Know how European men look at women?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2005
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Have you ever been to the states?
No and I don't plan to, ever. But I don't want to get off topic.

Anyway, what you want to say is that it is even worse than I think? (AFC-wise)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2005
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DanelMadr said:
Eastern Europeans are bunch of hicks.
Hicks wouldn't have GNP growth almost as high as China ;) Our girls are not only gorgeous but also very smart and as I said the economy here is getting better so they can provide for themselves. With that said don't think you come here and all girls will be all over you just because you're from West :) If you are seriously looking for a wife I'd suggest you find a work here and live here for a couple of years - I'd go from that. I guess you won't even want to go back home :p

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
arlanda said:
No and I don't plan to, ever. But I don't want to get off topic.

Anyway, what you want to say is that it is even worse than I think? (AFC-wise)
You have no idea in comparison. It's not completely the fault of the guys though, it's has a lot to do with how most of the women here expect to be approached. A lot of guys sacrifice a portion of themselves in hopes to attract a woman, any woman. Scary stuff.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
PlasticSurgeon said:
What a weird negative cycle. Can't we all just get along and fvck?
Yeah, a vicious one. This is the drawback when people depend on being a part of the masses; everyone doing the same thing as everyone else mostly just to fit in. More times than not the few that step outside of the norm are denounced for being different. It's messed up that people have to decide between being accepted by the masses or going for what they truly want.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
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I live in Auckland, New Zealand. The ratio of guys to girls over here is 5:1. So the guys have a lot of competition and the girls love being stuck up cos they know theres plenty of attention to bask in. Anyway, I had a friend who came back from Europe. She said the guys are skinny in Italy compared to other guys in Europe. Is it true?

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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New York
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Now doing that here in the States can quickly get you a lawsuit.
Don't fall into the social conditioning trap, so longs your not being a creep and congruent about it then you can get away with alot. I have intense eye contact with women I don't try to hide my sexuality for nothing.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Distant Light said:
Don't fall into the social conditioning trap, so longs your not being a creep and congruent about it then you can get away with alot. I have intense eye contact with women I don't try to hide my sexuality for nothing.
I've had way too many women tell me about being approached at work by a guy and ended up going to HR because they didn't want his advances. Now given there were some who were creepy but many were from compliments that were misinterpreted. None the less, the guy gets written up just for giving a compliment.

I'll be the first to agree that social conditioning is one of the worse things going on in the States but guys need to be smart enough not to do things that jeopardize their livelihood, especially if it's over a woman.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Deadly_Assassin said:
I live in Auckland, New Zealand. The ratio of guys to girls over here is 5:1. So the guys have a lot of competition and the girls love being stuck up cos they know theres plenty of attention to bask in. Anyway, I had a friend who came back from Europe. She said the guys are skinny in Italy compared to other guys in Europe. Is it true?
The average Italian man is smaller than the average American. I was riding with some of the cyclist over there and they were calling me a "Fat American." I'm 5'11 and 170lbs (1.8 meters and 75 kilos). The guys my height weighed about 140-145lbs (about 63 kilos). The guys who were even taller than me weighed less than I did! I know we cyclist are notorious for being light but damn, those Italians were like insects.

lone star

Don Juan
Nov 12, 2006
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Typically European men look at women as beautiful sex objects without hiding it, that's about it. Now doing that here in the States can quickly get you a lawsuit. Women here are typically uptight about being objectified so guys usually hide their feelings, but visit a country like Italy, Spain or Brazil and it's like night and day.
Personally I hate men that look at me like that. Makes me feel like a piece of meat. I much prefer American guys who show they like you but discreetly. It is a lot more subtle and sensual than guys ogling at your boobs and salivating.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
lone star said:
Personally I hate men that look at me like that. Makes me feel like a piece of meat. I much prefer American guys who show they like you but discreetly. It is a lot more subtle and sensual than guys ogling at your boobs and salivating.
Here's the thing, men abroad aren't necessarily letches, they are actually much more conversational than most men over here. It's just they still understand the old world idea of romance.

Where the typical American guy stops off at roses and a dinner at a fancy restaurant for his love interest, in Europe that's barely the beginning. There's stimulating conversation, dancing, music, serenades, many of the things that women here just read in romance novels. Women who are seduced abroad know in no uncertain terms that they are being pursued and without a single sighting of any saliva.

lone star

Don Juan
Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Here's the thing, men abroad aren't necessarily letches, they are actually much more conversational than most men over here. It's just they still understand the old world idea of romance.

Where the typical American guy stops off at roses and a dinner at a fancy restaurant for his love interest, in Europe that's barely the beginning. There's stimulating conversation, dancing, music, serenades, many of the things that women here just read in romance novels. Women who are seduced abroad know in no uncertain terms that they are being pursued and without a single sighting of any saliva.
I am European so I know exactly how this feels. The flowers and s*** don't mean anything. It is a coverup. Most man there are macho type and after the flowers they usually want sex to recover their botanical investment or don't have much to offer apart from the flowers, parfum and truffle boxes. I much rather have a nice honest man who shows me respect and intelligence than a bunch of useless stuff given by a macho man. After all, it is the guy you get in the end, not the stuff.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
lone star said:
I am European so I know exactly how this feels. The flowers and s*** don't mean anything. It is a coverup. Most man there are macho type and after the flowers they usually want sex to recover their botanical investment or don't have much to offer apart from the flowers, parfum and truffle boxes. I much rather have a nice honest man who shows me respect and intelligence than a bunch of useless stuff given by a macho man. After all, it is the guy you get in the end, not the stuff.
Alright, you've proven that you aren't an American woman. :flowers: :whistle:

By the way, where are you?

lone star

Don Juan
Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
Missouri. (Thanks for the flowers anyway. Hope you won't demand to recover your investment any time soon.)



Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Babnik said:
Did you just take this out of your butt-hole? I'm from the Ukraine and I live with many Russian and Ukrainian girls. First of all, each one of those girls can't have a relationship with ANY American dude. Second, if you even check out MySpace, they are EXCLUSIVELY into Ukrainian guys (especially those who are in America). Russian guys in USA get a LOT of p*ssy...
I would say Russian guys are MOST confident when it comes to women. And Russin women who marry Americans do it SOLELY for the money but you were silly enough to believe otherwise when they said so. Its not like any man wants to hear that he got a woman because he is rich. Also, AFC types get married on Russian women because they can't be DJ enough to get American girls.
myspace :crackup: dude, 90% of those are spoiled immigrants who moved to the west and have false images of what life is like where they were born. that is why they only want "ukraine" guys. all immigrant young people seem to feel that way about where they were born these days. little do they know why their families got out. ukraine totally sucks for 99% of the girls that live there. don't tell me that it is a nice place to grow up unless your daddy is a gangster. i have spent enough time there to know that it isn't. very nice place if you are from the west, but $3000 a year isn't enough to sustain a decent lifestyle.

i suspect that you live in the west now. you would know about the myspace equivalents for russians/ukraines/latvians/lithuanians/estonians/belorussians. some of the sites overlap. if you are from odessa you don't create a myspace account. i find such places to be not needed. i am lazy when it comes to girls. creating an account and pasting pictures would take time that could be spent watching pod'yom & karina M. videos. heard their christmas song? warms my soul.

russian guys in the usa? not too many of them. most russians who recently immigrated to the usa (last 20 years) are actually jewish people who don't like russians. russian immigrants have a bad reputation in the usa. quite a few polish people in chicago these days though :crackup:

hate to inform you, but girls all over the world want guys who are (1) wealthy (2) exotic/different (3) important. if you fit these 3 categories you are tops. you can look like a dog, it doesn't matter. in america i am batting 0 for 3. i am not even in the ballpark. in the cis/baltic nations i am 3 for 3. a superstar of sorts. just how the game works. :cheer: if you were a real russian you would want to know that you got girls because you were rich. being rich is something to be proud of in that part of the world. guys flaunt their wealth in obscene ways over there. black rap stars can't out bling them. you have spent too much in the west my friend. forgot how your people really think.

don't place me in the same pot as losers who sign up for brides. i don't want a bride yet. i don't leave for girls. the girls are f***** awesome. don't get me wrong, but they are not the main reason leave.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Euro's are pretty suave cats... yes. They got their natural masculinity flowing, and more at ease with their sexuality. As that is the vibe, and wonderfully so. Nude beaches, a titti in a commercial... its the body, its human life, its nature, is the attitude. (as it should be).

So... props to those natural relaxed elements that still keep the game of attraction one of 2nd nature.

But... in defense to the Euro's are born pimps vs. American guys.
There's a flipside to everything.

You ever seen 2 Euro men greet eachother at the train station, after not having seen the other for awhile?
(lol, Fvck... I don't think I'd greet the love of my life w. such gusto)
(Sidenote: WTF is up w. one of them, each carrying one strap of their luggage bag, between the two? lol)

And how about the fact that one of these natural Euro Dj's will waltz home, and plop down on his bed, Momma's couch at 29yrs. old. For how masculine they naturally flow... a lot of these cats are still lil boys. Thus their crass cat-calling ways.

So while you can point out the suave sexy ways of Euro men, American's still have their positive sides as well. Its all perspective.
Its great to see how all cultures shine the light of MAN, in their own unique strengths.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
They like europeans because they are different. That pretty much sums it up. They're close enough to american to not be too weird but they're different enough to be more interesting.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
lone star said:
Personally I hate men that look at me like that. Makes me feel like a piece of meat. I much prefer American guys who show they like you but discreetly. It is a lot more subtle and sensual than guys ogling at your boobs and salivating.
You have no idea what you like or dislike. You probably intellectually dislike it but your vagina probably tells a different story.

I am European so I know exactly how this feels. The flowers and s*** don't mean anything. It is a coverup. Most man there are macho type and after the flowers they usually want sex to recover their botanical investment or don't have much to offer apart from the flowers, parfum and truffle boxes. I much rather have a nice honest man who shows me respect and intelligence than a bunch of useless stuff given by a macho man. After all, it is the guy you get in the end, not the stuff.
Blah blah blah. We want sex. There's nothing wrong with that. Women try to make us feel bad for it like we're supposed to worship you and if we dare bring up sex we're evil and it's all we want. Some of us it's all we want and there's nothing wrong with that. The rest of us want that AND something more. But i'm not going to wait 3 months or whatever crazy notion women have in order to MAYBE get laid. To hell with that. Women are first and foremost there to have sex with. That's the whole damn point of two genders. If you were there just to be friends with you'd be a man and be capable of telling a funny joke.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
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MrRuckus for President


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
sparky0000 said:
myspace :crackup: dude, 90% of those are spoiled immigrants who moved to the west and have false images of what life is like where they were born. that is why they only want "ukraine" guys. all immigrant young people seem to feel that way about where they were born these days. little do they know why their families got out. ukraine totally sucks for 99% of the girls that live there. don't tell me that it is a nice place to grow up unless your daddy is a gangster. i have spent enough time there to know that it isn't. very nice place if you are from the west, but $3000 a year isn't enough to sustain a decent lifestyle.

i suspect that you live in the west now. you would know about the myspace equivalents for russians/ukraines/latvians/lithuanians/estonians/belorussians. some of the sites overlap. if you are from odessa you don't create a myspace account. i find such places to be not needed. i am lazy when it comes to girls. creating an account and pasting pictures would take time that could be spent watching pod'yom & karina M. videos. heard their christmas song? warms my soul.

russian guys in the usa? not too many of them. most russians who recently immigrated to the usa (last 20 years) are actually jewish people who don't like russians. russian immigrants have a bad reputation in the usa. quite a few polish people in chicago these days though :crackup:

hate to inform you, but girls all over the world want guys who are (1) wealthy (2) exotic/different (3) important. if you fit these 3 categories you are tops. you can look like a dog, it doesn't matter. in america i am batting 0 for 3. i am not even in the ballpark. in the cis/baltic nations i am 3 for 3. a superstar of sorts. just how the game works. :cheer: if you were a real russian you would want to know that you got girls because you were rich. being rich is something to be proud of in that part of the world. guys flaunt their wealth in obscene ways over there. black rap stars can't out bling them. you have spent too much in the west my friend. forgot how your people really think.

don't place me in the same pot as losers who sign up for brides. i don't want a bride yet. i don't leave for girls. the girls are f***** awesome. don't get me wrong, but they are not the main reason leave.
I'm from Odessa...and I think you were hanging out with the wrong crowd there, man. Seriously...I can't even find common language with American girls, EVEN THOUGH they all think its SO cool that I'm from the Ukraine and blah blah...and same thing with Russian girls who live in US. They can't understand Americans at all. Thats worthy girls anyway...we do have prostitutes and utter airheaded sluts...

lone star

Don Juan
Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
mrRuckus said:
You have no idea what you like or dislike. You probably intellectually dislike it but your vagina probably tells a different story.

Blah blah blah. We want sex. There's nothing wrong with that. Women try to make us feel bad for it like we're supposed to worship you and if we dare bring up sex we're evil and it's all we want. Some of us it's all we want and there's nothing wrong with that. The rest of us want that AND something more. But i'm not going to wait 3 months or whatever crazy notion women have in order to MAYBE get laid. To hell with that. Women are first and foremost there to have sex with. That's the whole damn point of two genders. If you were there just to be friends with you'd be a man and be capable of telling a funny joke.
1) Right. I have no idea what I like or dislike. Now this is interesting. Somebody else knows better than me how I feel. :crackup:

2) There is something called subtlety in courtship that is a whole more enticing (in my humble opinion, of course), than the blunt ogling and present-giving stupid ceremonies that Europeans engage in. Even though evidently we all want sex. Men tend to like the whambamthanky'madam style while women prefer subtlety (again, I am speaking for myself). So up with Americans and down with Europeans and their flowers and sh*t, if, again, I may own my own taste, which may not be possible in this forum.;) Reason: if I like a guy I will with or without the flowers. If I don't, no expensive orchidea will change that. So to me, a guy that thinks that a present may do anything to make me like him is too dumb to date.

P.S. The last ass**** that tried to give me flowers got the door pretty much slammed in his nose. Haha, you should have seen his face, the little dope!:D