Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Started a new lair in Marin County, CA so...this new guy shows up and I give him some info on some posts I have been reading lately. He emails me today and informs me he is going to do the 120 approaches in 40 days. Guess I have to meet his challenge since I am the moderator of the new lair.

Week 1, Day 1

Called HBrussian before I went to meet HBcutebutoverweight.
Got a date with HBrussian on Saturday. HBcbow likes me and wants to see me again. It 9:00pm and Borders closes at 11:00 so I figure I got to get there cause time is running out.

Stopped at Safeway to get some food first, not much going on except HBtall and friend. Thought about GW method and didn't approach. Looking for the "Lone Wolf".

Get to Borders, walk in the door and there is a coffee shop in the bookstore. Another HB10 and friend, hmmm, girls everywhere?:woo:

Not skilled at sets yet, but, now I am 20/20 I need skills to talk? :confused:

Go to music section and I am talking with absent from the game wing on my headset, decide to leave it on while on the surge.

#1- Soon as I saw her I approached her from her side.

PUA: Excuse me, you look familiar, did we go to different schools together?
HBblonde: No, I don't think so, I just moved here.
She starts to move away, so I let go and I thought something was up, then a few minutes later she was with a guy.

#2-I was still talking to my absent wing when I noticed her and after about 5 minutes my phone convo ended, at this time she had made her way over to the store computer to look something up approach from the side, she didn't see me until I was right next to her and when I spoke she got a little rattled.

PUA: Excuse me
HB7: Jumps up a little cause I startled her. "oh"
PUA: You look familiar, did we go to different shcools together?
HB7: Laughs, no I don't think so
PUA: She seems kinda ok with me, "Are you single"
HB7: Stalling..."No", I'm kinda in a hurry here.
PUA: Ok, well I guess I'll let ya go, see ya later.

#3-HBBB walking toward the exit, I am walking towards her, she goes out the door, I follow and catch up to her outside. She also gets startled I guess becasue I approach from her back side.

PUA: Excuse me
PUA: You look familiar, did we go to different shcools together?
HBBB: Laughs, no I don't think so.
PUA: Are you single?
HBBB: Yes, but, there's no connection.
PUA: Wow! you can tell that quick that there is no connection?
PUA: What about meeting someone for coffee and getting to know them and building upon that connection?
HBBB: I am not interested
PUA: Starts to walk you have email.
HBBB: No, I am not going to give to you.
PUA: I guess you get to be alone then, you probably like being alone, walks away. (this is bad, I let her get to me, although I said it in a nice tone)

Didn't think I had it in me to even do the three approaches, was full of anixiety about the lack of time and that I made a comittment to myself to undertake going out every night. I am second guessing myself, not sure if I can keep motivated.

"In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, In the experts mind there are few".


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2000
Reaction score
way to go with having the nuts to do this. However, two things.

first, don't sneak up on anyone. Make eye contact first and then go over.

Also, I try to have a little rapport before asking numbers


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
First off, whoa...120 in 40 days is quite a lot. You mean 40 days straight?

I'm still a newbie to the whole art of approaching, I've done only about 30 since late april, so you don't have to take my suggestions.

You don't have to excuse yourself. Just say hi/hey/hello/howdy...

You mentioned GM. If you read it closely, it says you should "hover" in her vicinity before approaching. Or, walk up to her slowly, so she can atleast acknowledge your presence. I've approached plenty times without any eycontact prior to approach and still # closed. Maybe it's your tone of voice that's sudden, I don't know.


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Originally posted by h2o
First off, whoa...120 in 40 days is quite a lot. You mean 40 days straight?

I'm still a newbie to the whole art of approaching, I've done only about 30 since late april, so you don't have to take my suggestions.

You don't have to excuse yourself. Just say hi/hey/hello/howdy...

You mentioned GM. If you read it closely, it says you should "hover" in her vicinity before approaching. Or, walk up to her slowly, so she can atleast acknowledge your presence. I've approached plenty times without any eycontact prior to approach and still # closed. Maybe it's your tone of voice that's sudden, I don't know.
Got a new wing and he emailed me that he was going for the 120/40 so I thought I would meet his challenge. Yup, 120 in 40 days straight. I guess I got inspired by Pook. Thanks for the feedback.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
on your second approach ... i thought asking a women if she's single or not is bad approach. i might be wrong on this but i read it on the bible


Don Juan
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Congrats Rockitck on deciding to go for this. If you stick through with it you'll be a powerhouse by the end.

The bible is a guide. Its not the law. Every single rule in the bible can be broken, and you can still get the lay. You just need to know when it can be broken, and when it cannot be.

As a newb, I'd stick with the rules until you know when to break them.

They probably aren't comfortable enough with you yet. You've got to demonstrate that you're a fun, socially comfortable non-desperate sort of guy.

IMO, you're probably not being very congruent with that opener, especially when you just jump into the next topic (are you single). Many people have said it before, and I'll say it again.

The best openers (for me!) are situational openers. Open them about something in your environment, change subjects a couple of times (to either other things in the environment, maybe stuff about their clothes or jewelry, or just a classic canned opinion opener) then say, I enjoyed this conversation, and I'd like to continue it. Do you have a #?

Bottom line is, even if they are attracted to you, you haven't given them enough time to warm up to you. To do that, either get them comfortable or display massive value. THEN ask for the number, after they already want to spend more time with you.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
The best opener is "hi". Stop using a canned line - it makes you sound rehearsed and boring .


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score

I read your posted convos. I think that you should change up the way you approach.

Your openning is weak man.

BUT the major problem is that you dive STRAIGHT into "are you single?"

Unless the girl is completely brain dead, she instantly sees that you are just trying to pick her up. This is perfectly fine...however, the opener makes you looks desperate.

She sees that your opener was only to start talking to her...that you already KNEW that you wanted her BEFORE you started talking to her.

Change your mindset. Try this...treat her as if you MIGHT be interested in her, but you are going to TALK TO HER FIRST, and see what she is all about. IF she meets your STANDARDS, then, you will proceed to suggest getting together.

In other words, YOU are the challenge, even though you are making the approach!

The convo that you used makes you seem very desperate in her eyes, as if you are just running around looking for some meat! That is why both of them did not want to go on a date with you!

I once knew this major as*hole of a guy. One time after he saw me hit on this chick, he started acting like a ****head to me. I asked him what the f*ck was so funny. He told me that I ask the girl out TOO SOON...I need to become smoother at talking and getting the date, instead of just interjecting it when it doesn't belong!

And you know what? He was absolutely right.

When making the approach, follow this:

Small Talk-->Her IL in you getting high-->You suggesting a date

But don't take this the wrong way...I am not trying to disparage what you have accomplished. In fact, I am also working on my.

It takes a lot of balls to go up to a random hot chick and start talking with her! If you keep up with the approaches, and keep changing your game for the better as well as improving yourself, you are already ahead of the vast majority of AFC guys out there!


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by WORKEROUTER

I read your posted convos. I think that you should change up the way you approach.

Your openning is weak man.

BUT the major problem is that you dive STRAIGHT into "are you single?"

Unless the girl is completely brain dead, she instantly sees that you are just trying to pick her up. This is perfectly fine...however, the opener makes you looks desperate.

She sees that your opener was only to start talking to her...that you already KNEW that you wanted her BEFORE you started talking to her.

Absolutely. The opener I think should be more casual...
Look up Allan's bootcmap journal:

He has convo scripts and his openers are very light and casual, i.e. very good in my opinion. Read his openers!


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Week 1/Day 3

San Rafael farmers market, two wings and myself. It was a busy night. Don't know if I can remember all the convo.

#1-HBponytail-She is at a table looking at some goods, I look at her, approach from the side, get next to her so she notices me, then I open.
PUA: Hi, you look familiar, did we go to different schools together?
HB: No, I don't think so
PUA: Did some fluff talk, then into the...are you single?
HB: No, in fact I am looking for him
PUA: More fluff talk, can't remember what I said, then I made an exit.

#2-HBblonde-She is walking past me right after #1, get next to her so she notices me then open.
PUA: Hi, you look familar, did we go to different schools together?
HB: Mumbles something,
PUA: What did you say?
HB:I went to school on the East Coast and you went to school here?
PUA: I did, so we wouldn't have gone to different schools together?
HB: I teach at xxx school.
PUA: What do you teach?
HB: I teach some kinda of challenged kids.
PUA: Oh, that sounds interesting.
PUA: I think you should give me your phone number.
HB: Why don't you give me your?
PUA: I will exchange #'s with you, I don't have a pen, let's go get a pen. She keeps walking.
PUA: She catches up with her HB7.5 friend, we start walking towards my wings because I tell her I have to go catch up with them. They are in front of me walking together, I move in between both of them and put my around both of their shoulders, HB7.5 pulls away, HBblonde says friend doesn't like me touching, HBblonde doesn't mind my arm around her shoulder. But I tell her that I got to go catch up with my friend because IOD from me.
HB: Maybe I will see you around here sometime.
PUA: Ok, see ya later

#3-HBfreckels-I notice she if right behind me for a minute or so and have seen this girl around town a couple of times so I think she recognizes me and may feel somewhat comfortable.

PUA: Are you following me?
HB: Yes, why?
PUA: Too tired can't remember, but something about asking her to buy me dinner. She seems like she enjoys the convo, then some guy she knows comes up and starts talking to her. SP-should have stayed, no reason for me to walk away.

#4-HBtall-Walking with the wings and noticed HBtall. Earlier in Starbucks, said hello, she said hello, then looked at her looking at me with a couple of quick glances in Starbucks. Was talking with wing about sets or groups and he says show interest in the other HB first and some other comments about amp her up to get HBtall interested.

PUA: Roll up to HBIOI say hi, you look familar did we go to different schools together?
HB: Says something
PUA: Don't remember what she said but, engaged her in some fluff she is showing big IOI's. Then she says some comment about my lines and that they were not pick-up lines.
PUA: I was actually interested in your friend.
HBtall: To HB, are you feeling anything?
HB: No
PUA: I could tell she was incongurent with her no.
HBtall: Looks at me and says...we have to go.
PUA: I think I said, and you know where you are going, you are walking straight that way?
HBtall: Yes, we are walking straight that way.
PUA: Turned around and walked away.

#5-HB10-Walking with the wings, see her at table looking at some goods, roll up next to her and start playing with these meditation drums.

PUA: Wow! this is wierd, (playing with drum making noise) I wonder what you do with this thing?
HB: It's a meditation drum
PUA: Oh, you look nice, it that your real hair color?
HB: Yes, what's your name?
PUA: xxxxx, and you are?
HB: xxxxx
PUA: Fluff talk for a few minutes then, You should come over to my house and watch my paint fade while you give me a massage.
HB: Ok, smiles, pauses, no not really.
PUA: Ok, then give me your phone number.
HB: I don't have a phone, my boyfriend who I just broke up with last week threw it in the garbage can. Hey, you want to meet him he is right over there at the bar. He's really short only 5'4"
PUA: No, I don't want to meet him, more fluff talk and some kino going on, put my arm around her waist, she is touching me on my arm and smiles a lot.
HB: Hey, you want this ring? Try it on.
PUA: Put ring on baby finger, then take it off.
HB: Put it on your other finger.
PUA: Puts ring on other finger, thinking she is leading and I take the ring off and hand it back to her.
HB: You can wear it on that hand and then you can punch some guy with it.
PUA: Hey, wow! I don't want to punch anyone.
HB: Well, I want you to have this ring. Tries to give it to me.
PUA: I don't want it, I don't wear jewlery.
HB: You don't want to meet my x-boyfriend and you don't want this ring, it's a guy's ring.
PUA: You want to kiss?
HB: No
PUA: Come on you know you want to?
HB: Your scaring me.
PUA: Ok, forget it. Go into Kiss close routine.
HB: I don't know how I kiss. Ya know guys hit on me all the time and they all want to kiss me.
PUA: I have to go catch up with my friends. You should meet me at Starbucks on Sunday and we will go for a hike. Some guy walks up and starts to giver her a hug, I start to walk away.
HB: What time?
PUA: Meet me at 10:00 am.

#6-HBdancer-She is walking down the street and I notice some flyers hanging out her back pockets, so naturally like every other guy I grab one.

PUA: What's this for? Where is this place I have heard of it but can't remember where it is?
HB: It's at E******Suites on Friday night.
PUA: Oh yea, I have been there on Saturday night, didn't think Fridays were that good.
HB: Come out and dance
PUA: You mean like a little dance number, she follows.
PUA: Did some C&F but, can't remember what I said, something about making her feel sad.
HB: Starts to play weep.
PUA: I love it when helpless girls cry, I love to take care of them.
HB: Smiles a little.
PUA: I gotta go catch up with my friends, then I said something stupid, don't remember.
HB: Give me a strange look, like I C&B' ed.
PUA: Maybe I will see ya out there.
HB: Doesn't say anything.

Well, that's it. I usually work as a CAD designer but, today I got a call to do some physical work, I was tired but I wanted to go out because one of my wings drove 20 or so miles to surge at the market. Him and I are committed to the game. When I have a wing that shows a lot of interest it amps up my energy. I got out of a LTR a couple of months ago and my energy is way up. It's strange how being in a LTR dissapates my learning curve. At least it did then, I hope I am cured of that style.:eek:


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Week 1/Day 4

Did my 3 surges tonight at Borders Book Store. There were a bunch of HB's hanging out tonight. It's interesting to see so many HB's in a book store on Friday evening at 9:30 pm.

#1-HBhmm!-noticed her walking toward me, I decided to do an opinion opener.

PUA: I look at her and look like a sophisticated lady, can I get your opinion on something.
HB: Sure
PUA: My friend and I were having a discussion last night, he is a therapist and we couldn't come to a conclusion you think women lie more or men lie more?
HB: Thinking about an answer, looks confused.
PUA: Ya know, I mean lie like (I spell the word out)
HB: I don't know
PUA: You don't have an opinion?
HB: No, I don't think either one
PUA: Notice some guy looking over in her direction, she starts walking towards him and it seems like her bf.

#2-HBLA-She was hovering around some books, I noticed her and didn't approach just kept walking around after a few minutes I decided to go into the cd room of the book store and as I started to walk farther into that area she was there at the end of an aisle and I decided to approach.

PUA: Hi, you look like an intellegent woman can I get your opinion on something?
HBLA: What makes you think I am smart.
PUA: Well, just the way that you put yourself together, with your levis and poncho.
HBLA: oh, thanks.
PUA: So, my friend and I were having a discussion last night, he is a therapist and we couldn't come to a conclusion you think women lie more or men lie more?
HB: I think men, what do you think.
PUA: I think women do, I have 5 sisters.
HBLA: So, you think they conspired against you?
PUA: Yea, they were in their little click, they still live near each other, bla, bla
PUA: There must be some way we could continue this conversation some other time?
HBLA: I live in LA, I just up here visiting my GF and we are going to...bla, bla
PUA: We fluff for about 15 minutes she keeps playing with her hair and smiling a lot. I touch her arm a little, she doesn't seem to mind. I also notice how my body language is showing interest without me wanting to, especially my hips, I pull back, it is really challenging because this HB is hot and all this bl is happening on it's own.

Eventually I decide to go because I want to go to the club and I let her know I will be there and she should show up so we could dance, she says she doesn't dance, (SP-offer her excitement and adventure). She tells me she has to get her GF and if GF wants to go to club they will go there. (SP-I'm thinking 20/20 this HB was right now, maybe).

#3-HB10-I notice her hovering around some books down an aisle, there are some other people sitting on the floor so I decide not to approach. I walk past her aisle two times and I am not sure if she sees me. I go over to the business/investing section two aisle away and am looking at some books on Trading, she walks down my aisle and stand right next to me back to back almost, she was about one foot to the side of me.

PUA: So, what do you think, I should start a business or learn how to trade stocks?
HBLA: I think you should start a business, I have some friends that lost some money, bla, bla
PUA: We did some fluff for a few minutes then she said she had to go get a book.

I wandered around for a minute or so, then went for the door, she appeared in front of me at the door and held the door open for me, did some more fluff about the market on the way out, then decided to leave.

I feel like a little more relaxed since I took some advice about openers and it feels like I got a more positive response from the women tonight, now onto the next step. :woo:


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA

Week 1/Day 5

Changed up from the opener I was using (DYD style) because I got some feedback that made sense. I am now using the opinion opener and not looking to close as suggested.

Drive to Border's Books about 8:30pm last evening. It's strange how my mind wants to talk me out of bootcamp yet, I feel like I am getting better. I have used different openers in the past and did not know what they were or what I was doing because I didn't know any internet sites that taught game.

I also post my journal entries at two different sites and I got to say the DJ site has not been giving me much feed back, on the other side the az site is totally mad. My only guess is that the guys on the DJ site may not be skilled enough to handle they type of feedback that my communication with HB's would

On with the surge.

#1-HB8-Dressed in all black-I think she thinks she is bad.

First surge at a Wallg***** store. I saw HB8 walking in from the parking lot as I was parking my car. (I glanced (SP) at her the night before at Whole F**** store and she looked back). I walk past her and stop on her right side.
PUA: Are you following me?
HB8: No
PUA: I saw you last night at Whole F**** and now I see you again. You looked right at me last night.
HB8: I might have looked at you but, I wasn't paying attention.
What's your name?
PUA: hi my name is xxxxx, (extends hand)
HB8: Oh, hi xxxxx, my name is xxxxx.
PUA: Nice to meet you, your hand seems a little sweaty, did you put some lotion on?
HB8: I think she said yes, then...I am buying this lotion to put on my legs because I am going to a wedding at the beach tomorrow and I want my legs to look darker. It's a luau wedding.
PUA: oh, (need a date? not. I was just thinking I could say that). that should be a lot of fun. So...I was wondering if there was some way we could get together and continue this convo another time.
HB8: BF's me.
PUA: Is this guy just there to fill a need in you or is does he fill need deep inside who you are and who you long to be?
HB8: Well, I should not say kinda have a BF. Yes (in answer to my question)
PUA: That make me think you are not really with a guy.
HB8: I am (or something like that)
PUA: Well, I'll see ya later
HB8: Mumbles somethig.

Note: This surge was before I reread my last post with feedback suggesting I don't go for the close.

#2-HBbf-see her with a guy as I am trolling eventually I am looking at some best sellers and she rolls up next to me. It is a bit challenging because there is al live band in the music section and they are loud. The store has two main sections...books and music. The Best Sellers are placed right where the two rooms transition.

PUA: Hey, I am stuck with this convo I had with a friend last night, we were going back and forth and couldn't come to a conclusion so...I was wondering If I could get a girls opinion.
HB8: Sure, what's your question
PUA: Do you think women lie more or men lie more
HB8: I don't know, I have never thought about it, I guess it would have to be up to the individual.
PUA: Not paying much attention, We were looking for more of a woman or man answer.
HB8: Yea, I don't know.

After that she started to move towards the guy.

#3-HB8IT- I see her hovering around the majic section as I walk past her she notices me but I keep going to the trading section which is right across the way. I am looking at the trading books and I notice she grabs a book and turns her body towards me as she leans up against the shelves to read her book. I wait and hover because there is another HB near me, getting closer and I am thinking about an approach with here but there is a guy next to her so I wait for him to leave but he doesn't and she eventually leaves. Back to HB8It, she is there with here back to my section so I start to walk towards her and open with...

PUA: The answer is over there in another book.
HB8: (Is a little startled because she didn't see approach).
Oh, what book it that?
PUA: It's a book on NLP
HB8: She tries to say it.
PUA: I repeat
HB8: She get it
PUA: I noticed you are looking at the books on Self-Help and Magic are you looking to make some changes in your life?
HB8: I am going to Hawaii and I want something to read while I am there.
PUA: We fluff for about 15 minutes and she touches and rubs my arm up and down several times while she is talking to me. I say I will look up a couple of books for her as she has to use the RR. After I look up the books I start to troll again and a few minutes later I notice her walking back towards the section we were in but I don't think she notices where I am.

20/20, I could have followed her back to the section and recommended the books. Now I feel sad for getting her hooked on some of the practices I study and then leaving her alone, ( I am now thinking she may not remember). That is my sick **** mind telling me she was lying to me about the RR so I didn't follow her back to the Self-Help section.


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Week 1/Day 6

Had a busy day, only got two surges in which means I will have to get four tomorrow.

#1-HBtall-On my way back from a jazz festival in Farifax, CA. Stop at a grocery store to get some snacks because our weekly lair meeting is tonight and I am hungry.

PUA: You are the perfect person to ask this question, me and a friend were talking about David Bowie, we saw a pic of him in a window at this store and he looked like androginst.
HBtall: So, what's the question
PUA: Do you think women like David Bowie?
HBtall: I don't like him, but I like his music.
PUA: He looks kinda cute in the pic, I was getting a little turned on.
HBtall: Laughs because I am a rough looking guy and it would be strange for a guy like me to like guys.

I had to go to the meeting just kept walking to the check stand.

#2-HBSB-Sitting at Starbucks with my wing after the meeting and this HB is sweeping the floor around us.

PUA: Hey, can I ask you a question?
HBSB: Sure
PUA: My firend and I were having a discussion about David Bowie and we couldn't come to a conclusion, Do you think girls like David Bowie?
HBSB: I don't know, I don't know who he is.
PUA: He is a R&R singer, bla, bla

After that my wing and I leave to get something to eat. I got some feedback on the convo being logical so...I am going to change the game for tomorrow. You guys from the DJ site could give me some feedback, are you there?


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
hey man, props for being so committed.

the hawaiian woman sounded like she was interested.

whats the other site you're posting on?


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Originally posted by nonstop
hey man, props for being so committed.

the hawaiian woman sounded like she was interested.

whats the other site you're posting on?
Yup, I think she was too, but the other guys said no closes for a while and I am taking their advice because I surged with a guy from that site. He is a total PUA, an AFC two years ago and has totally improved his game.

The other site is

Thanks for the props. If more guys would just go out in the field and practice they would see how quickly their life around PUing would change because you can't approach as many women as I have in such a short period of time without something happening.
I am having a great time. :woo:

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by rockitck
Week 1/Day 6

Had a busy day, only got two surges in which means I will have to get four tomorrow.

#1-HBtall-On my way back from a jazz festival in Farifax, CA. Stop at a grocery store to get some snacks because our weekly lair meeting is tonight and I am hungry.

PUA: You are the perfect person to ask this question, me and a friend were talking about David Bowie, we saw a pic of him in a window at this store and he looked like androginst.
HBtall: So, what's the question
PUA: Do you think women like David Bowie?
HBtall: I don't like him, but I like his music.
PUA: He looks kinda cute in the pic, I was getting a little turned on.
HBtall: Laughs because I am a rough looking guy and it would be strange for a guy like me to like guys.

I had to go to the meeting just kept walking to the check stand.

#2-HBSB-Sitting at Starbucks with my wing after the meeting and this HB is sweeping the floor around us.

PUA: Hey, can I ask you a question?
HBSB: Sure
PUA: My firend and I were having a discussion about David Bowie and we couldn't come to a conclusion, Do you think girls like David Bowie?
HBSB: I don't know, I don't know who he is.
PUA: He is a R&R singer, bla, bla

After that my wing and I leave to get something to eat. I got some feedback on the convo being logical so...I am going to change the game for tomorrow. You guys from the DJ site could give me some feedback, are you there?
How does acting gay get women attracted?

Why would you act gay to attract women, even if it did work?

I'll give you credit on doing the approaches but this is going down the wrong path. Why not just start up a conversation normally, flirt with her a litle and then ask for the digits?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
I give you props for working on yourself! But here's your major problems.

1) You dive right in: Meaning you give a cheesy opener, then go straight for the #. Your not gaining any rapport, your not looking for IOI, your not establishing ANY sort of comfort level for the woman. And some of your approaches are when the girl isn't even looking!! That's stockerish!!

2) Your coming off as desperate: Your approaching the entire book store using the same line. Your canned openers are NOT GOOD! The "are you single line" could work after some rapport, but the "can I ask your opinion" is not a good one at all.

You need to wait patiently like a lion, and look for the signs that show you she's open to talk. If your primary goal is just to develop comfort around girls, then your doing well. However if your goal is to get some @ss, you need some work on your conversation skills.



Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Originally posted by So Many Ways
How does acting gay get women attracted?

Why would you act gay to attract women, even if it did work?

I'll give you credit on doing the approaches but this is going down the wrong path. Why not just start up a conversation normally, flirt with her a litle and then ask for the digits?
Women want to change guys into being straight. Per the suggestion from the other site I am posting at, for the time being I am not suppose to go for a close.


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Originally posted by Pimp-sicle
I give you props for working on yourself! But here's your major problems.

1) You dive right in: Meaning you give a cheesy opener, then go straight for the #. Your not gaining any rapport, your not looking for IOI, your not establishing ANY sort of comfort level for the woman. And some of your approaches are when the girl isn't even looking!! That's stockerish!!

2) Your coming off as desperate: Your approaching the entire book store using the same line. Your canned openers are NOT GOOD! The "are you single line" could work after some rapport, but the "can I ask your opinion" is not a good one at all.

You need to wait patiently like a lion, and look for the signs that show you she's open to talk. If your primary goal is just to develop comfort around girls, then your doing well. However if your goal is to get some @ss, you need some work on your conversation skills.
I have seduced some women before without any skills other than the ones I developed myself and just recently decided to learn a different way. At our lair meeting yesterday we talked about the zan method. Straight up EC then close to a hot tub. I don't know if zan uses a hot tub close but I think his method is direct **** close.

Thanks for the feedback, I am open to all suggestions.