6-heads lewis said:
It seems 75% of the males on this forum have an ego that deludes their sense of reality.
Its hard to believe that H&F is full of sexy guys constantly being checked out by the hottest babes at the gym, even the skinny guys benching and squatting 100lbs are irresistible to the bubbly 23-year-old personal trainer with steel buns.
My roommate is like this. He really thinks he's awesome and that everything that women do means they like him. And he talks up his game and how he understands women so well (aka not at all) and always has stories about how he was at a party once and made out with some girl (i've never seen this sort of thing happen but he sure has lots of stories about it happening in the past)
He's not really ugly but he dresses weird, is kind of effeminate, is really skinny and small framed but still has a gut etc...I only ever see him with ugly girls. And even they usually dump on him.
He just continues to shock me that he thinks he's hot sh1t just because he wasted money on an ugly yellow mustang and drives 2 hours to get his haircut at a salon by his female 'friend' that probably makes fun of him and his goofy ass annoying loud laugh as soon as he walks out. goddamn flamer won't admit he's gay.
ok so this is part story time, and part venting since he's really getting on my nerves lately