There is a big difference between work from home and work remote (travel). As
@logicallefty said, working from home is hardly ideal. It's the same as working an office job but being chained to your own desk. You'll feel like a slave in your bedroom, the place that is supposed to be your escape.
My dream is to be a successful travel agent who works totally remote, for a company that provides me leads but is pretty much hands off outside of that (and making sure I sell with integrity.) If I don't put up the metrics fire me, otherwise leave me alone. Don't even mind if it's mostly/all commission, as long as I can have to freedom to sell while I myself am traveling, and not being restricted to my own PC.
Believe it or not these companies exist, but understandably they want a lot of experience in travel. They take a big risk hiring people they never actually meet. And they get a ton of applicants for these positions because everyone wants to quit their day job.
So I just got a job working as a travel agent in an office and ideally, I would get a promotion in a year, leave with at least 2 years total experience on the systems, and hopefully with that and my Bachelors that's enough to GTFO and go remote.