It's ok to steal her away from her boyfriend...


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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So I was at work one day, and I was curious as to what a female would say about the topic, so I asked.

I said... X, do you think it is ok for another guy to steal a woman away from her man?

She said... There is only one rule. I said...what is that? As long as it's not your best friends girl, then go for it.

Now I may flirt with girls who have boyfriends, but I have NEVER dated one or had sex with one who had a boyfriend because as a guy I wouldn't want anyone stealing my girl away from me. BUT...I guess if someone could, that would prove to me, I suck at what I do, and I wasn't a good boyfriend. I'd still be pissed, and would want her to break up with me, THEN go after another guy, but I found it odd I guess that a woman would say the above. I would figure she would have said... Hell no, and that's just wrong.

Do you think that it is the fact that if they find someone better then the current guy, then that's what they are after? As in... Hey, if a guy can take me away from my current guy, make me happier, then props to him. Obviously my current one isn't cutting it for me.

I never had cared to ask a woman that question before, but I decided too one day, and thought I would have received a TOTALLY different answer.

Now I dont know if all women think like this, or if there is only a certain type that think like this.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
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white picket fences
Omen said:
I said... X, do you think it is ok for another guy to steal a woman away from her man?

She said... There is only one rule. I said...what is that? As long as it's not your best friends girl, then go for it.
Omen, not ALL women think like the woman you asked.

Is it in your character to 'steal' a guy's GF? Think about what it says about you if you did that.

Omen said:
Do you think that it is the fact that if they find someone better then the current guy, then that's what they are after? As in... Hey, if a guy can take me away from my current guy, make me happier, then props to him. Obviously my current one isn't cutting it for me.
I take my time in committing myself to a man because I do not want to make mistakes I did in the past and if I made my mind up about a guy, I'd definitely work things out first before ending it - for myself. The last thing I'd want to do is end things with a man for another man.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
figure out what your own values are and adhere to them

some guys on here view hooking up w/ taken chicks as fine as long as it won't bring drama into their life. others think it's sociopathic. they all came down different roads to draw these conclusions and their past experience is congruent with their choice


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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What the BF doesn't know won't hurt him.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Its fine so long as you don't come crying to us if and when she leaves you for another guy behind your back.

You can't expect to have a healthy dinner when you were fishing in a tainted well for it to begin with.

If you're not up for anything serious though ie a LTR with a girl and just want to have a fvck and a chuck experience have at it.

In that instance you are not setting yourself up for a fall.

Lots of guys come on here and think they'll be able to do just that though.

Have a fling, a nice experience, and then let the girl go but then they become attached to the wh0re who cheated on her boyfriend to be with them and then eventually she leaves him the same way she left her original boyfriend for the growing DJ.

The DJ that didn't take the time to really know himself and know what he could handle.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
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KontrollerX said:
Have a fling, a nice experience, and then let the girl go but then they become attached to the wh0re who cheated on her boyfriend to be with them and then eventually she leaves him the same way she left her original boyfriend for the growing DJ.
Thank you.

All DJs please read that post.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Women branch swinging quite a bit. 'nuff said.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Find your own damn GF. Stealing someones GF would show you have no class.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
Have a fling, a nice experience, and then let the girl go but then they become attached to the wh0re who cheated on her boyfriend to be with them and then eventually she leaves him the same way she left her original boyfriend for the growing DJ.

The DJ that didn't take the time to really know himself and know what he could handle.
But wait a minute KX1. During the short time I was at LS, they indocterinated me to believe that men just want sex and women just want a relationship :D .


Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Omen said:
So I was at work one day, and I was curious as to what a female would say about the topic, so I asked.

I said... X, do you think it is ok for another guy to steal a woman away from her man?

She said... There is only one rule. I said...what is that? As long as it's not your best friends girl, then go for it.

Now I may flirt with girls who have boyfriends, but I have NEVER dated one or had sex with one who had a boyfriend because as a guy I wouldn't want anyone stealing my girl away from me. BUT...I guess if someone could, that would prove to me, I suck at what I do, and I wasn't a good boyfriend. I'd still be pissed, and would want her to break up with me, THEN go after another guy, but I found it odd I guess that a woman would say the above. I would figure she would have said... Hell no, and that's just wrong.

Do you think that it is the fact that if they find someone better then the current guy, then that's what they are after? As in... Hey, if a guy can take me away from my current guy, make me happier, then props to him. Obviously my current one isn't cutting it for me.

I never had cared to ask a woman that question before, but I decided too one day, and thought I would have received a TOTALLY different answer.

Now I dont know if all women think like this, or if there is only a certain type that think like this.
You can always try to "steal" her...but be sure you are ready for the baggage that will no doubt follow. The crying and the lamenting WILL happen. Just be sure you're cool with that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
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I was out with a girl on date yesterday.. chatting about stuff.. then the issue of cheating etc came up.. she admits that she has let herself be stolen a few times. In fact she has had three boyfriends of which the last 2 "stole" her from the previous one. I didn't say much to that but you know that if a girl can allow herself to be "stolen" once she will allow it to happen again and maybe with even less rationalization..

If you must bag her then do it then leave but.. its a risk.. not always easy to sever emotional connection.

As for the girl who said that to me.. that was like minus 7000 points for her right there.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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As I thought, it will vary from person to person. Not only females, but guys as well. I think some of it is morals for some, and some of it is... who cares. If I can steal her, i'm the better man.

Personally like I said, I cant do that. Now we all know that you cant avoid being attracted to someone, so there is nothing you can do about that. I have this happening right now. Like a girl, have flirted with her, but never knew she had a boyfriend until not too long ago. Now I had already build some things up with her, and since I see her on a weekly basis, it is hard to avoid her.

BUT... While I still want to get to know more about her, the only thing that prevents me from dating her, is the fact that SHE IS NOT SINGLE. I wold even tell her this if it ever came up where she would ask to hook up or something.

Cause not only the fact that my morals are there, I dont want the drama involved with the fact that the boyfriend could find out. And my guess is he would. I dont care for that stuff and dont want it or need it. So then it would all be up to her on how satisfied she is with her current relationship. I've known girls to state that they were like stuck together and you couldn't separate them, and then the next month they are no longer together.

If she is like... Well, i've been trying to find a GOOD reason to get out of this relationship and then does and then dates me, FINE. But I wont date her while she is taken.

The thing is about this type of question is that you might have 10 girls that say it is cool and 10 say it is not cool. 10 guys that say go for it, and 10 guys that say... Move on to another chick.

It would still be interesting to get more females opinions on this. I'm sure some of them have interesting thoughts on this subject.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
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What I think of this is that it's always fun when you're in that chasing-each-other phase. 2 or 3 years down the road, what then? Yes, you can make it all exciting and fresh but at the back of your mind, you'd be wondering "is she going to leave me for someone else/what if a guy tries to take her away".


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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TruthSeeker said:
What I think of this is that it's always fun when you're in that chasing-each-other phase. 2 or 3 years down the road, what then? Yes, you can make it all exciting and fresh but at the back of your mind, you'd be wondering "is she going to leave me for someone else/what if a guy tries to take her away".
You know, as I was younger, I dont think I EVER thought about another guy trying to steal my woman. Now I may have thought about the cheating deal a bit, but when I was 16 or 18, I dont think it ever really came up in my brain about WHAT IF someone tries to steal her away from me.

As I have become older it is something I think about, but I have the mentality where if she leaves or cheats, it is.... "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" attitude. I dont care, and I can move on.

I had a woman cheat on me once and then found out the whole story, but while I was pissed, at the same time, I was like... what ever, she was a flake anyway and total liar. I then forgot about it, and dont care to this day.

I said... see ya later, enjoy your life, and bon voyage. lol


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
Well I had my gf "stolen" from me, that's why I'm on this site now! Look at it this way, if the girl dumps her bf for another guy, it just shows her bf was not strong enough to keep her. You're actually doing him a favor, teaching him a harsh but important lesson. Just don't brag about it too much after, coz he'll maybe sign up on SS sooner or later!
And the sooner you learn this, the better. Man, if I had continued to play the nice guy for years and got her to dump me for someone else after a LTR, that would have been so much worse! At least now I know that playing "nice guy" is a very bad idea; I just wish the lesson could have been a bit softer...


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"Look at it this way, if the girl dumps her bf for another guy, it just shows her bf was not strong enough to keep her."

I look at this two ways when guys say this on here...

1. A way to justify themselves being a scumbag bottom feeder that can't get their own woman.

2. A truth at times. Maybe in this instance you were the better man.

Alternatively though it could be the case that you were the best man all along but unfortunately you got involved with a serial cheater ie a woman with a long string of broken relationships in her path of her own sabotaging because cheating is just what she does, it is what turns her on, not the guy she is with right now.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Omen said:
I have the mentality where if she leaves or cheats, it is.... "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" attitude. I dont care, and I can move on.
I have the same attitude. Knowing that if the girl fvcks up you're able to move on gives you a more centered reality, doesn't it. Also knowing that if she cheats, she's not worth having in your life because you can find better. As opposed to the guys who are so afraid of being hurt they make their girlfriend stay home and tell them who they can talk to and who they can't

relationships should never be that much of a headache


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
labrat said:
if the girl dumps her bf for another guy, it just shows her bf was not strong enough to keep her.
when it comes to cheating, I hate this frame. I'm actually seeing girls use this argument to backwards rationalize why they cheated and make themselves feel better

I hate it because it presupposes trust is something the guy has to work for, instead of being a given. It also implies women don't need to be qualified - after all if the girl cheated on you, it was your fault. It's a bullsht low value mindset

If the girl was unhappy with you, she had the obligation to be honest. Likewise if she was still in party mode and couldn't commit. She would've expected the same from you if you had a change of heart. But people love to backwards rationalize their weaknesses


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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ready123 said:
I have the same attitude. Knowing that if the girl fvcks up you're able to move on gives you a more centered reality, doesn't it. Also knowing that if she cheats, she's not worth having in your life because you can find better. As opposed to the guys who are so afraid of being hurt they make their girlfriend stay home and tell them who they can talk to and who they can't

relationships should never be that much of a headache

I've had so many relationships, that i've gotten a dose of everything, and it has made me a stronger person for that. When I was young, I would probably cry and sit there and justify every little aspect of the relationship, blame XYZ or just not let it go and eat me alive. Now that I am older, for some reason (maybe i've learned my lessons) my attitude is I DONT CARE.

I had my girl of a year a few years ago break up with me, and she said... You dont really say much. I was like... I really have nothing to say. We never said I love you to one another, and you didnt cheat on me, etc etc, you just dont see this working. I was like... What do you want me to say?

I was going to marry a girl once, and when that went sour, I pretty much lost it all. Worst time of my life, but such valuable lessons. I was pretty much hurt beyond anything I had ever felt. So, when the girl above asked me why I was like I was, it was because I (for me anyway) experienced what I call hell and back. I had hit bottom and then some, and nothing could be worse.

So having a relationship that made me that strong, helped me see that you really shouldn't pout and cry and moan and groan. Just let it be.

So now when things happen, it doesn't phase me, because i've been through Sh*t 10x as crappy.

Just weird that the best relationship ever in my life ever, though it turned out not what I had planned, taught me more than I ever could have learned otherwise.