see when they see a guy with girl long hair, even if he is attractive in the face and body. they wanna barf, just like men do when seeing a woman with a shaved head.
You sure?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Super_geek said:
picture this, an attractive woman with a shaved head. Its disgusting, well this is analageous to what women see when they see a guy with girl long hair, even if he is attractive in the face and body. they wanna barf, just like men do when seeing a woman with a shaved head.
lol Don't think it's that simple. Kinda sounds like KBJing to me.

It's true chicks usually dig shorter over longer, but that's more because they of the lifestyle it reflects.
Having long hair usually shows rejection to society when chicks are obsessed with social status.

Guys with longer looking hair can still get away with getting chicks it's not like a bald chick walking around because guys have had long hair for the last 40 years. And bald chicks have never really been accepted. Remember society molds our view on what is attractive.

Hundreds of years ago it was probally concidered unmasculine to have short hair.
But in general if you wanna go for normal boring hot chicks then yeah keep your hair short.

And besides it really depends on what looks best on you.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2006
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I had long hair from elementary school until I was 19. I got a new job that I had to cut it for. I had better luck with long hair, in regards to girls.

It all depends on the type of girls you are trying to attract. Keep it however YOU like it. Some girl won't like it, but who cares. Find another one that does.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2005
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i've noticed (from experience)having long hair (chin length) makes you seem like a deeper more sensitive guy that some chicks really dig. short hair on the other hand makes you seem more masculine and manly and or course certain chicks are into those types of guys too.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2006
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It varies from person to person, I got lazy and grew my hair for like two months and it grew to chin length. My hair-dresser styled it up, the guys thought it looked weird but all the girls I knew prefered my hair long.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Super_geek is right,
if a guy has long hair, theres a 95% chance the girl will think "ewwww,gross" IF SHES HOT. ugly chicks take what they can get. When I say long hair, I mean like long to the shoulders, parted in the middle, as a woman would wear her hair. super geek used a good analagy, shaved head woman=long haired man, perfect! usually nerds, or gothic or metal heads wear their hair like this. not to be confused with the 70'sish shag look that is popular (which hot women consider sexy), or similar hair styles. But I would consider those ones medium in length, not long. So realy, any style that would be considered long=disgusting.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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God_of_getting_layed said:
Super_geek is right,
if a guy has long hair, theres a 95% chance the girl will think "ewwww,gross" IF SHES HOT. ugly chicks take what they can get. When I say long hair, I mean like long to the shoulders, parted in the middle, as a woman would wear her hair. super geek used a good analagy, shaved head woman=long haired man, perfect! usually nerds, or gothic or metal heads wear their hair like this. not to be confused with the 70'sish shag look that is popular (which hot women consider sexy), or similar hair styles. But I would consider those ones medium in length, not long. So realy, any style that would be considered long=disgusting.
Ninety-five percent? You're sooooo full of sh1t. :nono: Why would the girl being hot have anything to do with it? If she's good looking, and she ALSO places a priority on a guy's looks (which not all girls do), she's going to be attracted to a good looking guy... and his hair length isn't going to have sh1t to do with it unless she has some bizarre aversion to guys with long hair.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find a hot chick that wouldn't shack up with one of the following, even BEFORE you told them they're all professional models (well, Kotzen is a musician) and rich :

http://www.diva.si/img/clanki/ostale/besedo imajo moski karl-lindman.jpg