What a weekend.
Friday night was pretty good; got two numbers. One at the trashy Top 40's club, which I had to plow for. I plowed and plowed (she wouldn't give me her number). Sent her a "get home safe
text", no reply until later the next day, something along the lines of me being sneaky about getting her number. Saw her the next day at the same club, talked to her for a bit, then wandered off. Sent her another "get home safe playa" text and she sent back "I'm not a player". She doesn't seem too thrilled about me; no f*cks are given, I'll still come and talk to her when I see her and her friend.
Second girl was at the gay club; an ADORABLE petite Native American girl, resisted some of my physical advances at first, but ended up moving her around, getting a number close. She wanted to say bye to my wing, so I told her to run and jump on him, and then I walked up and had him pass her to me, and I carried her back to her friends. I didn't even notice other people staring at me while I did this, apparently they were. Whatever. Sent her the "get home safe" text, she replied twice, I then wrote back "thanks mom", and then she immediately responds with "anytime

". Texted her this morning; no reply yet. Whatever.
Saturday night was one of those "poor" nights. I watched 4 hours of David DeAngelo's Body Language program as a tuneup (I haven't watched it in about two years, so alot of it was review). I realized later that it put me in an analytical state. Plus I didn't really want to be at the club that night, but I made a commitment to go out on Thursday-Saturday no matter what.
There weren't that many girls I liked (spring break forced everyone elsewhere), so I was just opening random sets that I wasn't too into. Built up some momentum, and ended up doing Chode Laps around the club, blowing myself out. Tried to get a number, she didn't readily give it to me because we didn't talk too much. I did extract her from the dance floor from about four dudes who were all staring at me (didn't care). I don't take my phone into the club, but I bring this notebook to write things down on (ideas, names, etc.). She thought it was my "player book" and was NOT about that. But it seemed like one of those situations where she wouldn't have given it to me quite yet. Not enough rapport.
Bounced the the gay club in another city; it was full blown gay night. Had some f*cking dude STARING at me as I walked by, who grabbed my ass. This was less than a minute of me walking in. The fury was building. Ended up scoping for hot girls; there wasn't many. Opened a blonde girl, it fizzled out quickly.
Then I saw her.
This ADORABLE little thing wearing a pink tanktop, lip piercings, black short shorts, pink fishnet, and little leather boots. Totally my preferred "type". She had her lesbian friend (girlfriend?) with her. Approach went pretty well, until she asked me what I did. I became incongruent and also started to jump through her hoops. Funny how one slip up and girls lose attraction. She ended up leaving and never came back. Found her on the dancefloor. Talked to her a little more her friends came to "rescue her". She never gave any signals to them that I noticed. Whatever. Went for the number under the guise that I was feeling uncomfortable and had to leave, called myself, and I was about to leave when I remembered that I needed to build more rapport and escalation to get more solid numbers.
So I went back. Big mistake.
Then I finally decided to bounce, got to my car, checked my phone, and HER NUMBER DID NOT SHOW UP ON MY PHONE. Whipped my car around, and I wasn't able to find her until she was leaving the club. I yelled for her to come over to me, but she was like "I have to go now!" and scurried off.
F*ck. That was THE HOTTEST girl I've seen in a while. At least I went for it. I'll probably see her again in the future, next time I'll be more casual and less pushy. Last night was a "learning transition", where I caught myself f*cking up, and tried to correct myself with the final result being this weird f*ckup that I've never done before (kind of like painting a wall and knowing that you need to avoid drips, then you see a drip forming and try to fix it, and end up flattening the thing and creating a new type of f*ckup. Next time there won't be any drips). That means I'll do it right next time. I just hate having these kinds of learning experiences on this caliber of girl.
Lessons learned:
1. Call. Avoid text as much as possible.
2. I need to build rapport and isolate girls that I actually want, instead of talking for five minutes and getting the number. Talking for five minutes is called WARMING UP.
3. When getting a number, be sure to VERIFY that you've either called yourself, or send yourself a text.
4. Don't say you're about to leave, and then NOT LEAVE.
5. No more studying pickup on club nights.