Originally posted by Honey Shark
By taking revenge on the ho, he reciprocates her actions and thus shows that he is no better than her because he did exactly what she did. Yeah, she is a ho, but he also shows himself to be the arsehole. This would be the social ripples I spoke of earlier, that is other people realizing that he too is uncool, even if his actions were justified under the misguided mantra of "eye for an eye." Being a DJ, at least for me, is not about being an arsehole.
Originally posted by Slashco
Asking her to wait for him and then not showing was simply rude and mean, regardless of what had happened before. It also showed he still held some resentment toward her, and thus she still had a partial hold over him. Did he need to behave this way? No. Did this bring him any benefit? No, this girl would most likely spread the story and others would begin to see him as more of a jerk.
The point of me posting this article was to show people here what idolizing girls will do to a person. I was hoping to give inspiration to someone who might be in that position right now. Why did my actions bother you that much? I told you, I was a junior in High School and she screwed my life up. The simple fact that she truly didn't care about my accident really pissed me off.
And I agree with you, the right thing for me to do was to give her a "polite refusal". But you know what, I didn't!!!! You weren't in my position(and i hope no one will ever have to)
so it's very easy to say "Well we would have kissed and made up and I would give her a polite refusal". Under the circumstances I was in, my retaliation was nice compared to what many other people would have done in my situation. IT'S VERY EASY TO SAY "I AM A DJ, AND WELL, DJ'S ARE COOL AND DONT DO THOSE KIND OF THINGS"

You guys have no idea the amount of trouble and stress I went through, so dont go around saying "Jay83 was an ass hole because she waited at the library for a couple of hours".
Its not like I called her out in front the whole school, or even gossip about how wrong she is. Im not that kind of a person. She just waited there a couple hours and I didnt show up. BOO HOO!! Jay83's a monster!!! I wasn't really trying to be mean, but to just let her think about how stupid she was acting and show her how it feels to be stood up. Some people need a wake up call, or a "reality check" to show them how stupid they're acting, and believe this was a reality check for her.
And like I said you were correct, the right thing to do would be to "turn the other cheek" and let bygones be bygones. Like I said also in my post, this was a while back, and I've grown so much as a person since then. But you know what, If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't have changed a damn thing!!!

And let me tell you, that feeling I got for standing her up was priceless!!

"No Jay, you're no better than she is for doing that". Please save the morality stuff for some one else please. You keep thinking that, but like I said I wouldn't have changed a thing if I was to do it all over again.
And I appreciate everyone who understands what I did and defended my actions. a la Dj Grevik and others!!!!
Later guys,