you? There are far more biblical scholars that have access to those that are actually Christian than are atheist, so your point is moot. Using ‘credentials’ like this as an excuse to dismiss what someone says is intellectually lazy quite frankly shows your inability to conduct counterarguments towards their arguments.
Look at that, another atheist failing at polemics. Worshipping atheist scholars simply because he wants to believe there’s no God rather than there is because he simply doesn’t want to be told what to do because it would invalidate his life. May God guide you.
^^^^^This is a post made with complete lack of self-awareness to realize how ironic this is. You do realize that that’s everything you’ve been saying, right? Ancient Egyptians were atheist? Hindus don’t believe in any deity? And Jesus never existed?
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I'm ignoring you because you are arguing from emotion rather than logic and rational. And you seriously might have a mental disorder.
Lumping me in with "atheists" is intellectually lazy, I seen your picture you look like a meathead.
With that said I provided sources, those are the videos I posted from about 8 different Bible scholars. The ones I posted were actually former Christians such as Elaine pagels, and Bart Erham and a few more. They became atheist after studying the
texts in depth and cross referencing with other scholars from different countries.
With that said most of the replies are just generalizations. I simply said the word Lucifer which appears just once in the Bible is a Latin word and does not appear in Greek or Hebrew texts. The verse and pretty much the whole chapter is about the fall of a documented babylonian king, which you can find in a history book in a library.
The poster ShePays admitted it was a blunder by St Jerome. It's well documented its a blunder.
With that said I provided a source by Bible scholar Roy B Blizzard, it's a few pages back. The man is 70 years old and still participates in digs in Israel, they actually found additional texts corrbationing that lucifer word was meant to mock the babylonian King who got killed and lost his empire. It's documented outside of the Bible as well.
With that said many of the Jewish faith don't believe Hasatan is a anthromorphic entity its just an evil inclination that every man has a choice to act upon. It was till later mixing with Greek myths and Christianity it was turned and conflated with the serpent and was seen as God's mortal enemy.
As far as freemasonry goes there is no dogma or set of religious beliefs or central text for freemasons. For example the lodge in Texas will not know what's going on with a lodge in Dallas or Arizona etc.
To join Freemasonry you need a clean record and a belief in a higher power. There are many Christian, catholic, Muslim, Jewish freemasons who have rank. I'm sure if they worshipped the devil it would come out.
As far as splitting hairs on lucifer, freemasonry is a fraternity that studies philosophy, astronomy, geometry, science and now tech. Many of them have libraries with hundreds of books. Dependent on their research they might come up with different or similar conclusions.
Most freemason meetings last 2 hours and most of that time is for organizing charities and food drives.
Pike was not the head of all freemasonry in America he was just head of the library of the southern jurisdiction. Most freemasons don't read morals and dogma, many stopped because they thought it was boring.
With that said moral and dogma is a book exclusive to pike and his opinions on his studies on religion and the occult. The lucifer quote used if you read in context is him quoting Eliphas Levi the French Magician. He was philosophizing about it because to him he knew the passage didn't make sense pertaining to the word.
On top of that if you have read the books preface it says the book is his personal opinions on religion, philosophy, astrology, astronomy. Pike was far from perfect but he did alot for native Americans and also wrote poetry.
One final thing is freemasonry doesn't have dogmas and beliefs like a church would. There are some masons for example who don't belief Jesus is the son of God and some who do based upon their cultural upbringing and research. They study books astronomy and come up with their conclusions debate and go out for a beer and do charities.
There is also cladstine branches of freemasons which a member breaks off a creates a fake unrecognized branch with their own philosophy.
I provided a link for the taxil hoax 3 times in this thread. That is how the whole devil freemason thing started. If you're not going to read and just try and egg me on perhaps there is another issue? If you're feeling froggy then leap.
And finally to wrap up the OT God killed more in the Bible than Satan. He killed millions upon millions of people and interfered with freewill. Satan is only recorded to have killed 10? And in most contexts it was a king killing someone called hasatan.
Upon further research gnostic Christians, who were killed off by other sects viewed God of the bible as evil a demiurge fake creator God. There is information about that online and available through texts you don't have access to.
Hypothetically speaking let's take the cartel for example or the mafia, Mexican cartel members are highly religious generally speaking but they massacre families and women and children. They are all dressed up in rosaries. Let's not forget about all the evil Popes, the violent and deadly Spanish inquisition etc in the name of God. Are those people going to heaven or hell? Which is a Greek mythology, or is the charity, fundraising, community work freemason who supposedly worships lucifer going to hell? Lol the Mason in this example is following more of christ teachings lol