Ken785 said:
so how long have you been working out? give us an example of what you eat everyday and what supplements you take...
hmmm...started out with only pushups and pullups... if you'd call that working out.... been hitting the gym since June 2006
Breakfast today: Sandwich w/ eggs and chicken, milk tea (wow, right?)
Lunch: Starbucks sandwich and 3 americanos, venti...
dinner: MOS burger...
The reason for these three pathetic meals is cause I was out of town, didn't have many opportunities to get the best food and haven't worked out for a couple of days...
A nice diet I think would be a bunch of lean meat, maybe steak, eggs, beans, lots of salad/fruit... at least thats what Mommy makes a lot of the times.
And rice too...the chinese diet pwns all..........maybe not
I heard it said that the body's sort of like a race more small meals as opposed to fewer large meals--get some fuel in order to work out, but not too much as you wanna keep it light... and when you've burned up what you've consumed, you eat another small meal.
oh and i take about two spoonful of whey protein everyday.
haven't looked at that youtube yet, xilley but i will... but IMO--
Abs = working out but losing weight/fat which means you get better definition in the arms and other parts of the body...
interesting... i got bigger this year but throughout the year i lost 22 lbs--and since then-- the arms have got much better definition. and on better days, the shoulders and pecs have some nice veins-- have never seen them until i lost the weight.