So why are you entitled to immediate text responses? If this chick barely knows you, you haven't earned her interest nor investment. You cannot expect a woman to treat you with respect simply because you're a man.
Des, not sure about your last post.
3 days to respond, that's what he should be entitled to?
She has to show enough IL by taking you serious to even qualify to meet you but your advise is for him to qualify himself to her completing ignoring his qualifications of her, who's the price?
I keep saying it, I'd rather lose a low interest girl than get emotionally invested in a cycle of mind fcukery.
OP for the first two months, hold on to your guns, do not compromise for sheet. Anti-Dump nailed this! It will not get you every girl you like but it will get you a girl worth something.
She will respect you when she realizes that you're a REAL man, but you need to spend time with a woman for her to realize this.
At first glance, every girl thinks the guy they like is a real man.
If you dont make her pussie tingle from first meet, you just dont.
You do not prove you're a real man.
There's no proving. You are, or you aren't.
007 doesnt "prove" he's a real man, he just is. He does what He does. Real men do what real men do.
OP, your last response was perfect, do not invest more than she does, ever.
If you start making exceptions in the beginning, you'll continue chipping off your value and peace of mind making exceptions.
We don't beg for dates, if she's too busy to confirm a date, she should remain busy while OP continue life with girls who have time for him.