JohnChops: Complete Overhaul, Time to Change


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
I was actually nervous about posting this for some reason but I feel like positing it will make me stick to it better in the long run. This is organized by 1. My goal and 2. My plan ( or road map) on how to get it done.


Over the past few months I've lost friends, girls, and my mind. I would study 6-8 hours a day and not do much. I used to be relaxed in any situation and now I am nervous or stressed out about everything. I could honestly say I have hit rock bottom, and I'm not one to let my life slip into a depression because I am a doer. Therefore its time to make a complete overhaul on my mind, body, and outlook. I have decided since it is summer its the perfect time to do this and enough is enough its time to better myself (again). Here are my goals:

1. Lose 25 Pounds
Ill do this by counting calories, hitting the gym hard 5 days a week, eating healthy, and not over eating. My goal weight is 155 and as of now I am 180. In this goal I really want to get ripped abs and definition. I plan to do HIIT cardio 2 times a week, and low intensity cardio for 200-300 calories burned 4 times a week. I will also work out abs 4 times a week while doing cardio. My lifting will stay the same, 5 day split, since it has been gaining me some size, which i like :).

2. Return my mind to be relaxed and not a nervous reck.
I always used to be so relaxed, relaxed eyes, never fast or twitchy in my motion, always used to spread out my posture, used to stand up straight with my chest out (all good body language). Somewhere along the line i lost this and i want to pick it up again. Im going to do this by making an effort to take up space, relax my eyes, deepen my voice (hardest one), and slow my motion and thinking. I feel like i over think and then get nervous for some reason so from now on I really want to slow my thinking down as well as my actions.

3. Get rid of my shyness once and for all
I also never used to be shy, always used to talk to everyone, hold great conversation and again i lost this trait about myself. This won't be that hard to fix because i am always in social situations where I can talk to new people. So my plan to fix this is to start a conversation with anyone I see, about anything. I don't care if its a guy, girl, grandma, grandpa, etc I just want to get used to talking to strangers so it won't hinge my cold approaches with women later. And its always fun to learn something about someone new.

4. Seeing girls as objects for sex
This hurts my game because it makes me nervous talking around girls because I only want them for sex right of the bat which makes me come off as a wierdo. I want to talk to a girl to explore her, learn something interesting about her, be interested in her you know? Not just like okay this is going to end in mutual masturbation. This is one of my biggest goals that I want to accomplish and it may be the hardest because it requires me to think completely differently. I need to just listen to conversation and actually be interested in what she has to say. (This obviously doesn't mean to sit there and listen to her every emotion, or that bull**** its about actually listening and actually being interested. ) Another way to do this is to ask the right questions as well. For example : "What is your most embarrassing moment" is one of my favorite ones. I need to get the conversation personal and about her, of course not to fast either. This is a big one.

5. Continue to progress in my hobbies : mountain biking, working on anything motorized, working on html and css, building websites .But I would like to find some friends with the same hobbies. I have a couple friends who work on cars, not many that mountain bike , and none that really know any computer stuff so it'd be nice to find some.

6. Stop masturbaiting as much. This just murders my drive. It like sensitizes you and makes me feel so not outward towards anyone. It also just lowers my test levels so I get more tired at the gym which blows. I only want to do this 1-2 times a week, which is a good cut back from my usual amount.

7. Forget about some of the girls in my past.
This one is pretty easy to do, act civil towards them but don't hangout with them. Upgrade is the key here for me. If they text/call just ignore them unless its work related or important. No need to have negative thoughts or people in my life. If i keep spinning plates this will be an easy goal to fulfill.

8. Stop fearing fun.
This is one I thought of while I was cliff jumping. I was so scared of doing the higher cliffs but I was forgetting how much fun it will be and I let fear take over. My roadmap here is to try things I wouldn't normally do.

Overal I really want to focus on improving myself and meet some new people. Im at the point in my life where it just seems so bland, I haven't met anyone new in so long it really sucks. Time to change that. I want to explore more, learn new things, and to HAVE FUN! Im 19, I'm not going to worry about emotion or what other people think. I only want to care about having a good time .

Also if anyone has any relaxation tips that would be great, I like breathing deeply all the way through your stomach deep. Its all I really use.

If you've read this whole piece you can tell I took major leaps backwards in my mind and it really sucks. Like i have said i lost friends, girls, and my mind. Time to regain my mind, meet new friends and girls. It is time to rebuild myself into my old self but even better. Starting now. GO. :rock: :cheer: :rock: :cheer:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Dropped 5 pounds since I started dieting :)

Also started noticing girls look at me.a lot.more now . I'm heading to the beach, best place to spark on conversations with girls ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
im down to 174 so far. Also havent masterbaited in 5 days and boy do I feel great. I noticed that I have more energy and women drool over me ;). Also some girls I used to talk to are starting to text/double text me again, ahhh feels great. I honestly feel so good. Also found out Im going to florida in august so I made it a goal to be under 165 by then which would give me great definition. So it motivates me even more.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
something weird happened today, I noticed that girls keep staring and smiling at me lol. I think its time to grab my balls and talk to them. IVe been giving them eye contact but thats as far as i go. I want to take it farther. I feel invincible for some reason too.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
just got back from the club. I went in, saw the first hot girl I could find, asked her to dance and got rejected. I saw this group of model like girls, my friends were to scared to go up to them and dance so I did. Ended up dancing with this one girl all night. Her friend was a model and showed me pics and apparently the girl I was dancing with was a model also. Ha ****ing awesome. Ended up getting her number, and she asked me to hangout soon. So pretty good night over all.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2012
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How tall are you.. I weight about 185.. but I'm 6ft 0'.. I'm pretty athletically built with good muscle definition... I work out 6 days a week. Do ab ripper x.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
headFirst said:
How tall are you.. I weight about 185.. but I'm 6ft 0'.. I'm pretty athletically built with good muscle definition... I work out 6 days a week. Do ab ripper x.

im 5 foot 7 about. So im a short guy. I just started packin on muscle but I want to get to a lower body fat %. I havent taken a rest day in awhile lol im obsessed almost.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Ever since I started doing this transformation I have noticed a few immediate changes.

1. Girls look and notice me more. I also attract way sexier girls than I ever did before.
2. I feel like I am in control of 90% of my life. It gives me more confidence and I walk through my days in control :)
3. I feel like I dont need to say much to girls anymore, I kind of just go up, say Hi, and have a natural convo with them . Usually get their numbers too which is a bonus.
4. I noticed that I can now have natural, relaxed, conversations with almost anyone! Not just women .
5. My abs are coming in :D , favorite change of all haha. I love my body now, which I feel has a huge impact in how I have been acting. Eating healthy really does make you feel better and act better.
6. I havent jerked it in 7 days and I feel like I am dripping testosterone. Guys respect me more and girls notice it. I also am no longer awkward like I was when I did jerk it almost every day.
7. Ah forgot to add the funniest one yet. Ever since I started this, that girl that made me come here is begging me to hangout, texts me, and drools over me. Feels good to tell her to go **** herself (non verbally of course. )


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Been pretty busy so havent had time to post here. Ever since I stopped fapping a switch clicked on for me. Im relaxed in all situations now and I feel more in tune with myself.

Hung out with this girl for the first time and banged her. Sh1t it felt nice. Everything I did was on point, from the making out to the lay, I felt in control.

Ive been cutting still and I have been noticing results. My body is getting pretty damn defined and im gaining mass in the process.

More to come...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Im down to 170 pounds, I walked off the scale with the largest grin on my face lol. It felt great. Some girl came up to me in the gym to ask me how a machine worked, so I hada little conversation with her, nothing major, and no number. But still a fun conversation. I feel like ive been slacking on my hobbies lately so yesterday I played 3 hours of guitar and today I want to try and go road biking or mountain biking. We will see how it goes. Overall I just feel so much better. OH and havent fapped it in around 14-15 days (cant remember which ) but feeling good!!!

EDIT- one question though, what do you guys do when your friends arent around? For example my friends were with their girlfriends or at work yesterday and I was kind of bored. What do you guys do to stay active?


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
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J EDIT- one question though said:
thats what im sayn, ****n guys jus chill wit their girls all day lmfao.
hit the gym,do physical stuff. find a job make MONEY


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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ye man, i work 2 jobs, so i have plenty of play money, and keep myself occupied..


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
seriously i feel like half of my friends are attached to their GFs except one of my good friends who is pretty chill with women. I go to the gym and then I just have nothing to do you know. Already work in a hospital but thats on the weekends.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
hanging with this girl I had oneitis (no real feeling towards her now ) for about a year ago, ill post some commentary on it when i get back . Quick note though - if you have any type of feeling for your oneitis obviously dont hang out with them, im over mine so were pretty cool now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
So last night was a weird effing night. I was hanging out with that girl and we had great rapport going, talking about the past, present , etc. Kept everything playful and fun. We were hanging out down by the ferry in our town which is a decent place to chill and relax and of course as soon as I attempt to make a move a cop comes and tells us to leave. Lol, **** blocked by the police -__-. Eh I didnt really care though. Its funny though I really felt nothing towards her throughout that entire night and I left and got a text from her about 3 minutes after. I feel like this time around SHE is the one getting attached to me and not me. Its like the tables have turned. She kept mentioning relationships and me .... I was like CHANGE SUBJECT . She like kept going back to that subject for whatever reason. Just the way her body language is, her tone of voice, her actions it really does seem like she is getting attached to me. I duno if thats a good or bad thing but the one thing I do know is Im not getting oneitis for her again, Im going to keep spinning plates, and carry on as usual. Whatever happens happens.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
just started reading KillaPetes book that was compiled a bit ago. It seems pretty good, its reassuring me of some stuff that I may have forgotten. One post stood out really particularly . the one about worrying about what other people are doing. This has led me to forget about social networking, facebook, twitter, instagram. And I stopped using that **** today and feel pretty good. Im sick of caring about what other people are doing and that is all a social network is. IF anything I want my life private. So made the jump to stop using social networks today.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2012
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Great thread, keep updating!

Hope this will give you and other guys some motivation:

I was in your shoes for a couple of months ago.
Lost my girl, my dignity, confidence and stopped being a man. Cried some days after she dumped me *embarrising*

Change was the only, and best option - this breakup made me change to the better!

I changed my gymroutine, got a new haircut, new clothes, eating healthier and got my confidence back.

It was time to stop being a p*ssy!
I tried a new technique on the clubs, I walked straight to hot and cute girls on the dancefloor, and about 80-90% of them wanted to dance with me. (I was actually shocked)
Never "asked" them to, I just grabbed them and started to dance!
This worked out so well and I made out with some of them.
The night I first started with this I made out with two girls the same night.. and they are best friends ;)
I even got a phonenumber with another girl I made out with and we where on a date a week later.

This was a really good start for me, my ex is still with the same (thin, ugly) guy and they started dating directly after it ended between us. My friends also think he's not a catch versus me.
I get plenty cute, hot girls while she stick to the first guy she could find.
I've missed this freedom, I like being in a relationship ofc, but this is so awesome!

Good luck out there in the field!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Reptile said:
Great thread, keep updating!

Hope this will give you and other guys some motivation:

I was in your shoes for a couple of months ago.
Lost my girl, my dignity, confidence and stopped being a man. Cried some days after she dumped me *embarrising*

Change was the only, and best option - this breakup made me change to the better!

I changed my gymroutine, got a new haircut, new clothes, eating healthier and got my confidence back.

It was time to stop being a p*ssy!
I tried a new technique on the clubs, I walked straight to hot and cute girls on the dancefloor, and about 80-90% of them wanted to dance with me. (I was actually shocked)
Never "asked" them to, I just grabbed them and started to dance!
This worked out so well and I made out with some of them.
The night I first started with this I made out with two girls the same night.. and they are best friends ;)
I even got a phonenumber with another girl I made out with and we where on a date a week later.

This was a really good start for me, my ex is still with the same (thin, ugly) guy and they started dating directly after it ended between us. My friends also think he's not a catch versus me.
I get plenty cute, hot girls while she stick to the first guy she could find.
I've missed this freedom, I like being in a relationship ofc, but this is so awesome!

Good luck out there in the field!
Thanks for reading. Your right about that club deal. I went with my friends a couple of weeks ago, they were shy to go up to these model looking chicks (they actually were models, found out later) but I said fvck it and went up to them and ended up dancing /making out with her all night. Also got her phone number but shes to unintelligent for me so I never really bothered. It really is all about focus and mindset. Ive learned that focus gives you everything you want in life.

An UPDATE : So I am down 10 pounds, looking lean and decent. I'm still working towards the lower body fat, but I have been eating healthy for 30 days and it feels awesome. Havent masterbaited in so long, sex drive is decent, and ive been progressing well with my html/css learning.

I really want to start actually doing some day game, im not really the club type, that stuff gets old fast. So tomorrow i;m going to try to hangout at a starbucks, write some stuff for my website (coming soon ;) ) and see if I can find any girls there.

Im feeling good in my own skin again and finally feel like I want to approach (not just in a club setting) in a day setting.

Oh and if any of you were wondering what happened between me and my oneitis when we hung out, im not going to lie, nothing happened. I really felt nothing towards her, it only made me realize how mental she actually was. I read an article on how girls with daddy issues usually cant hold a steady emotional relationship and end up wanting attention or end up being a stripper. This is right where this girl falls.

The funny part was is she asked me to hook up, then ask me advice on this other guy she wanted to try to start a relationship with... lol talk about indecisive. I didnt text her back after she asked me about advice with another dude. Going ghost with her for a bit, time to find some new plates... aka tomorrow at starbucks