With the most important points. keep being completely ignored, I'm leaving this thread.
1. Some of you still haven't read/listened to any work from Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, James Ray, Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, Wayne Dyer etc. and see how the Secrets talks about a fraction about all these universal principles
2. Some of you still haven't serieusly tried it out (not to surprising if you don't even understand something). So you also don't know if it can be beneficial to YOUR life.
3. Some of you keep posting about details that don't apply to YOUR life.
Last attempt to convice ricorico about the whole starvation thing. I doubt you even thought trough my previous point about it (do you honestly believe people in poor countries know about affirmative realisation?), but here is some more on the subject anyway.
Wayne Dyer was talking about these principles one time and he got a lot of resistance from people like: "How can you say these things to people in such worse circumstances? Don't you have any pity for them?"
This is what he said: "The people in those circumstances need to here the most of what I'm talking about. That if you keep your vision of a better life before you and NEVER lose sight of that, then you'll eventually start taking the right actions and you'll move out of those circumstances.
People in those poor countries don't need to hear hopelessness and that there is nothing they can do about it. They need to see: "These are the circumstances of my life now and if I want to transcend these circumstances I have to reveal myself as something other than a victim, who just follows the herd.""
Now who is being cruel?
You and all the other 'donaters' that say: "Aaaw, oow, poor you, little victim of the place you were born in. Here is some temporary funds for you to exist off for some x amount of time."
People that share the 'secrets' to a better life.
1. Some of you still haven't read/listened to any work from Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, James Ray, Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, Wayne Dyer etc. and see how the Secrets talks about a fraction about all these universal principles
2. Some of you still haven't serieusly tried it out (not to surprising if you don't even understand something). So you also don't know if it can be beneficial to YOUR life.
3. Some of you keep posting about details that don't apply to YOUR life.
Last attempt to convice ricorico about the whole starvation thing. I doubt you even thought trough my previous point about it (do you honestly believe people in poor countries know about affirmative realisation?), but here is some more on the subject anyway.
Wayne Dyer was talking about these principles one time and he got a lot of resistance from people like: "How can you say these things to people in such worse circumstances? Don't you have any pity for them?"
This is what he said: "The people in those circumstances need to here the most of what I'm talking about. That if you keep your vision of a better life before you and NEVER lose sight of that, then you'll eventually start taking the right actions and you'll move out of those circumstances.
People in those poor countries don't need to hear hopelessness and that there is nothing they can do about it. They need to see: "These are the circumstances of my life now and if I want to transcend these circumstances I have to reveal myself as something other than a victim, who just follows the herd.""
Now who is being cruel?
You and all the other 'donaters' that say: "Aaaw, oow, poor you, little victim of the place you were born in. Here is some temporary funds for you to exist off for some x amount of time."
People that share the 'secrets' to a better life.