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ive become a halo nerd that sits at home and watches porn [Vice's Journal]


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Lame weekend.

Went out Thursday, did ONE semi-approach (motioned for a girl to come over) and got blown out. Deflated right away, didn't approach for the rest of the night. Did see some cuties there, it is indeed the hottest venue in the region. I have decided to quit bringing my phone into the club, it justifies me sitting alone. Also had trouble seeing, I was wearing my glasses and couldn't see much.

Friday and Saturday was spent preparing my dorm room for my final departure, i.e. painting. I ended up eating dinner and falling into a COMA, therefore sleeping away both Friday and Saturday night.

Fortunately, that coma has knocked one of my cylinders on, and I feel AMAZING. TONS of energy, enthusiasm, and all that sh*t.

Day 20 no energy drinks/soda, day 7 no porn. On a f*cking ROLL, son.

I'm getting eye surgery this Thursday (PRK), so I won't be able to go out this weekend because I'll be taking meds and eye drops that will make me sleep more. The weekend following shall be GLORIOUS, my state is picking up momtentum and I'm starting to get out of this little rut that I've been in.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
My eyes burn like a thousand suns.

Had eye surgery this Thursday, and today (Saturday) is supposed to be the worst day for pain. I'm taking all kinds of eye drops and painkillers. I can't go out because I'm supposed to stay away from smoky environments and get as much sleep as possible. so this is going to be a lame weekend, and a painful one too.

Next weekend will be glorious, and I've decided to work on the same approach over and over until I get htat particular one down.

Been laying in bed listening to RSD audio rips of The Jeffy Show, that stuff is excellent. and super funny


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Been going out three nights every week for the past two weeks. I'm starting to become very comfortable in the club environment. I even get approached sometimes, but I haven't capitalized yet. I have zero sympathy for myself, nor do I expect any from anyone else.

My concrete goals for each night is to just show up, dance at least three songs, stay until closing, and approach at least three girls per night. Very simple.

My biggest sticking point is not dancing. I'm just not comfortable doing it. I'll push myself to do it this Thursday; I realize that I must act and look like a fool before I get comfortable. And it'll also help me avoid stagnation in the club, where I get into my head.

I've been posting in the RSD forums on specific game related questions, and just posting my realizations and results here.

What I've realized is that blowouts happen, even to the "elite" RSD instructors. Random interactions equal random results. So getting blown out is normal and no big deal, and is in no way related to me.

Another thing I need to work on is positivity and high energy levels.

So this weekend I will focus on getting on the dance floor, and my enthusiam when approaching. I write down that night's goals on an index card and take it with me. I've never pulled it out, because writing it down helps me remember, and reinforce the purpose of that night.

This time of year is really slow, and I'll be going out much more frequently during the summer, which will mean even more interesting posts in the future.

Oh, and went out to the gay club on Friday. Little did I know, it was "fetish night" and I was wearing a leather jacket. My first time back in months, and I was so freaked out by the environment that I wasn't able to approach the dozen or so hotties scattered about, escorted by their harmless gay friends.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
I just had a girl approach me tonight, not even a few minutes ago. Had another one check me out immediately before that.

I just realized TODAY that I've had three girls approach me in less than a week. And I've had even more checking me out.

But for some reason I've always shied away whenever this happens. But it's happening more often - or maybe I'm more aware of it.

I had a dream the other night. In that dream, I was initiating intense eye contact with girls. The night before that, I found myself doing the same thing. This is significant; this means that I've had a deep, subconscious change towards being more natural and primal with women. In contrast, for YEARS, I used to have dreams where I would chase women, and they would run away from me. Then when I discovered this success with women stuff, my dreams evolved into me soaring over a crowd of women, and swooping in on them and f*cking them, like some kind of sex hawk.

Either way, my life is changing for the better. Hellz yeah


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
The Night of McLovin'

Went out last night (Friday). I am now very comfortable in the venue, the music does not disorient me, and I have an easier time talking to people. I walked around and made simple comments to people, made fun of the music being too "gangster" for me. Did my three approaches that I promised I'd do; I even approached a handful of guys just to make random comments.

Ended up doing "the claw" for the first time as well. It was tentative, but I did it to two girls at the same time. I could sense that they became more comfortable when I did it; looks like my physical escalation game is getting started.

I also "eclipsed" a guy for the first time last night; I re-approached the pair of girls that I clawed, and there was some dude talking to the girl I liked. I came in with explosive vocal projection, and caught both girl's attention. The dude asked the girl if I was her boyfriend, but her attention was divided between me and him (with me having most of it). I grabbed her by the arm and moved her to see a guy that reminded me of McLovin' from Superbad.

Closing time came, and I walked them back to their cars. Random BSing, and her friend got my number as we left. They're going to be at the club again tonight, and I WILL try to pull her home tonight.

Also drank one of those giant cans of Red Bull. I have a good reason this time: I'm changing work hours, so I need to adjust my clock to stay up until 6AM.

Going out is now fun again. I look forward to the weekends!


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Caffeine increases the half-life of cortisol, the stress hormone in the body. So it actually increases the time that it is active in the system. This is bad for a few reasons. The body follows a cycle in which the body is Catabolic during the morning/early afternoon and Anabolic at night. The operative hormones are Cortisol(catabolic hormone) and Testosterone(anabolic hormone). Cortisol and Testosterone basically compete for the same receptor in the body, which regulates uptake of these hormones. These hormones cancel each other out, so when you increase the half-life of cortisol by taking caffeine at the most inopportune time usually in the morning when Cortisol levels are already high, you increase the time the body is in a catabolic state(great if you want to be skinny or fat) and canceling out the anabolic effects of Testosterone(not good if you want to be muscular or not fat).

Most people have a poor understanding of this, which is why many lift weights in the morning since Testosterone is at a high level. However, they fail to consider the fact that Cortisol is also at a very high level, which ends up cancelling this out. This is called the "Anabolic Ratio", the ratio of Cortisol to Testosterone. When the level of Cortisol is higher than Testosterone(see mornings), the body is in a Catabolic State. When the level of Cortisol is lower than Testosterone(see late afternoon/evening), the body is in an Anabolic State. This is why you will always get better results lifting at night versus in the morning. You are working with your bodies natural cycle instead of against it. The saying goes "night time is the right time" for lifting weights. I am not saying you will not get results from lifting in the morning, but you are leaving some results on the table. Basically you are accepting getting paid 80% of your salary for the same work being put in.

My suggestion is that if you are going to take caffeine, take something else that suppresses the release of cortisol(Holy Basil or Phosphatidylserine), which will lessen the overall effect since the half-life of less cortisol will be extended.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Last Friday sucked. My first interaction was bad, and it set the tone for the rest of the night; blowout after blowout, eventually had a state crash and left early.

Saturday was awesome; skipped the line because I asked the bouncer if the line was for this one guy's party (Thanks RSD; that technique is called "throwing nonsense" or something, it works alot when you aren't getting what you want); skipped the ID checking guy because I make it a point to call him by name and ask how his night was going; and bantered with the girl that takes my cover money (I have a VIP pass so I get in for free). I'm yet to call her by name; she told me one time but I forgot, but I asked a waitress and will make it a point to call her by her name this Friday.

Met up with a new friend; I think he's into learning success with women as well, but we haven't really directly talked about it, and I honestly don't care to. It's all about opening sets and hooking up. After a few mediocre practice sets, I started getting into a social vibe, and opened a two set that hooked. One of the girls gave me "the eyes" that indicated a hook, where she was listening to every word I said. This was the first time I had it happen in-field, but my intuituion and instinct linked up the concept of the "hook" (which until then I had only heard/read about). I immediately moved them to another part of the club (took her by the hand, told her to take her friend by the hand too).

Talked for a few minutes, and they wanted to go dance. I don't dance so I let them wander off. No worries. Talked to some more girls; tried pulling a turbo blonde 9 to talk to my friend, and I physically led her, but she went back to her friend who decided that she would rather talk to some chubby f*ggot chodes than me. Her loss (I seriously believe that it's her loss, she MUST have been drunk). <- [this must be the "delusional confidence" I occasionally read/hear about]

My buddy was dancing with this chick from his social circle, and she would lightly spank my ass when I got close enough. I REALLY wanted to steal her away from my buddy's friend, but that's not how you make new friends :). I would have commanded her to meet me at the other side of the bar and just gone hardcore physical; she was dressed in a SUPER feminine way, and commanding her to go to ther other side of the bar puts her in a submissive role, of which I would have capitalized on very quickly. Maybe even pulled her to my car.

Anyway, went back to the dance floor, and extracted the girl that I hooked earlier. Took her to a dark corner; quick little kiss with a lemon, and a few minutes later a REAL kiss. I stopped kissing her first, and said "that's all you get" (Credit: David DeAngelo).

Then this girl a few feet away had a seizure, and three of her friends were standing over her. None of them went to get help, so I stepped the f*ck up and notified staff; I was running around, dragging this girl with me, being all physical and sh*t. Physically guided the bouncer to the seizuring girl (not so much to AMOG him, but simply to help the poor girl and him. It was the fastest way to get sh*t done). Then I told him that I would control the crowd (which never showed up) and stood by with my girl, who had been dragged around the whole time.

Few more little kisses; told her that I didn't want to be "tacky club makeout guy". Had some chode paw at her and motion for her to come over to him, I had my arm around her shoulder and just STEERED her 180 degrees and walked away. If she had gone to talk to him, I would have just thrown her over my shoulder if she was wearing pants, or if she was wearing a skirt I would have done the preying mantis and carried her away.

Got her number; called her the next evening (Sunday), had a solid chat. Set up Day 2 on Wednesday. Flaking is expected and will not bother me. The weekend will only be two days away from that point.]

Got back into energy drinks; mostly because I have had a drastic shift change at work and need all that crap to keep me awake. Not anymore; I'm going to stop drinking them again, because loading up on leafy greens gives me more quality energy to stay awake.

Fun times. Can't wait for Wednesday (will go for a lay) and the weekend.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
You never had a hook before??

It's the moment when you're talking to a girl, and you realise there's about a 99% chance she wants to make out with you that night.

It basically means you made the sale.

Last time I had a hook, I realised I got the hook because the girl was talkin about sex, lol. So what I did, I left her alone and enjoyed myself for a good 20 minutes, reapproached, warmed her up again, and went for the make-out.

Last summer I was talkin to a mexican chick. Soon as I realised she was down, I extracted her to a better location, talked, put my hand on her leg to test receptibility, and went for the make-out.

Then there was a black chick I met on a christmas holiday. I met her in a car ride on the way to the club. I just made casual small-talk, and there was this little childrens play-house right outside the club. She was makin fun of it, and I was showing appreciation for it. So then we decided to go and sit in it. That's when I realised I had got the 'hook'. If I didn't get the make-out in that little play-house I probably wasn't going to at all.

Now listen up: She had hick-ups, right. And I thought to myself: "ohhhhhhhhhhh, I know what to do.....", told her: "I know the cure, but you got to close your eyes", so she closed her eyes, I went for the make-out, and she basically started sucking my face off. She asked me about me having one-night-stands, and I was like: "naahhh, I like to get to know girls first before I fvck them", and that was the WRONG answer. Missed out on a good ol' bathroom fvck. Oh well.

Anyway, that's just some examples of a hook.

It's like a girl giving you the heads up that she's down with you. A form of confirmation. Usually comes from skanks and sloots though.

Can't remember ever getting a hook from a decent girl. With the more decent girls, it's more like: "please don't make out with me in front of my friend!!", then I do it anyway, and it's like: "oh nooo, I'm a bad girl now!!". lol. They usually put up much more resistance.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Chamber36 said:
It's like a girl giving you the heads up that she's down with you. A form of confirmation. Usually comes from skanks and sloots though.

Can't remember ever getting a hook from a decent girl. With the more decent girls, it's more like: "please don't make out with me in front of my friend!!", then I do it anyway, and it's like: "oh nooo, I'm a bad girl now!!". lol. They usually put up much more resistance.
You have a blind spot here dude; they're not skanks/wh*res just because they are willing to hook up with you. It's just that you've made it OKAY for them to act that way because they feel that you won't judge them.

NEVER make out with a girl in front of her friends, dude. That's why you ISOLATE her to a dark corner and THEN go for the makeout.

The same girls that you labeled as "decent" will probably be labeled by you as "skanks" had you isolated them, because they would have felt freer to do what they wanted without their friend's judgement.

Do you understand what I'm talking about here?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
real2 said:
Nice, another RSD fan. :rockon:

When did you jump onto that bandwagon?
I wouldn't call it a bandwagon, but a few months ago, then I actually started going out and applying in January.

I used to watch alot of david deangelo but it has made me kind of dorky, so I need to dumb myself down and just GO OUT.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Now that you mention it, I do remember getting a hook from a HB8.5.....

And I read somewhere (I think on this forum) that girls LIKE it when a guy makes out with them in front of their friends, because it makes them feel more wanted than them. Besides, sometimes it's a make-or-break situation, and you have to make out with a girl in front of her friends, whether she's a skank or a decent girl.
And I will agree that any "decent" girl can have the slut unleashed in her. But that doesn't make any habitual slut any better.

Some girls are real sluts, and some girls actually try to be decent. And a slut is more likely to give you a hook than a decent girl.

Of course if you flip the right switches in the decent girl you will get a hook. And I guess it may be more advisable to take the 'decent' girl into a more private setting. But again, the question is: "is this a possibility, or does the man have to act now?"


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Chamber36 said:
Now that you mention it, I do remember getting a hook from a HB8.5.....

And I read somewhere (I think on this forum) that girls LIKE it when a guy makes out with them in front of their friends, because it makes them feel more wanted than them. Besides, sometimes it's a make-or-break situation, and you have to make out with a girl in front of her friends, whether she's a skank or a decent girl.
And I will agree that any "decent" girl can have the slut unleashed in her. But that doesn't make any habitual slut any better.

Some girls are real sluts, and some girls actually try to be decent. And a slut is more likely to give you a hook than a decent girl.

Of course if you flip the right switches in the decent girl you will get a hook. And I guess it may be more advisable to take the 'decent' girl into a more private setting. But again, the question is: "is this a possibility, or does the man have to act now?"
It really depends on the situation, I gave the girl I met last week a quick kiss in front of her friends when I bumped into her and her group last night.

The main reason I personally like to isolate is because I don't just make out; I grab her hair, finger her, etc. Not exactly something I want her friends to see/judge.

Field report from last night btw:

LAME night out. Got to the club later (1230am) and wasn't in a social mood. Ran into a girl I met last week, gave her a quick kiss, talked to her friends.

Approached a pair of girls who turned out to be value-sucking girls that went out for the sole purpose of getting guys to buy them drinks. This is my first approach of the night and they're like "buy us drinks" and I totally wasn't ready for that caliber of ***** shield so early on in the night. I ended up stalling out and just walking away, too much intensity too early on in the night. (What I would have said had I have had more social momentum is "I only buy girls drinks if they make out with me, if it's any good." Credit: Jeffy from RSD). It was also my first time getting into that situation, so it was like watching a kid try to ride a bike for the first time. I'll be ready next time, it's part of the learning process. The girls also weren't hot enough in my opinion to be acting like that, so I just got really jaded and started sending over as many chodes as I could, telling them that they'd f*ck him if he bought them drinks. Another guy was standing talking to them, and I came up to him and told him the same thing: "They'll f*ck you if you buy them drinks". If you're gonna be a c*nt, AT LEAST BE A HOT C*NT.

Second approach was me indirectly (and without intending to) opening a girl that I was "floating" near while watching my latest set of guys try to mack on the c*nts. I ended up eclipsing these two chodes that were talking to her, and then they wandered off to go dance (translation: escape from me and the two chodes). Unfortunately for them, the guys followed LOL.

Ended up bouncing to an after hours place, which wasn't that spectacular. All in all a pretty mediocre night, the only positive being that I strengthened my relationship with the girl I met last week and good a good word in with her friends.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Lost track of how many approaches I did last night. At least a dozen, of varying quality.

I've started to PUSH people out of my way when I'm going through a crowd; nothing obnoxious or balance-altering, but enough to move even the biggest guy aside naturally. I LOVE it when some dude is in my way dancing all obnoxious, because I put my hand on his shoulder so he doesn't dance into me and they usually get SHUT DOWN and stops.

Had an apple in the club (Credit to Craig from David DeAngelo's "Meeting Women in Bars & Clubs" or his interview with Craig; can't remember which) and ate it in front of a girl who was looking for her friend. I took her by the hand and led her around the club looking for her friend, with my apple in my mouth, left hand "icebreaking" the chodes and girls in the crowd ("chodebreaking?") and my right hand holding hers. Drama ensued when she found her friend with some dude, but I managed to snag her number when she was about to leave. On her way out she also had some dude with her, who didn't do/say anything when I hugged her. Looking back, I should have sat down with her and at least had a quick little kiss, but the interaction seemed solid and I've had pretty good text exchanges and banter going.

The rest of the night included me shutting guys down when they danced like fools, talking to girls with dudes in their group (my wing would tell me that they were there, sometimes I wouldn't even notice the guys unless he told me afterwards that they were there), talking with the staff/learning their names, and doing spontaneous approaches that involved asking a girl if a certain guy set off their gaydar, and also to observe the "chode/douche array", where there was literally FIVE guys sitting in a row wearing those plaid shirts from Buckle. It was amazing.

Great night, can't wait for next weekend. Only got one number, but it seems solid, and the experience and momentum from this weekend will help ALOT.

I have a feeling that a same-night pull may happen soon, and/or ending my dry spell...


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Interesting field report. You seem to be doing some of te right things. What do you mean by "shutting guys down?". Generally I dont even interact with any other guy there besides the bartender and my buddies when I'm out.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
LostAndConfused said:
Interesting field report. You seem to be doing some of te right things. What do you mean by "shutting guys down?". Generally I dont even interact with any other guy there besides the bartender and my buddies when I'm out.
What I mean is when I see some guy that's dancing OUTSIDE of the dancefloor and is in my way when I'm going through the crowd, the way I put my hand on their shoulder makes them stop dancing all crazy and makes it look like I was trying to calm them down enough to pass by.

Another way is simply by talking to girls when there's already guys in their group - I'm starting to be able to tell if they came together or were approached earlier, but i'm also starting to realize that it doesn't matter.

I REALLY hate most guys at these venues, but I DO recognize game and make an effort to befriend the guy if he genuinely seems cool or someone I can learn from. If it's some average douchebag I'll blow his ass out to the best of my beginner abilities.

ECLIPSING other guys is pretty much done by going in LIKE A BOMB and stealing the girl's attention away with high-octane material, and looking for any excuse to get physical fast ("I f*cking love you guys!" *HUG*), as well as any excuse to drag them away to look at something/someone interesting. The guys go into "spectator mode" and NEVER do anything.

I actually sent over a CUTE waitress to get a girl's attention for me (I did this because I genuinely didn't want to get up) and when she looked at me I motioned for her to come to me, but she pointed at the guy next to her who turned out to be her BOREFRIEND. I gave her the "so what?" look and insisted she came over. Then her boyfriend realized what was happening and made out with her, and when he looked back at me I gave him my best retard wave, and continued to motion for the girl to come over. The waitress told me that the girl worked at that venue, so she'll be seeing me again soon... bahaha

Going to Japan at the end of May for work, very excited to see what the scene is like there (if there even is one) and just go on adventures and get the hell away from here, even if summer is the best time to be here.

Cheers SoSuave, alot of you guys need to get the f*ck out of the house and into the field; alot of the threads that are up right now will disappear and the main focus of the forum will be handling higher quality problems and concepts with women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
What a weekend.

Friday night was pretty good; got two numbers. One at the trashy Top 40's club, which I had to plow for. I plowed and plowed (she wouldn't give me her number). Sent her a "get home safe text", no reply until later the next day, something along the lines of me being sneaky about getting her number. Saw her the next day at the same club, talked to her for a bit, then wandered off. Sent her another "get home safe playa" text and she sent back "I'm not a player". She doesn't seem too thrilled about me; no f*cks are given, I'll still come and talk to her when I see her and her friend.

Second girl was at the gay club; an ADORABLE petite Native American girl, resisted some of my physical advances at first, but ended up moving her around, getting a number close. She wanted to say bye to my wing, so I told her to run and jump on him, and then I walked up and had him pass her to me, and I carried her back to her friends. I didn't even notice other people staring at me while I did this, apparently they were. Whatever. Sent her the "get home safe" text, she replied twice, I then wrote back "thanks mom", and then she immediately responds with "anytime:)". Texted her this morning; no reply yet. Whatever.

Saturday night was one of those "poor" nights. I watched 4 hours of David DeAngelo's Body Language program as a tuneup (I haven't watched it in about two years, so alot of it was review). I realized later that it put me in an analytical state. Plus I didn't really want to be at the club that night, but I made a commitment to go out on Thursday-Saturday no matter what.

There weren't that many girls I liked (spring break forced everyone elsewhere), so I was just opening random sets that I wasn't too into. Built up some momentum, and ended up doing Chode Laps around the club, blowing myself out. Tried to get a number, she didn't readily give it to me because we didn't talk too much. I did extract her from the dance floor from about four dudes who were all staring at me (didn't care). I don't take my phone into the club, but I bring this notebook to write things down on (ideas, names, etc.). She thought it was my "player book" and was NOT about that. But it seemed like one of those situations where she wouldn't have given it to me quite yet. Not enough rapport.

Bounced the the gay club in another city; it was full blown gay night. Had some f*cking dude STARING at me as I walked by, who grabbed my ass. This was less than a minute of me walking in. The fury was building. Ended up scoping for hot girls; there wasn't many. Opened a blonde girl, it fizzled out quickly.

Then I saw her.

This ADORABLE little thing wearing a pink tanktop, lip piercings, black short shorts, pink fishnet, and little leather boots. Totally my preferred "type". She had her lesbian friend (girlfriend?) with her. Approach went pretty well, until she asked me what I did. I became incongruent and also started to jump through her hoops. Funny how one slip up and girls lose attraction. She ended up leaving and never came back. Found her on the dancefloor. Talked to her a little more her friends came to "rescue her". She never gave any signals to them that I noticed. Whatever. Went for the number under the guise that I was feeling uncomfortable and had to leave, called myself, and I was about to leave when I remembered that I needed to build more rapport and escalation to get more solid numbers.

So I went back. Big mistake.

Then I finally decided to bounce, got to my car, checked my phone, and HER NUMBER DID NOT SHOW UP ON MY PHONE. Whipped my car around, and I wasn't able to find her until she was leaving the club. I yelled for her to come over to me, but she was like "I have to go now!" and scurried off.

F*ck. That was THE HOTTEST girl I've seen in a while. At least I went for it. I'll probably see her again in the future, next time I'll be more casual and less pushy. Last night was a "learning transition", where I caught myself f*cking up, and tried to correct myself with the final result being this weird f*ckup that I've never done before (kind of like painting a wall and knowing that you need to avoid drips, then you see a drip forming and try to fix it, and end up flattening the thing and creating a new type of f*ckup. Next time there won't be any drips). That means I'll do it right next time. I just hate having these kinds of learning experiences on this caliber of girl.

Lessons learned:

1. Call. Avoid text as much as possible.
2. I need to build rapport and isolate girls that I actually want, instead of talking for five minutes and getting the number. Talking for five minutes is called WARMING UP.
3. When getting a number, be sure to VERIFY that you've either called yourself, or send yourself a text.
4. Don't say you're about to leave, and then NOT LEAVE.
5. No more studying pickup on club nights.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
obligatory bump.

You seem to get extra analytical like I do, I think its the biggest thing holding me back ATM. Try to find some way to just "let go." Ever watched Fight Club? There's a scene near the end where Norton is driving a truck and Pitt keeps telling him to let go of the wheel. Sometimes we have to do the same with all the useless rationalizing and worthless overanalyzing we're prone to do.

Anyways I felt compelled to post because that type of chick is my type too. Ever hit up the rave scene in your town? That look is used frequently in that the scene and its sexy. And they can be some of the hottest girls too! nothings better than a girl who knows she can rock minimal clothing.

At least you're asserting yourself though.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
LostAndConfused said:
obligatory bump.

You seem to get extra analytical like I do, I think its the biggest thing holding me back ATM. Try to find some way to just "let go." Ever watched Fight Club? There's a scene near the end where Norton is driving a truck and Pitt keeps telling him to let go of the wheel. Sometimes we have to do the same with all the useless rationalizing and worthless overanalyzing we're prone to do.

Anyways I felt compelled to post because that type of chick is my type too. Ever hit up the rave scene in your town? That look is used frequently in that the scene and its sexy. And they can be some of the hottest girls too! nothings better than a girl who knows she can rock minimal clothing.

At least you're asserting yourself though.
I've just started going out with a wingman who "spots" me, my game has been growing in leaps and bounds. He's starting up his software company (and I'm working on my real estate portfolio), so we're spending some very high quality time together. We're both still beginners, but we're amplifying our learning because we're able to spot each other.

And as for letting go, it's part of the process. I'm starting to "let go", but in order to let go, you need to at first freak the f*ck out, like they did in the movie. Tony Robbins says your biggest success is followed by your greatest failure.

And I'm totally getting into the rave scene. It's not that big in my town, but there's one or two venues out there that I'll check out. I think I've been confusing the goth/industrial scene with the rave scene, because rave chicks are the ones that I'm really into.

I'm going to slow down my posting in this thread too, I'm starting to realize that field report threads are a dime a dozen, no one really reads these things anyway, and I would benefit more by just journaling and having my wing spot me.

And finally, I am closing on my first duplex. It's on the water, and I got it at a STEAL. It was an estate sale (beneficiaries were trying to cash out quickly) that was on the market for ONE DAY. I sent in my offer, they countered it, I countered their counteroffer, and they accepted.