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John Kerry Shirt as a Pick Up tool

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Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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This thread should be closed or sent to anything else, it started out as a bad pick up tip, and has degenerated into a political debate.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Luveno, how about you getting some of your facts straight?

you are horribly WRONG about the wealth distribution in the US. look up "gini coefficient" and see for yourself, if you know what that is. didn't think so.

you are WRONG about the US's critical role in securing europe.

you are horrifically WRONG about Iraq's oil supply. the entire Gulf region accounts for only 30% of the worlds proven reserves.

you are WRONG about Bush KNOWING 911 was going to happen, but let it anyway. if you want to blame anybody, blame Clinton for playing tit for tat with bin laden, escalating the situation.

you are WRONG about Iraq not being involved directly in terrorism. read the 911 commission report. if you don't believe that, read this...


it's all documented fact. straight from Clinton's mouth in the State of the Union address, no less.

Bush inherited a bubble economy that went into recession, the aftermath of a bubble stock market, corporate financial scandals that have never been seen before, and yes terrorism of the highest order.

i think he's doing a pretty damn good job. the reason why he's so disliked internationally is because HE'S NOT SYMPIN' to the b!tches of europe and letting the corrupt UN dictate what's right for America.

i guess you Canadians can't understand that because you're just a little turd in a big toilet bowl :)


so anyway, using politics to pick up chicks? bad move unless you really, really, know what you're doing, and how to be persuasive without getting angry. i won't bring it up in convo, but if she does, you bet, it's all fair game. i actually dig on the liberal dem chicks because they're the exact opposite of me in many ways. makes things interesting. damn sure, i ain't wearing no Kerry (or Bush) t-shirt!

BTW, i belong to no political party. this election is the same as the 00 election. your choice is between the Liar or the Dummy, i think y'all would agree?

personally, i'll take the dummy, because he can surround himself with smart people, as Bush HAS done, without question. i mean, we've got Darth Vader as VP. :)


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick
BTW, i belong to no political party. this election is the same as the 00 election. your choice is between the Liar or the Dummy, i think y'all would agree?

personally, i'll take the dummy, because he can surround himself with smart people, as Bush HAS done, without question. i mean, we've got Darth Vader as VP. :)
but the choice is between the lying dummie and the liar who will soon become another puppet of the oil companies.

BTW, the neocons may be intelligent but the way they think and their complete adherence to neocon principels scares the living sh1t out of me.

Not saying that the Dems are better, but I seriously doubt they can be worse.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick

BTW, i belong to no political party. this election is the same as the 00 election. your choice is between the Liar or the Dummy, i think y'all would agree?
If it walks like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck and looks like a Duck, I think I'll call it a Duck. You Quack like a Republican. Your Pro- Bush/ Pro WAR spin would make ANN Coulter and Pat Buchanon DIZZY!!!

TooCold I give you credit your good at this political debate stuff. In fact, your probably 10x's smarter than me. You use pretty typical politcal debate tricks, you point to all the reports that support your preconceived notions. Yet, you disregard things like common sense to defend your guy. You adhere to very typical Republican tactics, i.e. blaming Clinton for every bad thing that has ever happened in AMerica.

Bush is in no way shape or form a cowboy. He's an idiot, from Conneticut who went to Yale, even though he didn't have the grades to get in. HE kinda, sort of (when he felt like it) served in the champagne division of the National Guard. We know he got drunk and high alot (guess thats normal) even though he refuses to acknowledge or be accountable for his drug abuse. His Daddies friends (which include the Bin Ladin family) financed several failed oil ventures, even though he had no experience in the oil business. Since oil and Haliburton are both in Texas, he ended up in that state, where he bought a baseball team. Some how along the way he became a "Cowboy," My guess is his wife bought him a hat as a chistmas gift. Please explain how his he relates to normal people? He doesn't even know how much a gallon of milk costs. Maybe your Daddies friends are this powerful, maybe you have enjoyed this much priviledge. Maybe he is your vision of a cowboy. Maybe you two have a lot in common. I admit i'm nowhere close to being as "common" as Bush!

This guy lied about weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq. Then Powell lied and promised proof (which we never got, Cunnilingus Rice lied. Cheney Lied. Everyone lied and fed us a bill of goods on Iraq. They all LIED and (though we dont care) 10's of thousands of Iraqis are dead and (though conservative war mongers don't care) thousands of American boys are dead or dying in Iraq. The 911 commision report was created only to justify destroying Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people are dead including thousands of Americans because of these lies!

Clinton got impeached over a Blow Job? What does bush deserve for his lies?

I'm not playing the race card, but I think most Pro War Americans have a "kill em all and let God sort em out mentality," toward the Islamic world. I mean Osama Bin Ladin (who is from Saudi Arabia, but was in Afghanistan) and a bunch of other Saudis are responsible for 911. Somehow, Bush replaced the name Osama with Saddam and the vicious, blood thirsty, "patriots" in this country cheered as America destroyed Iraq for something a bunch of Saudi Arabians were responsible for?!? Thats the math of 1+1=4. Its like saying all we had to do to avert the CUBAN missile crisis was blow up Puerto Rico or perhaps we could have ended the Vietnam war by redropping the A bomb on Japan (after all they all look the same).
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Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
princelydeeds, you need to read my earlier post in this thread on who runs this country. i am aware of all sides of the issues, it's my job, i'm a professional economist. you must understand something, the government does not solve problems. it creates problems. the evidence is absolutely overwhelming. name me one, JUST ONE, significant federal government program that has not been boofed up?

on the fiscal side, i am to the right of Attilla the Hun. i do not believe that the government can spend my hard earned money better than i can, but for only a few things, like national defense. that is the principle philosophy of democrats--we will spend your money for you because you are too stupid to do it for yourself. don't you find this insulting?

it's cradle to grave dependency. the Fed govt is the pimp and a good portion of liberals, who are getting a free ride, are the ho's. no wonder extreme liberals have such an extreme hatred for repubs. they don't want their free stuff to be taken away from them!

for example, to the black community, repubs say, 'you can do it on your own, we will level (try) the playing field'. dems say, 'no, you can't do it on your own, we will give you entitlements'.

i'm afraid that the black community does not want to hear the republican message, even when this message comes from very very prominent blacks, for in the 00 election, Bush got 9% of the black vote.

on the social side, i do not care what others do in the privacy of their own homes, so long as it doesn't hurt another. if it does, you go to jail. the federal government, dems and repubs, is in your living room, bedroom and bathroom (1.6 gallon toilets, which ironically takes MORE water to flush, since one of my classic sewer trouts takes about 3-4 flushes).

i would axe the Federal Reserve just as quickly as the Dept of Education.

here's why Clinton was so destructive to america. if i did what he did, or if any executive at a fortune 500 company, or any college administrator, or ANYBODY at ANY workplace in a position of authority, they would be FIRED ON THE SPOT.

why should the president of the united states be held to a LOWER standard?

it sent a message to the youth of america, like a thunderbolt, "Nothing is Wrong", under the guise of "it's his personal life". bull fawking ****. he's our employee, 24x7.

the man who has his finger on the button cannot restrain himself over a fat ugly stupid ho bag intern?

i recall a poll of high school girls, several years back. it revealed that 80% of them believe that giving a blow job is NOT sex. wonder who set that moral compass?

the major, HUGE, ENORMOUS problems facing this country were initiated by liberals. social security and medicare; administering 'education' at the national level; the pvssyfication of man (e.g. feminism); an unbelievably bloated federal government.

quack quack i suppose, i've been called worse. i can back my stuff up, because i debate this stuff in public.

enough! i have learned to respect others opinions, even if they are wrong. this is why i actually DO talk politics with chicks, if they initiate it.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick

on the fiscal side, i am to the right of Attilla the Hun. i do not believe that the government can spend my hard earned money better than i can, but for only a few things, like national defense. that is the principle philosophy of democrats--we will spend your money for you because you are too stupid to do it for yourself. don't you find this insulting?

it's cradle to grave dependency. the Fed govt is the pimp and a good portion of liberals, who are getting a free ride, are the ho's. no wonder extreme liberals have such an extreme hatred for repubs. they don't want their free stuff to be taken away from them!
that's just as big a generalisation as saying that all repubs are filthy rich egoistical bastards, only worded nicer :)

besides, I'm 100% sure the government does know better how too spend your cash -for the good of all- than you do. Or do you regularly build free ways, fund schools,... If you call that stupid, guess who's really stupid?

IMO, neither extreme is good (neither communism, nor uncorrected capitalism) is the way to go. But the above remains an opinion, not fact.

and besides, feminism is not the fault of the liberals, but of women :) and the basic ideas of feminism are, of course, not wrong (women having the same rights as men) BUT it has become wrong over time. again the extremists who are yelling that men are inferior to women. (note: remember that some men do this too about women)

and about a prez getting a blow job: good on him. I can't believe someone would even care, except for his wife...


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick
princelydeeds, you need to read my earlier post in this thread on who runs this country. i am aware of all sides of the issues, it's my job, i'm a professional economist. you must understand something, the government does not solve problems. it creates problems. the evidence is absolutely overwhelming. name me one, JUST ONE, significant federal government program that has not been boofed up?

it's cradle to grave dependency. the Fed govt is the pimp and a good portion of liberals, who are getting a free ride, are the ho's. no wonder extreme liberals have such an extreme hatred for repubs. they don't want their free stuff to be taken away from them!
I had to reread my post because Im still trying understand why you started lecturing me about government solving problems. I don't see anywhere in my post where I stated directly or indirectly that government as husband, father, sister, brother, big brother or mother is something in which I belive. I spoke about Bush, priviledge, cowboys, Iraqi and American lives being wasted, and Bush's lies. Im confused by your response because it addresses nothing that I stated.

Honestly, I completely agree with your points about government providing a free ride. I am by no means a bleeding heart liberal, but im certainly no cut down all the forests and shoot all the animals republican either. I consider myself a true Libertarian. I hate big government. I believe governemnt is a cancer that exisits soley to grow itself and run our lives. Iwant the government out of my life.

I would be careful being presumtuous enough to say what all black people think and feel. I assure you that black folks do not think in one monolithic block. THe opinions of black people on politics are as varied as those of white people.

Hmmmm... a blow job in his office. No one is hurt the man is embarassed. Thousands of Americans die, Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis die, we are caught in a war we can never win and american spends 500 billion dollars on war and its aftermath. Two lies, two vastly different results. Your telling me that the Blow Job lie was worse? Your logic eludes me!


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
A Kerry shirt makes you look like everyone else on campus, at least on my home campus. Stand out and wear a Libertarian shirt. Makes you look smarter anyway :p


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2003
Reaction score
New Jersey
it's obvious

It's obvious, isn't it ?

Republicans believe in abstinence, so you can't expect a lot of fun from a republican girl ... and by the way, you can't be a DJ if you're republican; the two contradict each other (computer geeks call that mutually exclusive) : Either you party and enjoy and ****, or you're a republican :p .. if you claim you're a republican, and still party and enjoy and ****, then HELLO ! WAKE UP ! republican isn't for you ...

Democrats on the other hand believe in condoms :D , so party all you want and enjoy AND **** as much as you want; just wear your condom :D

And people: don't fall for the ads that claim democrats are sissies .. hey they're alpha males who make sure they wear condoms, not half-assed chumps who abstain ....

On a serious not though ; I think Kerry's the man for the white house. He is much more president material than Bush; plus it's the same great American people and military no matter who the president is; so please don't put the dork W back in the white house. Anyway, Bush doesn't run the white house; it's a muddle of people: Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld .... I think Kerry will be a much more principled and strong prez than Bush.

Besides how can you vote for a ticket, that has "****" and "Bush" on it ???:cool:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
What the hell does a Syrian have to say about our election. You don't know ****.

And most Democrats are girly men. My ex gf is so liberal and the only guys that vote for the Democrats are gay.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
Rome, Italy
Originally posted by Ricky
What the hell does a Syrian have to say about our election. You don't know ****.
Some people are worldly (look it up)...
Americans aren't wordly, they only know what's going on in the 48 contiguous states... I doubt you can even point out Syria on the atlas, but they know about you.

Anyway, Bush all the way.


New Member
Oct 18, 2004
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You've got one thousand five hundred and how many posts?

Democrats are 50% of the U.S. population. They are all gay?

Do yourself a favor, man, get off this site, get off in real life, and then see if you can do some math.

Remember, everyone, Hitler had one nad. The more sexually frustrated the man, the bigger the rant . . .

There is a reason my European friends are liberal: they get a lot more action from a lot better quality women. Even TooCold Atilla the Hun will admit as much.

Less Sex == More Anger

The right wing ranters in this country amount to a bunch of sexually frustrated freaks -- think Rush Limbaugh, think Ann Coulter -- who want to legislate their Christianity for the masses b/c they never got any themselves when they were young. So:

-- Gays can't do this
-- Women can't do that

And soon enough, Jews can't do this, and Blacks can't do that.

Just watch.

(And anyone want to tell me Blacks and Jews -- who are both 90% liberal -- don't know how to dip their prick? Ricky boy, I'm speaking to you, "who always stays calm in an argument" . . . )

But if you don't like watching, vote for John Kerry.

Motto: He's not inspiring. But he's not Hitler. (And Hitler *was* inspiring ... for a lot of sexually frustrated Germans).


W. B. Yeats: "The best lack all conviction, the worst are full of passionate intensity."

Ricky? I'm still speaking to you . . .


New Member
Oct 18, 2004
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"Level Playing Field"

I want to add that when TooColdUrick -- our resident wealthy financial consultant -- says, "we will level (try) the playing field'" -- what that means is:

We will cancel affirmative action.


Because a hundred years of slavery -- and a hundred years of Jim Crow -- couldn't possibly have anything to do with the situation of African Americans today.

Because Native Americans -- another bunch of gay boys who vote Democrat, eh Ricky? -- have only themselves to blame for their ancestors being murdered and them being stuck on reservations.

Yup, just ask the the descendents of the rich white men who took advantage of these folks, and they will level the playing field for you, all right.

George Bush, I'm talking to you, now. You never met with the NAACP -- and only twice with the Black Congressional Caucus (in the first weeks of his tenure). You gonna level the playing field for my boys?

How come I'm not buying this sh-t. Now, show of hands, how many Republicans here are

(a) wealthy
(b) white
(c) Christian
(d) all of the above

Come on now, gentlemen, don't be shy.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Originally posted by Ricky
What the hell does a Syrian have to say about our election. You don't know ****.

And most Democrats are girly men. My ex gf is so liberal and the only guys that vote for the Democrats are gay.
Did you think that little gem up all by yourself or did you get some help?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
You guys can't handle the truth.

Just because some Americans aren't wordly, doesn't mean I am not well versed on the geography and sociology of many countries.

I will give you one reason Americans aren't quite as knowledgable about other countries: It is directly related to our relative lack of vacation time compared to our counterparts.

Americans are the hardest working people in the world. They work more hours and take less vacation than most of the world. Europeans have more free time to explore other countries. This most certainly gives them an advantage in learning about other cultures.

I bet alot of you never thought of that obvious reason.

I'm an independent, i just tire of the false promises of liberalism.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
One more post that is not specifically about the title of this thread (or using a Bush/Nader/Badnarik/etc. t-shirt, for fairness) and I will rain fire and brimstone on all y'all.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
"Anyone who isn't a liberal by age 18 has no heart, anyone who isn't a conservative by age 30 has no brain"

Winston Churchill
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