We have had some interesting discussions recently about Rollo's Plate Theory.
I, for one, don't subscribe to the idea that a guy MUST have multiple women on the go at any given time in order to keep his head on straight and be able to deal with women from a position of power.
But from what I understand, and Rollo has yet to clarify this, but what he is saying is that it's more of a state of mind, a "mentality".
If this is the case, I agree 100%. As long as you have the right frame of mind, you can have ZERO women or a dozen.....the effect is still the same because you don't fall into that trap where you have plugged in to the IV of ONE woman who provides you with that constant drip of things a man THINKS he needs in his life.
So it's interesting that I have taken a step back and observed my own actions as of late, and I feel as though I am getting VERY close to that state of independence where I can walk with my head up high KNOWING that I can take or leave ANY woman at any time.
It's been a steady progression over the years that has brought me to this point, but many of the recent discussions we have had on the MM have pushed me that much closer.
Over the weekend i hooked up with a new chick, and although this is the only true "plate" that I see potential with at the moment, I find that I have a completely different outlook on the future with this one particular woman. It's as if I can truly "take it or leave it".
She has displayed signs of high interest, and honestly this is one of the very few women i have met over the past year that has even made it past the audition stage. But I'm acting and reacting differently with this one.
In the AFC days, unless the chick was absolutely SMITTEN with me (and it did happen despite my high rank in the AFC army), I would have gotten excited about an attractive chick showing interest, showed WAY too much interest MYSELF, and fukked it up in about a week.
Then came the ASSD's (After SoSuave Days). For the longest time I KNEW what I should be doing, but it was a constant battle to "keep myself in check". I still had most of the urges of an AFC (as in I WANTED to call too soon, hang out too much) but I knew that I SHOULDN'T so I made sure i fought off the urges.
Which brings us to the present.
I'm now at a point where I feel "wise" as opposed to simply "knowledgable". Now I don't even find myself thinking so much about a woman, even if she displays high interest and I am attracted to her. Actually I DO think about her, but I have lost the urge to jump the gun with everything. It's like everything has finally sunken in and it's now a part of me as opposed to something I had to force myself into.
This new chick has already invited me to go out again this week. I had the opportunity to blow off the question so I didn't give her a yes or a no answer, but if she does call me up to go I'm gonna turn her down. And it isn't because I'm trying to make sure I'm not around too much, it's because I don't really care for the place she is going.
Long ago it would have been an enthusiastic "yes". More recently I would have stepped back and analyzed whether or not enough days had passed to determine whether or not i would go, and if I determined there had been enough days passed, I would have gone despite the fact that I don't like the place.
It's a great feeling to finally be at this stage, because you can know ALL of this stuff by heart, and you can manipulate the situation despite your emotions, but to truly stand on your own regardless of how many women you have around is a very liberating feeling.
I, for one, don't subscribe to the idea that a guy MUST have multiple women on the go at any given time in order to keep his head on straight and be able to deal with women from a position of power.
But from what I understand, and Rollo has yet to clarify this, but what he is saying is that it's more of a state of mind, a "mentality".
If this is the case, I agree 100%. As long as you have the right frame of mind, you can have ZERO women or a dozen.....the effect is still the same because you don't fall into that trap where you have plugged in to the IV of ONE woman who provides you with that constant drip of things a man THINKS he needs in his life.
So it's interesting that I have taken a step back and observed my own actions as of late, and I feel as though I am getting VERY close to that state of independence where I can walk with my head up high KNOWING that I can take or leave ANY woman at any time.
It's been a steady progression over the years that has brought me to this point, but many of the recent discussions we have had on the MM have pushed me that much closer.
Over the weekend i hooked up with a new chick, and although this is the only true "plate" that I see potential with at the moment, I find that I have a completely different outlook on the future with this one particular woman. It's as if I can truly "take it or leave it".
She has displayed signs of high interest, and honestly this is one of the very few women i have met over the past year that has even made it past the audition stage. But I'm acting and reacting differently with this one.
In the AFC days, unless the chick was absolutely SMITTEN with me (and it did happen despite my high rank in the AFC army), I would have gotten excited about an attractive chick showing interest, showed WAY too much interest MYSELF, and fukked it up in about a week.
Then came the ASSD's (After SoSuave Days). For the longest time I KNEW what I should be doing, but it was a constant battle to "keep myself in check". I still had most of the urges of an AFC (as in I WANTED to call too soon, hang out too much) but I knew that I SHOULDN'T so I made sure i fought off the urges.
Which brings us to the present.
I'm now at a point where I feel "wise" as opposed to simply "knowledgable". Now I don't even find myself thinking so much about a woman, even if she displays high interest and I am attracted to her. Actually I DO think about her, but I have lost the urge to jump the gun with everything. It's like everything has finally sunken in and it's now a part of me as opposed to something I had to force myself into.
This new chick has already invited me to go out again this week. I had the opportunity to blow off the question so I didn't give her a yes or a no answer, but if she does call me up to go I'm gonna turn her down. And it isn't because I'm trying to make sure I'm not around too much, it's because I don't really care for the place she is going.
Long ago it would have been an enthusiastic "yes". More recently I would have stepped back and analyzed whether or not enough days had passed to determine whether or not i would go, and if I determined there had been enough days passed, I would have gone despite the fact that I don't like the place.
It's a great feeling to finally be at this stage, because you can know ALL of this stuff by heart, and you can manipulate the situation despite your emotions, but to truly stand on your own regardless of how many women you have around is a very liberating feeling.