Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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The problem is that the prime bar in Miami for Fridays that is the best one for game is also one that turns into a sports bar whenever a Miami team plays. Vibe changes real fast depending on the season and the kind of sport that is on. Basketball is huge here because of the heat and so is soccer but thankfully that never airs on Friday and Saturday nights.

Orange Bowl and most major college bowls in Miami are in Miami Gardens, a very dangerous area with a good stadium, far away from the prime Miami game spots, so we are safe.
A lot of cities have their arenas and stadiums in crap hole crime areas with not many bars around it. Basically everyone drives strait to and from the game.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I decided to check out my Seeking Arrangements account. I have made it vehemently clear in my account that I am not looking for any Pay Per Meet or anything that would be remotely close to a Sugar Daddy relationship. Had a few women reach out and compliment me on taking a stance. Had a few dates lined up after I got some numbers.
Good frame!

One was a Brazilian girl today, blonde hair and a nice tan. It is funny how it works because I barely chat with them much, I just name the spot and tell them we should meet up there and they are super down for it. I ended up ordering an Uber for her to come since she was a bit far away and we had dinner, I paid since it was the first date. She was telling me how she is here temporarily and we started vibing.

We chilled and chatted for a bit and then got intimate with each other. She immediately goes down on me and gives me a BJ. I was hard as a rock throughout the date and had been doing No Fap. I ended up finishing a bit early as the BJ made me bust a massive load. She even laughed but it was different. She was massaging my testicles while giving me a BJ which made me moan like a MOFO.
Many men are into Brazilian woman. They can be quite sexy.

She did compliment on my cawk being huge even though I am only like a little over 6 inches erect lol.
Very good!

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Many men are into Brazilian woman. They can be quite sexy.
Yeah man, she had a sexy vibe to her from the start. Something about Brazilian women arouses me lol.

However, it is good to reflect to see how far I have come after being hit with so much this year regarding game.
  • I get back out to do game after months of a layoff from it due to unemployment and health issues, the outcome? I end up being sick and coughing like crazy for almost a month
  • I get pro photos done but they amount to almost nothing on the apps as the ELO screws me over
  • I try to get back into game again but just realize that my wings are downright toxic and a mess, like toxic to the point it drains me
Huge moral victory.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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You can keep doing Seeking and in-person approaching. Do you think you are going to see this Brazilian woman again?

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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You can keep doing Seeking and in-person approaching. Do you think you are going to see this Brazilian woman again?
Probably not but we will see. Seems like a plan though. BTW, funny story. Took a trip out to see family in Atlanta and stopped by Orlando on the way back. My Tinder and Bumble took off. Seems like the market in Miami really is that competitive!


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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BTW, funny story. Took a trip out to see family in Atlanta and stopped by Orlando on the way back. My Tinder and Bumble took off. Seems like the market in Miami really is that competitive!
Maybe you aren't shadowbanned but Miami is that competitive. I can identify as Dallas is an extremely competitive market with a male surplus.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Maybe you aren't shadowbanned but Miami is that competitive. I can identify as Dallas is an extremely competitive market with a male surplus.
Yeah that is what I was thinking. Because as soon as I went to Atlanta, my Bumble had like 30+ likes right off the bat and in Orlando? 30+ likes again so it easily went to 60. I feel like I can occasionally spend a weekend or even a week in a Florida city other than Miami sometimes to see how I do, it could be a good bucket list item given how much Miami can suck in the summer and how we are likely getting hit hard with a hurricane this year.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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Yeah that is what I was thinking. Because as soon as I went to Atlanta, my Bumble had like 30+ likes right off the bat and in Orlando? 30+ likes again so it easily went to 60. I feel like I can occasionally spend a weekend or even a week in a Florida city other than Miami sometimes to see how I do, it could be a good bucket list item given how much Miami can suck in the summer and how we are likely getting hit hard with a hurricane this year.
That was the west coast with Ian. However I will say if another major hurricane hits a heavily populated area of Florida and insurance goes up even more then it will get tougher. Younger people will simply move out of state. Over here on the west coast people are getting hit hard with housing expenses and insurance.

A major hurricane into Miami would cause an economic depression in the whole state of FL. You have no idea how fragile the insurance industry is right now here. Places like Atlanta might gain even more population if that happens. A lot of young people making decent money have to work two jobs in FL now.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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That was the west coast with Ian. However I will say if another major hurricane hits a heavily populated area of Florida and insurance goes up even more then it will get tougher. Younger people will simply move out of state. Over here on the west coast people are getting hit hard with housing expenses and insurance.

A major hurricane into Miami would cause an economic depression in the whole state of FL. You have no idea how fragile the insurance industry is right now here. Places like Atlanta might gain even more population if that happens. A lot of young people making decent money have to work two jobs in FL now.
LOL, Miami will always bounce back from the hurricane. So much of old money is down here that originated from the east coast and lots of people with houses and mansions near the beach. Believe me, young people and the wealthy will always find an excuse to come to Miami and live here.

However, the good news is that I do hope it lowers the apartment prices because good lord rents have gone through the roof in recent years.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Miami will always bounce back from the hurricane.
Hurricanes rarely hit Miami directly. The last major hurricane that hit Miami-Dade County was Hurricane Andrew in 1992, which hit the areas south of Downtown Miami more directly. Homestead was more directly affected than areas near Downtown Miami or Miami Beach.

Miami-Dade County is more built up now than when Andrew hit in 1992.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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Hurricanes rarely hit Miami directly. The last major hurricane that hit Miami-Dade County was Hurricane Andrew in 1992, which hit the areas south of Downtown Miami more directly. Homestead was more directly affected than areas near Downtown Miami or Miami Beach.

Miami-Dade County is more built up now than when Andrew hit in 1992.
Had andrew went just 10 miles north the damage would have been catastrophic. A cat5 like andrew would cause a lot of deaths and destruction.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Hurricanes rarely hit Miami directly. The last major hurricane that hit Miami-Dade County was Hurricane Andrew in 1992, which hit the areas south of Downtown Miami more directly. Homestead was more directly affected than areas near Downtown Miami or Miami Beach.

Miami-Dade County is more built up now than when Andrew hit in 1992.
Yeah but with the way the weather has been this year, I think Miami is surely overdue for a nasty hurricane that can cause disruptions. Even if it does not cause a ton of damage, it will surely cause a lot of disruptions and a lot of setbacks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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Yeah but with the way the weather has been this year, I think Miami is surely overdue for a nasty hurricane that can cause disruptions. Even if it does not cause a ton of damage, it will surely cause a lot of disruptions and a lot of setbacks.
True! Remember in 2019 at one point some of the forecast models had Hurricane Dorian stalling over Miami as a cat5. Like i said that would be a wreck to the economy. I'm not talking just disruptions in dating, but a exodus too when sky scrapers are destroyed, condo units collapsed. I'm taking like a storm with sustained winds of 170mph gusts to 200. It would not be habitable for a long time if a cat5 did a direct hit on Southeast FL. A storm like Andrew with the eye over downtown Miami would set the city back 12 years.

Even a storm like Ian tanked the tourist industry on Ft. Myers beach and Sanibel. It was dead there this year. No boars on Ft. Myers beach, all gone. I drove there 2 weeks ago. Bunch of vacant lots and slabs and slabs of concrete stacked up.

A true cat5 into a Miami or Tampa will forever change Florida. A lot of people would drown in the Tampa Bay area if a cat5 hit there.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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July 6th.

So I linked up on Seeking with this Middle Eastern milf with a nice rack at the same spot from yesterday. Miami weather ****block like none other as it was pouring rain and then come to find, this chick is driving instead of Ubering. Due to the weather, she was like almost an hour or so late but she got there. Before she got there, I was thinking of how I can get her to come back to my place, what would be my plausible deniability? Luckily the rain started to clear up so I could get her to my rooftop. She looked great and at first, I noticed a somewhat fun vibe with her.

We had a couple of margaritas together as I talked to her. TBH, she seemed a bit ditzy and the next day, she had a trip to LA she was going on and her flight was going to be the next morning. We were chatting and vibing but then I noticed that at times, she would check her phone to text her friends. Not a good sign.

We kept vibing and then got deeper on our second drink. We talked about politics a bit and how she was a bit right leaning like me and all. It became interesting for a moment and then after we finished our drinks, I walked to her car with her as her friend called her. She tells her friend she is just getting drinks with a "friend". I tell her after the call is done "smooth, you said friend". She says "well you are not my boyfriend". I reply with "yeah, I am your fun friend haha". We get in the car, she get to my spot two blocks away, and then I take her to my rooftop.

She loves the view and we make out a bit and I try to get her to come to my apartment to see my pet but she turns me down, says not this time. We make out and keep doing so in the elevator. Take her to her car and we make out some more, she was giving me tongue. I could have persisted and tried again but did not. Mistake by me for sure, who knows.

So the date ends in a makeout.

Good news? She was happy I paid for her drinks unlike the chick from yesterday and even drove me to my spot which was like 2 min away lol (10 min walk). However, I doubt anything comes of this at all. I think I am going to lose this chick :/

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I also won't be checking this forum as much, I got a date lined up for tomorrow and Saturday from Seeking. I have made the rules of engagement quite clear and both of them actually messaged me saying how they agree that Seeking should not be an escort site. We will see how this all goes. However, I hope to get back to you guys with a success story. A lot of speed bumps and almosts so far but you know your boy Jesse Pinkman is gonna try to deliver.

Outside of Seeking, man oh man is your boy looking to get back into some serious daygame! I realized how toxic my wings were, something I shared with @SW15 in my other thread when my freaking wing with weak game destroyed my vibe because of my downright toxic that loser was. I really want to get back into my old roots.

Guys, I know this seems hopeless at first but I think I might have found my gameplan.

Daygame, Nightgame, and Seeking. Come to find, even the traditional dating apps are warming up for me. Build a good foundation this summer and then come fall, own this freaking game brothers! We got this! I know I ran into roadblocks but I freaking know what my setbacks were and I have fixed them. I am going to come back stronger, believe it. I really want to conquer game in Miami, one of the toughest cities for single dudes in America.

After I have conquered the game in Miami, I am going to march right into NYC and own those loud-mouth hobbits. Last time I went there, I stole a man's date and screwed the living daylights out of her that night. This time when I return, I am going to own Manhattan like I am Blackstone.

It is going to be easy mode for me after I have finally pulled through in a tougher market like Miami.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Dafuq are middle eastern older women doing on SA?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Jesse, if that's not God telling you to move I don't know what is.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Jesse, if that's not God telling you to move I don't know what is.
God's been telling me to move, it's a tough market but I am tired of running. It has hot girls and I am going to succeed here before I move. NYC is going to be a fun cakewalk and victory lap before your boy settles down lol.