OK...I'm going to assume that this question is about women that we'd want to date, or if we want to have sex with a woman. I'm also going to assume that truely, anything at all goes and it doesn't matter how superficial it is, even if it's offensive to some. Keep in mind that this is how I interpreted the question, and that I won't necessarily hold potential friends to these requirements. Man I hate having to be so politically correct.
Right, end of disclaimer.
Things I don't like:
1) Racial minorities. I only like white women.
2) Wiggers/"Oreos"
3) Women who interpret the fact that I'm slightly old-fashioned as being a bad thing.
4) Complaining about people smoking in their presence, whether it's tobacco or marijuana.
5) Strong supporters of the "drug war." I don't do any controlled substances (marijuana, cocaine, meth, etc.), but I do think that the best way to fix the related problems is to stop fighting the "drug war."
6) Very religious women, or any non-Atheist woman who seriously doesn't like the fact that I'm not her religion (I'm Atheist).
7) Women who feel the need to convert me to their religion.
8) Jehovah's witnesses/ mormons.
9) Extreme Republican women (I'm a passionate liberal).
10) Free-market fundumentalists (believers in total 100% laissez-faire capitalism)
11) Women who can't accept my pro-gun views.
12) Femanazis.
13) Women who think that I'm oppressing them if I act like a gentleman.
14) Totally pasty-white skin...I prefer a slight tan to it.
15) Very small breasts, or almost completely flat-chested.
16) Very short women (under 5'3").
17) Women who dye their hair a color that doesn't naturally occur in nature. Black, brown, and blonde are OK. Silver, Pink, Purple, and etc. are NOT.
18) Not using make-up. I do NOT want to see you au naturel.
19) Acne.
20) Women who dress like men.
21) Women who don't drink ever.
22) Women who don't party.
23) Women with nasty fingernails.
24) Body hair (whether it's pubic hair, arm pit hair, leg hair, whatever...I don't like it).
25) Uni-brows. I've never seen one but from what I've heard, it's freaky.
26) Female moustaches and beards.
27) Domineering women. I'm the man, so I'm supposed to be dominant. Plus I hate authority.
28) A nasty bathroom at her place.
29) Women who don't own any kind of motorized transportation (motorcar, motorcycle, etc.).
30) Lesbian women, because they don't like men, and I'm a man. Bisexual women are OK though.
31) Broke-ass women who have almost no money at all, so you hear them complain about a cent here, a cent there (e.g. "OMG...gas went up by $.05/gal.!," or "Soda now costs $.50 more a case, oh no!"). Women like this are no fun because they never have any money to spend on fun stuff.
32) Women who's bedrooms are exceptionally sloppy.
33) Women who don't wear any jewelry at all.
34) Women who play lots of games and bullsh!t, as opposed to just being more straight forward. Once I really couldn't tell, so I gave up.
35) Women who have piercings in places other than the ear lobe, for earrings.
36) Totally "Alternative/Gothic/Punk" women (it's OK to like some of the bands and such, but NO piercings, wearing all black, being perpetually depressed, etc.)
37) Psychotic women.
38) Overly dramatic women, especially those who create drama to keep from being bored with their lives. My life is drama-free, and I wish to keep it that way.
39) White Women (since it's all I like) who are so into rap that they play it all the time and can't compromise at ALL. I belong to the camp that wishes it was never invented, so...
40) Women who don't have a(ny) mobile phone(s).
41) And so on....I could go on and on.
Things I'd like, but aren't necessary:
1) Better than average motorcar.
2) Rich
3) Nice apartment/house.
4) Lives alone, because it demonstrates a level a responsibility that isn't necessary (and thus is less obvious) when living with roommates.
5) Gives me lots of expensive stuff.

Then it means she's rich and wants to please me by getting me stuff.
6) Always picks up the tab, so then it costs me nothing.
7) Women who do my house chores for me, so I don't have to do them.
That's my list. Wow that's a mouthful!