It can be frustrating seeing a therapist whose approach or therapeutic modality isn't suited for your particular concerns. For example someone needing help with panic attacks would probably not find narrative therapy useful, and someone with long standing depression due to past childhood trauma would probably not get enough from cognitive behavioural therapy and would also need narrative therapy.
I don't know what your main concern is for needing therapy and I'm not going to be intrusive around that but it's just something to think about. Certain problems require certain therapy.
From what you posted, you don't seem to see yourself as having value in the dating pool. Like I wrote earlier, paying for sex fills that physical desire but I'm not sure it will help you connect with someone who will be genuinely interested in you. Again, I'm limited by what you are posting but I'm wondering what kind of woman you are looking for. You want a hot woman but by hot, do you mean the selfie/Instagram/tight dress/ club hopping girl? If so, well those girls are more likely to think quite highly of themselves and expect men to pay them in some way for their time. In fact those are the kind of girls you would find on SA. If all of your interactions are with women like that, then you will grow to resent them and adapt an AWALT mentality which will prevent you from noticing when a decent woman comes along.
So if the pool you are swimming in is filled with entitled selfie obessed princesses, of course you will correlate your value to what you can tangibly give them because that's what's valued most, and naturally you will feel like your authentic self has no value because those women aren't interested in you, just in what you can do for them.
Maybe jump into another pool. Join a book club or another hobby group of your interest and interact with normal women. They are out there.