Yesterday I hit breaking point, I've decided that I don't want to be the nice guy anymore it's taken 18 years to realise this, and 4 months lurking on this website to really get me going.
It happened with me sitting in an English class with 7 girls and a teacher. There are no other guys in my english class anymore just generally high quality girls, two HB8, two HB7 and two HB6 with one girl a HB2 who doesn't talk to anyone. So I was sitting there talking with these girls and then one of them starts talking about her guy problem, getting followed around at a nightclub and once she started about a guy they all did.
And then it happened, i even saw it coming and still did nothing. One by one each of them asked me what I thought about their particular guy. i answered with the answer i thought they wanted to hear.
I realised I was being the emotional tampon, and it has disgusted me, i don't ever want to be in that situation again, surrounded by good quality girls and instead of leading them and being alpha being their little emotional buffer.
1-0 to the DJ in me finally waking up
It happened with me sitting in an English class with 7 girls and a teacher. There are no other guys in my english class anymore just generally high quality girls, two HB8, two HB7 and two HB6 with one girl a HB2 who doesn't talk to anyone. So I was sitting there talking with these girls and then one of them starts talking about her guy problem, getting followed around at a nightclub and once she started about a guy they all did.
And then it happened, i even saw it coming and still did nothing. One by one each of them asked me what I thought about their particular guy. i answered with the answer i thought they wanted to hear.
1-0 to the DJ in me finally waking up