John-467 said:
I realized that the ones that I try to "BLESS" the SERIOUS ones don't POST ANYWAY or don't POST THAT MUCH....they just READ. And in that fashion, they have already GOTTEN it to a point.
So really, I don't need to preach, b/c the guys I'm trying to HELP already have gotten it to a point.....
So then who are the guys that respond? THEY ARE BORED INTERNET PEOPLE.
>>>> Think about this Jonwon, if guys like KETO and Strup, HAVE THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING......why is it that they post here so much? Look at Keto's username, that lil green light is ALWAYS ON...he's ALWAYS on the computer and ALWAYS posting.....why??? How can someone with SOOO MANY CHICKS, have so much FREE TIMEEEE to just KEEP POSTING!!!
And they will have a RESPONSE for every OBJECTION, they will argue you down until there's no more feelings in your hands to type a response.
They are BORED INTERNET PEOPLE, with no life, and really NOTHING GOING ON....else...they wouldn't have so much TIME.
Jonwon that's all we have. You know we don't need this forum anymore, not at all. You know why Jonwon? It's not JUSTTT b/c we "got women" but it's b/c we have SOMETING ELSE TO DO WITH OUR..........TIMEEEE.
But 85% of the POSTERS NOT, that's why they KEEP POSTING, they are BORED and ACTUALLY, HONESTLY, guys like Keto are LOOKING for an Internet-Debate/Fight/Flame b/c it brings excitement to his dull, boring, LIFE.
(And with that said........I email my next client)
I hear you, but this place sucks the energy right out of you, i dont feel like wasting my time here any more.
i suggest you bail also, actually i will and could put names of a lot of guys who need to get the fuc* of this forum, in a positive way.
This place is just TOO MUCH, too, too MUCH.
Once you grasp the concepts for success, whats the point coming here?
To get flamed, ridiculed? Abused, over random ****.
Here is my Dating CV, just for the FUC* HEADS IN THIS FUC*ING FORUM
I have slept with nigh on 180+ women in my life has more relationships and lasted in more relationships, then that 50 year old fuc*er up there and i get shi* from guys who are still looking for there pee-pee. (I have even been married for 3 fuc8ing years)
This place has NOTHING to offer me, i have seen that today.
Why do i bother.
I do this place a service by coming here, do i get paid? no, do i get praise, sometimes and i apprecciate that, it is what i keep coming back for.
But over the last few days i have been seeing the biggest pile of shi* threads i can see (not from some posters) then i see bias and the so calls Dic* jumpers (DJ's) jumping on this shi* and are still holding it against me when i call them out on it.
I may not be the most polite of responders, because some people really do need a donkey kick to the fuc8ing head in this game.
Anyway, it was good to see you here john.
But leave em, fuc8 em and move on.
Joe calls me a player and takes it personal, saying my advice is to be ignored, Keto is just a dumb fuc* who needs to get rid of his biases and alis just cant drag himself out of the 'provider' catagory.
I get shi* for it.
Yeh SS in a nut shell.
This place can become an addiction, it can be almost akin to having a relationship with a AW and not letting go, i need peace in my life, not subject myself with abuse, ridicule and conjecture from ignorant dumb fuc*s.