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JohnnyIrish's Diet/Workout Log


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
awesome man, you can tell u added muscle and lost fat. Its gonna be scary to see you next year at this time after were done with you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
EFFORT said:
awesome man, you can tell u added muscle and lost fat. Its gonna be scary to see you next year at this time after were done with you.
Be afraid!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
I'm psyched!

With the information you've been providing no doubt I'll look quite different then I do now next year! :D

I however will enjoy my little goals along the way.. such as the next 3 months milestone! I mean if I lost that much BF in the past 3 months already.. I'm envisioning the next 3 months will get it down low enough by summer so I can see abs (<12%BF)! Tis my short term goal.. along side continually building muscle.

I have to say I think the secret weapon thus far against the BF has been the HIIT cardio and as long as I keep making strength gains while using it.. then I plan to keep it in my routinue.


Fasted HIIT Cardio* - 4 min warm up then 20 min, 1min on (spd9-10), 1min off (spd3ish). HR max 176

*Ate a handful of baby carrots prior to cardio as I was hungry as hell in the morn.

On a side note:
I find it interesting how after each min on/off its like 2 steps forward 1 step back for such as how fast my heart rate is going. It jumps up and down.. but slowly builds up to a more consistant high number around the end.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
JohnnyIrish said:
On a side note:
I find it interesting how after each min on/off its like 2 steps forward 1 step back for such as how fast my heart rate is going. It jumps up and down.. but slowly builds up to a more consistant high number around the end.

Yeh, just general fatigue taking its course.


Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score

Bent over barbell rows:
45 x 10
75 x 6 (30 plates)
95 x 1 (50 plates)
115 x 1 (70 plates)
145 x 1 (100 plates)
175 x 5 (130 plates)

/\ The last rep I was just short of my chest (about 2 inches) and I kept if there for 10 seconds fighting with it but couldn't get it up.

Flat barbell bench press:
45 x 10
75 x 6 (30 plates)
95 x 1 (50 plates)
115 x 1 (70 plates)
145 x 1 (100 plates)
155 x 2 (110 plates) (failed)
135 x 5 (90 plates)

/\ On this one I got a little to over confident. I tried 155 but failed after 2 and realized I would NOT be able to do 3 more at that weight.. so instead I lessened the weight to 135 and was then able to get 5 off. The last one pretty darn hard. Now in retrospect if instead of doing 2 of 155 and then lowering the weight by 20lbs, if I initially tried 5 x 145 I might have been able to pull it off.. hmm.. Oh well I'll use 135 as my max (unless you guys advise differently).

PS- I used the salts on my last row set and also for my 2 (failed) bench set. Should I have used it again for my last set? (from the talk the other day had me thinking using it again so soon might not have been real helpful..

Progress summery thus far:

Max Bent over barbell row progress: (5 reps sets)
12/1/2007 - max 80lbs
2/20/2008 - max 175lbs
Increased bent over barbell row max by 95lbs

Max Bench press progress: (5 reps sets)
12/1/2007 - max 100lbs
2/20/2008 - max 135lbs
Increased bench press max by 35lbs

/\ Now I originally tested it by using dumbbells not barbells.. but close enough methinks.. I'm thinking raising bench isn't as easy as the others.

Note: Friday I'll list ALL my progress numbers in one post for one big summery.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
Yeah for me to increase on bench it takes like a 2-3 weeks but sometimes i increase weekly sporadically - it all depends. Great job with increases man - it feels good to lift more doesn't it? heh ;)

keep it up


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
I seem to be able to add reps on bench easier than weight, strange.

Congrats on the PR's. You should have gone in and done the bench before the rows, that way I think 140-145x5 would have been a possibility. Are you using chalk/talc so that your grip doesn't slip?

Good luck with the deads, in my opinion the best of them all :)


Ps-I use the ammonia on all max effort attempts, its what I see the top guys do.


Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
It does feel good to lift more. I love the sense of accomplishment! Each lift... seemingly little steps forward, I know stringing enough of them together will put me miles ahead. :)

As for the bench.. yeah i was going to do it first but all the benches were full (my gym has 4 freeweight barbell benches) and I waited for 5 minutes and saw a chance to do rows as a spot opened up for them.. so I did them first.

As for the chalk/talc nope.. I still prefer to use gloves. I've read the reasons to 'not' use said gloves.. but I don't want calises. I appreciate all of your experience and opionions.. but here I respectifully disagree. :)

Note: will use the smelling salts for each max lift


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
It isn't so much disagreeing, as personal preferance :) To be honest the difference is probably very limited.


Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score

Max Deadlifts (reps/lbs):
10 bar
6 65 (20plates)
1 95 (50plates)
1 115 (70plates)
5 145 (100plates)
5 185 (140plates)

/\ My legs could handle a little more I think.. but my grip/arms I don't think would have been able to hold on to the bar.. so I didn't go for more weight.

Progress summery for the past 3 months:

Max Deadlift progress: (5 reps sets)
12/1/2007 - max 70lbs
2/22/2008 - max 185lbs
Increased deadlift max by 115lbs

Max Bent over barbell row progress: (5 reps sets)
12/1/2007 - max 80lbs
2/20/2008 - max 175lbs
Increased bent over barbell row max by 95lbs

Max Bench press progress: (5 reps sets)
12/1/2007 - max 100lbs
2/20/2008 - max 135lbs
Increased bench press max by 35lbs

Max Squats progress: (5 rep sets)
12/1/2007 - max 135lbs
2/18/2008 - max 205
Increased squat max by 70lbs

Before and after pics:

I uploaded some videos of my form. Here they are:
Squats (It occurs to me after I got home that it doesn't show my feet.. but oh well its better then nothing.)
Deads and stiff deads
Flat bench
Incline bench

1) I want to add some ab work. What day should I add it and what exercise (weighted abs I'm thinking)?
2) My left leg is still not equal with my right. Its gotten a LOT stronger but you can visibly see its not proportional in size (quad).. the reason its behind is that I hurt it 5 months ago and well I want to bring it up to speed now. What would you recommend?


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Congrats on the progress. Although I don't like the 205 squats being higher than the 185 deads, grrr!!! Ass to grass from now on damn you :)

As for your videos: Incline bench you do not press the bar in a parallel line and the bar doesn't come down all the way to your chest. Flat bench you setup will need quite a bit of tweaking as well, more to come on that tomorrow. Basically you will need to learn to arch, tuck elbows, generally stay tight, adjust foot setup etc.

To be honest, it would be better if you got videos of you doing sets at a higher weight. Next time you are in the gym try and get videos of your worksets. The deadlift especially isn't really an accurate representation as you are using the bar and doing it for the sake of it so to speak. You are going lower than normal because there aren't plates on the bar so I can't really critique form. However squats and deads don't look too bad, although it is hard to judge squat depth in the video.

As for ab work put weighted situps in on deadlift day, 2x10-15 reps. As for your left leg, most people have one side dominant over the other. I don't think you should really change anything, expect maybe keep the weight the same for a few weeks and REALLY put on an emphasis on form. For example, on the bench one side is stronger than the other. Keeping the weight the same and making sure every rep is perfect, will even the distribution out back on to both sides equally.

Anyway I will have a look back in here tomorrow and review things in a bit more detail, had a few to drink and not thinking so clearly :). Keep up the good work,



Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
EFFORT said:
Hey post up your diet here. I think this will be good for your next routine.
Seeing his diet would be pretty good, it must be pretty spot on :)

A simple power based routine ehhhh "strokes chin". Effort, what do you reckon about his question no.2, continue on as is or as I suggested keep the same routine/weight for a few weeks and concentrate on maintaining form for every rep. I think this would also be a good idea before he were to go onto a new routine, so as to adjust to ass to grass squats as well. But hey, your word over mine.

I was going to go over your log and make a couple of suggestions, EFFORT has suggested a new routine in the link above and I amen't going to argue with him :) As for videos:

Squat as you said above we can not see the full movement. It would also be better doing it with a heavier weight. I have seen it often when people use the bar they are "lazy" so to speak. The movement doesn't look right, stuff isn't contracting as much, you aren't tight, I don't know. So try and get a video of ass to grass doing a workset.

Deadlift, again same as the above on the no weight. Switching between stiffleg and dead was just confusing and you started the dead at the top of the movement and the ROM was larger than if there had been plates on the bar. So again get one of your worksets if you can.

In the last post I made some comments about the benching. On the incline you need to put an emphasis on pressing the bar in a parallel in line. I think just about everyone everyone needs to do this when they start out. You will still see experienced people doing it a bit on max effort attempts. Basically one side is dominant over the other so takes more of the strain. So that is one thing. Also, makesure to take the bar all the way down to the chest. Can't really see your feet on this one, but makesure you aren't losing tension.

I said some stuff about the flat bench above. Here are some useful articles to help you adjust your setup:


I think there was another one but I don't remember what it was. These two should be enough though, I pretty much based my form around these. See my videos if you want to see roughly what it looks like. Effort said my form looked "spot on" so why not get you to take a look :)

Anyway, await to see EFFORTS opinion on your next move, whether to go on the the power based routine now or in a couple of weeks.

Congrats again,



Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, I'll work on getting new video's this week when I do my work sets then.

As for the incline press, I notice it doesn't move parallel/evenly. I consciously work on that but still have some trouble there. As for it not touching my chest.. It may not look it but I go down until I feel it touch.

A little more background on my second question. My left leg was hurt for some time. While it feels a lot better.. however it doesn't feel up to par strength yet. Now I've noticed it hurts/feels less sore the stronger its become.. so I naturally want to make it stronger so it feels normal, like it once did.

As for the power workout from IA that effort posted, I notice this lists more sets. Also that it says to 'not' take the lifts to failure.. I'm guessing this is so you don't overtax ones system (so you can recover in time for the next workout)? Also should I adopt this new workout or stick with what I have? (If I don't hear back in time for the gym tomorrow I'll stick with what I've been doing plus going ass to 'calves' with the squats and adding in weighted ab work for Wednesday till I hear a definite otherwise).


Fasted cardio*, 45min treadmill, spd3, incline 4, max HR120

*had a handful of baby carrots prior to working out to offset hunger.


Typical meal day during my work week:
9:00-10am = Shake: apple, fiber, 4 eggs, 2scoops whey
noonish = lunch with coworkers: I eat something beef, or chicken and usually sub out any French fries for veggies
3pmish = Microwaveable veggies + Shake: half cup oats, 3 eggs, 2 scoops whey
6ish = something beef or chicken (usually beef)
9ish = beef/chicken or a shake (I shoot for chicken due to the less fat before bed but if I have beef cooked and no chicken cooked at the moment.. then beef it is.. if no beef cooked.. then shake time)

I've also added a 2 scoop casin shake an hour before bed this past week.. and so far so good. No upset stomach/stomach acid.

That comes to around 280g protein (not including the casin shake.. which puts me right on target for 320g since my weight is 160lbs)

Also on work out days I add in an extra shake or two.. so I get even more protein.

Now some days vary.. Definitely not optimal but for example yesterday I was recovering from going out Friday night so I pretty much spent a lot of time at home, relaxed, had some friends over and well slept a decent amount.. so I only had 4 meals.. Not optimal but since I had a reduced energy need (since I didn't do much/slept a good amount) I think it shouldn't be too bad. Basically my meals vary depending on how much I'm up/conscious.. so some days I get more protein then others.

On a side note.. I noticed, if I drink a protein shake after drinking.. I seem to not have a hang over the next day! :D

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
on my way out but i'll post when i return


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
I watched the incline video a couple of times and what I saw was the bar coming to 1-3" above the chest If I remember correctly. My internet is being a ****, and won't let me view it at the moment.

Again though, perhaps this was because you were only using the bar and were being "lazy" so to speak, like I said with the deadlifts. People have a tendency to do that when they aren't using much effort. Maybe you bring it the full way on your worksets, but were you really making sure in the video above?

Await Efforts reply on the routine querie...


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Quagmire911 said:
Seeing his diet would be pretty good, it must be pretty spot on :)

A simple power based routine ehhhh "strokes chin". Effort, what do you reckon about his question no.2, continue on as is or as I suggested keep the same routine/weight for a few weeks and concentrate on maintaining form for every rep. I think this would also be a good idea before he were to go onto a new routine, so as to adjust to ass to grass squats as well. But hey, your word over mine.

I was going to go over your log and make a couple of suggestions, EFFORT has suggested a new routine in the link above and I amen't going to argue with him :) As for videos:

Squat as you said above we can not see the full movement. It would also be better doing it with a heavier weight. I have seen it often when people use the bar they are "lazy" so to speak. The movement doesn't look right, stuff isn't contracting as much, you aren't tight, I don't know. So try and get a video of ass to grass doing a workset.

Deadlift, again same as the above on the no weight. Switching between stiffleg and dead was just confusing and you started the dead at the top of the movement and the ROM was larger than if there had been plates on the bar. So again get one of your worksets if you can.

In the last post I made some comments about the benching. On the incline you need to put an emphasis on pressing the bar in a parallel in line. I think just about everyone everyone needs to do this when they start out. You will still see experienced people doing it a bit on max effort attempts. Basically one side is dominant over the other so takes more of the strain. So that is one thing. Also, makesure to take the bar all the way down to the chest. Can't really see your feet on this one, but makesure you aren't losing tension.

I said some stuff about the flat bench above. Here are some useful articles to help you adjust your setup:


I think there was another one but I don't remember what it was. These two should be enough though, I pretty much based my form around these. See my videos if you want to see roughly what it looks like. Effort said my form looked "spot on" so why not get you to take a look :)

Anyway, await to see EFFORTS opinion on your next move, whether to go on the the power based routine now or in a couple of weeks.

Congrats again,

Both options are good, theres nothing wrong with taking sometime and fixing form up, and theres nothing wrong with switching routines now and just working on your form through that. Form is just something that should always be worked on while performing lifts regardless. So i'd say just pick one and run with it, then switch your mind over to focusing on the real important things like not missing meals, eating enough, increasing strength, sleeping, not missing sups,etc.


Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
Quagmire911 said:
I watched the incline video a couple of times and what I saw was the bar coming to 1-3" above the chest If I remember correctly. My internet is being a ****, and won't let me view it at the moment.

Again though, perhaps this was because you were only using the bar and were being "lazy" so to speak, like I said with the deadlifts. People have a tendency to do that when they aren't using much effort. Maybe you bring it the full way on your worksets, but were you really making sure in the video above?

Await Efforts reply on the routine querie...
I don't know at this point.. I guess its possible. lol
I'll find out this upcoming week when I take new video's. :)

Also for stiff deads.. is it ok for my back to arch like that?? I'm thinking no.. (I didn't realize until I saw my own videos)