It's ok to steal her away from her boyfriend...


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not saying it's ok to steal or cheat, far from that! What I mean is that there are stealers and cheaters on this planet, and the sooner you get to learn that the better. If you steal a girl from her bf, that makes you an *******, and if she cheats, she's no better.
It's just that now, with some hindsight, I'm glad I had to go through this **** now rather than much later when the consequences would have been so much worse. It might happen again, but the next time I won't be so devastated and I'll know that if could get through it the first time, I'll get through it again.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I did this by accident before except she didn't have a bf, she had a husband.

If a woman is attracted to you, she is "single." If she isn't that attracted to you then she will have a "bf." This is what she'll say wether it matches her situation or not.

most women are cowards that are just seeing their current bf because they cant get anything better


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Omen said:
Do you think that it is the fact that if they find someone better then the current guy, then that's what they are after? As in... Hey, if a guy can take me away from my current guy, make me happier, then props to him. Obviously my current one isn't cutting it for me.

I never had cared to ask a woman that question before, but I decided too one day, and thought I would have received a TOTALLY different answer.

Now I dont know if all women think like this, or if there is only a certain type that think like this. live with your parents at 28. How are you going to steal her away from anyone? Unless he also lives with dad and mom.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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If you purposely 'put the moves' on a girl you know is in a relationship, ask for a 'date' or chase her - that's kinda low, though I have done it in the past. Sorry, but I wanted it and I took it.

If you are just being your awesome regular self and the girl knows you *might* be interested, so she dumps her bf to be available - nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

Many women have a boyfriend, even if it's just for someone to put up the shelves, listen to their drama and be nice company. Unless they are married, they are free to dump him if a better offer comes along.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Here is how I see things...
1- Married women should be off-limits
2- Women with fiances should be off-limits
3- Women living with a man should be off-limits
4- women with boyfriends are WITHING limits(unless you know they guy and he is either a co-worker, family, friend, etc.) is the tricky part...if a woman that has a boyfriend...cheats on him with me...there is NO way in hell I would be in a relationship (a serious LTR) with that woman.

However, if she dumps be with me. I can accept that. There is not cheating there. There is simply an upgrade.


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Why even go for the girl??? Cut her out and go straight for the boyfriend???

Seriously, I just do not understand the mentality of a guy that would see someone's girlfriend as a bigger prize then taking the time to find a single girl.

Some things to consider.

If she will cheat on him or transition easily from him then she will do it to you.

Her respect level for you will go down when she has to rationalize her guilt.

You don't know what the betrayed boyfriend may do (to you or her).

You have to deal with your own guilt for involving yourself in a betrayl.

The best way to handle this situation. In my most humble opinion.

Either let the idea go and seek out an available girl. This is probably the best way to go.

Or, respectfully remind her that while she has a boyfriend, if she should find herself available that you would like to date her. However, also tell her that seeing each other may be inappropriate due to your romantic interest. Then leave her alone (no contact rewards or checking in). Let her do the work to be with you or stick it out with her dude. It is a win win.

You put it out there and leave with your respect in tact and her opinion level of you (respect points) will go up. She will think of you during bad times with her boyfriend. What she does about it is up to her. You leave the situation an honorable guy who expressed a respectful interest. Also, you will weed out the aw girl just looking to cheat on her man.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Commando said:
Or, respectfully remind her that while she has a boyfriend, if she should find herself available that you would like to date her. However, also tell her that seeing each other may be inappropriate due to your romantic interest. Then leave her alone (no contact rewards or checking in). Let her do the work to be with you or stick it out with her dude. It is a win win.

You put it out there and leave with your respect in tact and her opinion level of you (respect points) will go up. She will think of you during bad times with her boyfriend. What she does about it is up to her. You leave the situation an honorable guy who expressed a respectful interest. Also, you will weed out the aw girl just looking to cheat on her man.
I actually like this train of thought. If you like a girl you like a girl, and that's not going to change. But there is a way to handle a situation where you realize... Oh crap there is a boyfriend in the picture. For one, I was never told that. I just figured it out one day when this guy came into work and they both went to lunch. It was obvious to put two and two together.

But I think the above is a good thing to use. Then its all up to her, you dont bug her, and you leave with your respect in tact like you said.