It's lonely at the top.. very very lonely


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
One thing I have noticed... I guess I am getting smarter as I get older, but guys, guys I grew up with.. love to death.. resent me.

They do their best to one up me, and regardless do I not care or not, it's no point.

I can't even go out with my best friends any longer and have fun.. everything now is an ego battle with them

but what am I supposed to do? Stop improving myself so they can feel better about themselves?

They resent the girls/women I talk to, they try to crack jokes on me if at all possible,and I don't mind, it's all fun and games to me, but it doesn't get to me, and I feel bad if that's what they have to do to make themsleves feel better about themselves, their better than that.

pook made a post that was sooo freakin true. He bascially said in a nutshell.. no body wants you to succeed, everyone wants you to fail.

The only way they can succeed is by you failing.

Well, I'm not failing and the more I not fail, the more they seem to resent me.

If I spend to much money I am blowing money. If I dont' spend money I am cheap.

One of my friends tried to disc my Ex in front of everyone today.. when I remember one day my ex coming to me telling me she knows my best friend likes him and told me that I might want to have a talk with him before things got out of hand.

I mean, I don't like her, but it's the fact at hand... I don't find his GF cute at all but I wouldn't ever tell him that.. it's not mY GF.. it's his.. as long as he is happy.

If you thought she wasnt' cute, we were together for a year.. why not say something to me within that year.. as a a matter of fact, the first thing one of them asked me was does she have a sister (Which she did, and I hook him up with, and she rejected him because he was too immature)

Just a note. Yeah, part of the sweetness of succeding is seeing the egg on the girl's face that rejected you in the past (it never gets old, trust me)

But part is also dealing with friends, who you know don't mean any harm, but are dealing with issues themselves.

My mom even resents me.

In reality, I don't have any true friends... I have people I hang with, and my two people who It hought were friends could handle me when I was struggling, and was overweight ,and they could take me places,a nd hang with me, and crack on me and feel better about themselves, but when I make more than them, look just as good if not better than them, can dress better than both of them put together, can do so many things they can't do, they try to find faults in me to the point where they bring up "unattractive" ex's that I once talked to, for no reason whatsoever.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
I have two people who I consider close friends. Everyone else turned into haters when they saw me making good $$$ and getting laid like a rockstar.

Jealousy is an ugly thing and sometimes you gotta leave people in the dust of their own inferiority complexes. Yes, even people you have known your whole life.

It's not easy, but you really gotta have a zero-tolerance policy for haters. They will do whatever it takes to bring you down to their level. Next these people. Find new friends who have bigger dreams.

I think it was one of the 48 Laws of Power that says to avoid the weak and unfortunate. Failure is a contagious disease!

Anyways, welcome to the top. It can be a lonely place sometimes, but I would not rather be anywhere else!


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
This syndrome usually happens when you live in small towns. As soon as your life will allow you to, broaden your horizons. You'll surely met something worth your ego. :D

In the meantime, try and have some fun with the mediocrity that surrounds you.

Never forget to be kind with the one you meet while you're going up, because they will be the same that you'll meet falling.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
You are at the top because you put yourself there. You earned it,it did not just happen,I know how it is. I drive a extremely nice car,have the best of everything and have alot of nice toys I will never use and I am only 18. Many people have picked up on the success that I have had in my life and tried tear me down cause of it. Do I let it get to me? Nope,if you earn it who gives a carp what they think. Your TRUE friends will not change how they treat you because of your success. The ones who get upset with you and frustated and try to one up you are the ones who are jealous and insecure. Keep pushing yourself to be better,you will meet many new people who can accept your success.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by Don Ronny
I have two people who I consider close friends. Everyone else turned into haters when they saw me making good $$$ and getting laid like a rockstar.

Jealousy is an ugly thing and sometimes you gotta leave people in the dust of their own inferiority complexes. Yes, even people you have known your whole life.

It's not easy, but you really gotta have a zero-tolerance policy for haters. They will do whatever it takes to bring you down to their level. Next these people. Find new friends who have bigger dreams.

I think it was one of the 48 Laws of Power that says to avoid the weak and unfortunate. Failure is a contagious disease!

Anyways, welcome to the top. It can be a lonely place sometimes, but I would not rather be anywhere else!
dude, i'm like a 48 laws of power scholor, I go over them literarly every day when I wake up and I have them memorized.

It says, "avoid the unhappy and unlucky"

However, these dudes have a hell of alot going for themselves.

They are literarly going to have a record deal very very soon, and not because they are hot and such and such... they are literarly in the works with Def Jam and are flying down there next month to try to work something out, they are hot and extremely talanted, and that's not something I say lightly. The first time I heard their first CD I knew they were going to make it sooner or later (I didnt' tell them that, didn't want them to get big headed, but the talent was clear), and know one of them just got back from music engerineering school and his beats now are on Keyne's level.. seriously, exepct they aren't sampled.. at least for the most part.

I mean, I feel bad because I would do anything for these dudes, and if there is anyone in the world I would think I could lay back and chill with, it woud be them but damn?

And LR is not small, but it's not Atlanta or NY either. One of them just got back from Phoneix

I mean, I know there are people out there like me, I just wish I knew them. I'm trapped in my own skin it seems at times.

I like being successful, and not just with women..I could really care less about women, but just in general, but at times I just want someone to chill with.. I am alone alot, besides my GF who I do like, not because I don't have people to call up, but everytime I try to just have fun, it becomes an ego battle.

I will call my cousin over, just becuase I want to beat his ass in a video game, and he will call his friends and come over and girls will come over with them, and before the end of the night, they are talking to me.. I can't help if you can't keep your women, get your game up, don't bring her around me if you don't have her locked down, and I don't even like em, it's just the fact of the matter.

Like tonight.. what did my ex do to be brought into the convo? nothing whatsoever. I didn't even do anything.. Hell I was watching sportscenter on TV when the subject came up and then all I hear is "she lookes better than your ex"


How do I look saying 'damn, that girl over there looks better than your GF dude?

How childish is that?

now I have to get your seal of approval for everything I want to do?

And I don't have a huge ego, however I know what I want and I am who I am, and I make no bones about it.. I think that scares some people


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
It sounds like you are a man of power. Learn how to use it,but not abuse it. If anything it sounds like you want to lose it. Just make new friends,any way possible. If you do not like your current friends dont invite anyone over. Go to a convention for whatever you like and make new friends.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
that's the thing.

The point is.. I guess I don't have any true friends... which is sad because at times, there are times when I have some **** I want to get off MY chest and I can't because I have no one that wants to listen to me.

My mom and I are starting to get along again, but we dont' talk like that.

My dad and I are cool, but him and I have never had a seriuos converstaion in our lives.. all he talks about is getting ass

At times I do want to just blend in I guess. I want to be "one of the guys". Now everytime I do something, rather it be play a video game (which you can't beat me in NCAA 2006) or go to the club, it's an ego contest.

My best friend who was talking about my ex.. when his GF came down from Barbados to visit him, instead of making him get a hotel room to stay with her, I cleaned the gym equipment out of my spare room, went and bought a bedset, and put it in there for them so they can stay, which was supposed to be 2 weeks, but ended up being a month and a half.

i didn't care, whatsoever, even when my GF was living with me at the time, meaning there was 4 people in my house at all times, but this is how you repay me? Becuase I talked it over with her before they came.. if she didn't feel comfortable there, they wouldnt' have been there, becuase she lived with me

I mean, I can't go out now without one of them trying to be funny or crack a joke, and when I was young and looked up tot hem because they were star athletes, I felt bad, now I think they are quite pathetic.. what are you trying to prove?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Drop the people you call your friends,do they treat you like you treat them? If not then your getting walked on. I feel your pain and ever since I ended high school I have only had three true friends,two dont even live in the same area code. You ever consider going to a bar,finding a new hobby or joining a club to meet new people?


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I see where you are coming from guy, i have sorta the same problem myself. I am just 20 and living on my own, nice car, nice everything. Everything has been going good for me, am on track to make 6 figures this year but i really does get lonely, especially when you have no true real friends or a good woman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by blinkwatt
Drop the people you call your friends,do they treat you like you treat them? If not then your getting walked on. I feel your pain and ever since I ended high school I have only had three true friends,two dont even live in the same area code. You ever consider going to a bar,finding a new hobby or joining a club to meet new people?
these aren't guys I just met.. I have known them literarly since I was 5. We were all in the same PRE-K class

Been best friends ever sense.

There isn't one school teacher that could name one of us wihtout the other two (funny, we always had the same class in elementry, never thought to split us up and in the 9th and 12th grade, we all had the exact same schedule)

Their like blood. Even know, if I had a problem, a real problem I needed to talk about, I would go to them before my mom or dad.

As far as hobbies, I have plenty. I have so many things to do have to alternate hobbies on a day by day basis, because there is so much stuff I want to do and learn.

However, and this isnt' tought on sosuave, but everyone needs human, not male/female, but human companionship.. it's what makes us human.

to try to convince yourself you don't need companionship in any kind ever (not validation, but companionship) is fooling themselves.

I have none, because my friends seem to forget I am the same guy they grew up with, just more in shape and more sure of himself with more money, but I still like the same things I did as I was a kid.. I mean, I'm me.

It's like they treat me like I am this distant figure now.. I mean, we still hang out together but It's just not the same... there is definatly a difference.

I guess they were so used to me being "below" them in HS that know they can't handle the fact that I have imprvoed.

but nevertheless.. right or wrong, I am human and it's hard to kick two people you grew up with out of your life.

People go though phases, I am hoping it's just a phase with them

If anyone of them wanted anything, they know they can ask me.. I'm not selfish at all.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
I am going through a similar problem right now with my oldest and dearest friend. We have been mates since the 6th grade and were roommates in the college years. This guy is like a brother to me but over the years we have grown apart. We just dont appreciate the same things anymore and I feel like I have evolved a lot while he has not changed in over 10 years.

People outgrow each other all the time, it's a natural fact of life. You are just at a turning point in your social expectations. Your friends may be successful but they are also insecure and childish if they are trying to ego-wrestle you at every turn. Success will only polish a bad apple, so dont expect them to wisen up anytime soon.

It sounds to me like you are growing up and need that comraderie and relation with someone who is doing the same. The only way out is to make new friends. Don't spend so much time playing video games and hanging out with your GF. Put some time aside when you can go out on your own and just meet people. Screen them well and be a picky motherfukker. Only let the people in who earn your trust and respect over time.

If you still feel down and need a hug or something, PM frivolous..he is into that sort of thing. :cheer:

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Ronny
Jealousy is an ugly thing and sometimes you gotta leave people in the dust of their own inferiority complexes. Yes, even people you have known your whole life.

It's not easy, but you really gotta have a zero-tolerance policy for haters. They will do whatever it takes to bring you down to their level. Next these people. Find new friends who have bigger dreams.

I think it was one of the 48 Laws of Power that says to avoid the weak and unfortunate. Failure is a contagious disease!

Anyways, welcome to the top. It can be a lonely place sometimes, but I would not rather be anywhere else!
Damn good post friend.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
that's a great post.

I don't play video games all day.. as a matter of fact I might play video games one, two times a week for about an hour, and that's if at all. I hardely watch TV. I have stuff to do.

I do have a new GF and I love kicking with her, but I might see her 2-3 times a week for a couple of hours, she might spend the night, but she isn't going to cut into my money or my hobbies, I made that clear from jump street

All I can say is thanks for helping me open my eyes


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
**** man! i love your post! i know exactly what you're talking about! b4 i was a clueless afc who didn't get ****. i lacked confidence, didn't get the girls, etc. i started improving myself in all areas w/ loads of self-help material. i became a more confident person. i started getting girls. i now have a great sense of fashion style.. something i totally disregarded in my afc days. i am a better person overall.

just like you, some so-called friends in my circle started teasing me about anything, especially my new style. and just like you, i there's this guy who brings up this average looking girl i used to be w/, he's trying to pull one over me. now some of you might guess that i'm some ****y-ass mother****er but trust me, that is not how it is. because i improved, some people started hating on me. it's as if they wanted me to remain that clueless afc dork and never change at all.

i distanced myself from the haters and kept ties w/ the people who were real. i know it's hard to break ties w/ people you've been kicking it w/ for years... it took me time to do it, but when i finally did, i felt some weight come off my shoulders. so called friends (haters) are not worth your time/energy... as long as u continue hangin' w/ jealous people who can't stand seeing you come up, you'll continue dealing w/ their jealous insecurities.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il

I feel bad for you...

my Fiance always refers to my close friends as my brothers.....bcause threw up ands downs..success and fails....they have always been my closest assets..because of LOYALTY...infact all of my friends except one are better off then me financially at the moment.

instead of putting me down or this and that...if we go out, I dont pay for drinks..I dont buy the video games.

one of my friends even offered to have me and my fiance and new baby live with him when he buys a house, live with him for free, until her and I get the money to buy our own house.

and I told him no thanks we will in a apt, till I get my degree done.

I honestly have never found another person outside of my group of friends that have the same type of friends.

Im sure it exists and if you have boys like brothers..dont betray that loyalty


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Wow, either you guys are extremely disrespectful to your friends, or your still a little socially retarded;)

Do you guys ever try to use seduction on people OTHER than girls? Seduction is used by freaking monkeys, it's leadership at the most basic form. It was originally from latin or somewhere, it means "to lead."

Ever have somebody tease you in high school? I tease my friends all the time, I tease random strangers, I tease teachers, and coworkers, I tease my boss, and girls everywhere.

What's the big deal when YOUR friends tease you now?

Can you say inflated ego? You already did,
everything now is an ego battle with them
, but you blamed them for the problem.

Do you know when a problem is a problem? You probably do, when it starts to impede upon your goals, until than it is simply an obstacle, or a new situation. There is no right/wrong with your friends. It's just understood/confused.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by john_1234
**** man! i love your post! i know exactly what you're talking about! b4 i was a clueless afc who didn't get ****. i lacked confidence, didn't get the girls, etc. i started improving myself in all areas w/ loads of self-help material. i became a more confident person. i started getting girls. i now have a great sense of fashion style.. something i totally disregarded in my afc days. i am a better person overall.

just like you, some so-called friends in my circle started teasing me about anything, especially my new style. and just like you, i there's this guy who brings up this average looking girl i used to be w/, he's trying to pull one over me. now some of you might guess that i'm some ****y-ass mother****er but trust me, that is not how it is. because i improved, some people started hating on me. it's as if they wanted me to remain that clueless afc dork and never change at all.

i distanced myself from the haters and kept ties w/ the people who were real. i know it's hard to break ties w/ people you've been kicking it w/ for years... it took me time to do it, but when i finally did, i felt some weight come off my shoulders. so called friends (haters) are not worth your time/energy... as long as u continue hangin' w/ jealous people who can't stand seeing you come up, you'll continue dealing w/ their jealous insecurities.

lol. that's the thing.. my ex wasn't averge or even close to it.. she was actually a model. Not even that, one of them had a crush on her.

He was just busting my balls for the sake of busting my balls


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by ethnomethodologist
Wow, either you guys are extremely disrespectful to your friends, or your still a little socially retarded;)

Do you guys ever try to use seduction on people OTHER than girls? Seduction is used by freaking monkeys, it's leadership at the most basic form. It was originally from latin or somewhere, it means "to lead."

Ever have somebody tease you in high school? I tease my friends all the time, I tease random strangers, I tease teachers, and coworkers, I tease my boss, and girls everywhere.

What's the big deal when YOUR friends tease you now?

Can you say inflated ego? You already did, , but you blamed them for the problem.

Do you know when a problem is a problem? You probably do, when it starts to impede upon your goals, until than it is simply an obstacle, or a new situation. There is no right/wrong with your friends. It's just understood/confused.
first of all, I doubt you read the post I wrote.

We crack on each other constanly, I could care less about htat.. we've been doing that since we were 5-7 years old.

I mean, I don't have an ego (trust me, I've been been though some stuff over the last 5 years that have humbled me in the realist sense, I truely apprciate everything I have and have done) but I am confident enough in myself to know what I am and what I'm not. When my friends crack on me, It's all fun and games, I crack on them, not as much but I do, but if a girl came and told me she was interested in either one of them, neither would get nothing but glowing references from me

But when I you randomly bring up my Ex in a converstaion, that has nothing to do with her and call her ugly, when I know you liked her?

There have been a couple of times recently that i would be chatting up a girl and I would come back after a while, and they would say "my friends told me you didn't think I was cute" and one time "your friends told me you don't like black women"

I shouldn't have to suedue my friends, my real friends.. live isn't one big Dave D'Angelo Siminar.. I shouldn' thave to Use NLP on my mom to get her to listen to me, i'm her damn son

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
A lot of you guys on this forum forget that this game is not all about you. Seduction is a MUTUAL ACT. You are not some magician with +10 peacocking C&F superpowers who casts NLP spells on people to get them interested or persuaded.

A true seducer is interesting by nature. He knows how to make the most mundane experiences sound incredible because he has a passion for life. He is also a hustler who understands what he is after. This passion and drive is contagious because people are generally very bored from dealing with so many clueless duds.

In regards to backbreaker's situation...If you surround yourself with people who jumpstart your inspiration and are generally good wings, that's great you have spark in your life. But if those around you constantly engage in subconscious stabs of negativity, then these fools are duds, all hating on the low. Which means you should probably find new friends.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
A true seducer is interesting by nature. He knows how to make the most mundane experiences sound incredible because he has a passion for life. He is also a hustler who understands what he is after. This passion and drive is contagious because people are generally very bored from dealing with so many clueless duds.

dude, thats what I was thinking about. For some reason though, I seemed to have lost my motivation, either that or I am just really lazy. I know what I wanna do in life, flying. And I am doing that right now, but I dont know where my drive and motivation is.