Because if you are over the age of 25 doing it as a MAN, you're a loser.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the OP is in America, correct?
And with this mentality, we as men wonder why women as a group are passing us up? Just read this quote again folks, being a MAN and having your shyt together doesn't mean anything.....but being a LOSER and staying with your mother means you are being "strategic"
And folks want to keep asking why masculinity is in the state that it's in? It's not women fvcking us up, it's other MEN with this very same mentality.
So the logic here is that housing is high, so be a LOSER and stay with your parents until you turn 33 - 35, using the excuse that it brings you "closer" to your parents lol. As if you can't fvcking setup your own place 10 - 40 miles away and DRIVE back over to see your "family" from time to time.
Guys I'm serious, you want to keep talking about feminism/gynocentrism, but one of the big reasons women are fvcking us over today is because WE AS MEN HAVE FALLEN OFF.
This thread is the perfect example, I'm the only guy (the only GUY) in this thread with some ounce of masculinity telling the OP to stop being a loser and establish his own shyt. There are no other guy saying this shyt lol. That's sad. Masculinity is DEAD.