It must suck to be a single mom


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Man, god damn. I mean, the ones who actually do what they are supposed to do and take care of their responsbilities like they are supposed to, I feel bad for them, I really do. Their kids will never understand, at least more than likely, what was sacrificed for them. I have been somewhat seeing this girl who has a 10 month old and while I can tell she is very responsabille, and her baby loves me to death, I just can't be with her. I mean, for various reasons, one he isn't my kid. Second, I am too used to just up and doing stuff to have to worry about a third party who can't think for himself. Last but probably the most important, the sex is not as important as the kid is. Whenever she comes over, she brings her kid,w hich I have no problem with whatsoever... but he wont' go to sleep. As long as we are up, he is up, crying. And it's not just him, it's all babies. I was just sitting here, about 30 mintues ago, looking at her and saying tomyself "yep, this is probably the last time you will be here, you are good looking and all, and you honeslty are a cool person, but situtations and circumstances, at least these, aren't not idea, even for me to just have sex"

That's time I could have spent doing something a hell of alot more constructive, like having sex, or looking for a woman without a child. Maybe when I get a little older my viewpoints wil change, and patience is not something that you think of when you think of me, I will be the first to admit that, but I just don't see it happening.
Mar 18, 2006
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No such thing as a "single mom" - it takes two to form a life being!!

An appropriate title is "Hor with a baby". Don't feel pity for the hor - feel pity for the baby who has a hor mother!!!


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
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Midwest America
Backbreaker, it sounds like you're realizing now why so many of us won't go near single mothers.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
There are women who are irresponsible in their lives. Women who don't understand the repercussions of their actions and act like children their whole lives. These are women to be avoided whether they are single moms or not, because they are going to treat every aspet of their lives this way.

But at the same time, there are women who had children responsibly an then for whatever reason, are single again. Could be that the father died, could be that he cheated or beat her or was just an unfit father, and she chose to not be with him anymore. This choice might be right or it might be wrong, but the simple fact is that not all single mothers are lushes or vvhores or stupid.

I was raised by a single mother because my father was shot in the line of duty, and if anyone of you ever called my mother a "vvhore with a baby" to my face, I swear to god, I'd put you in the fvcking ground.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Last Man Standing said:
No such thing as a "single mom" - it takes two to form a life being!!

An appropriate title is "Hor with a baby". Don't feel pity for the hor - feel pity for the baby who has a hor mother!!!

What if the one half is a worthless piece of sh!t? Does that make the single mother a wh0re?

You're mother laid on her back didn't she? Were you raised strictly by a male couple? Isn't it custom in Puerto Rico to have the Fathers deflower the daughters before they reach 12? And single mothers are bad in your eyes?

I was raised by a single mother because my father was shot in the line of duty, and if anyone of you ever called my mother a "vvhore with a baby" to my face, I swear to god, I'd put you in the fvcking ground.
Sorry about your Pop brother. And I agree wholeheartedly about some fvckin' jackhole runnin' smack about my Mother. He'd be looking square at the business end of my fists.


Don Juan
May 20, 2006
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Last Man Standing said:
No such thing as a "single mom" - it takes two to form a life being!!

An appropriate title is "Hor with a baby". Don't feel pity for the hor - feel pity for the baby who has a hor mother!!!

You have a twisted hateful mind...or more likely your a dumbass attention *****


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
No such thing as a "single mom" - it takes two to form a life being!!

An appropriate title is "Hor with a baby". Don't feel pity for the hor - feel pity for the baby who has a hor mother!!!
Go beat yourself over the head for a while until some sense enters your skull please...

BB: I hear what you are saying. I'm all about the person, but sometimes that is not enough. Circumstances ARE relevant. Most likely she is taking her baby with her simply to test you in the first place, to see if you can handle it or are prepared to handle it. Sounds to me like she is playing it smart and honest. As opposed to single moms who "hide" their kids.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
i have no pity for single mothers. They let a dude bust a gigantic nut inside them. Whats there to feel sorry about.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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S1NN3R said:
There are women who are irresponsible in their lives. Women who don't understand the repercussions of their actions and act like children their whole lives. These are women to be avoided whether they are single moms or not, because they are going to treat every aspet of their lives this way.

But at the same time, there are women who had children responsibly an then for whatever reason, are single again. Could be that the father died, could be that he cheated or beat her or was just an unfit father, and she chose to not be with him anymore. This choice might be right or it might be wrong, but the simple fact is that not all single mothers are lushes or vvhores or stupid.

I was raised by a single mother because my father was shot in the line of duty, and if anyone of you ever called my mother a "vvhore with a baby" to my face, I swear to god, I'd put you in the fvcking ground.
Good points.

However, and I say this with all due respect...don't you think that the "new" man in your mother's life wouldn't have to deal with some issues? Such as grieve and pain and trying to overcome a loss? Issues that are normal for a human and even understandable.

What about the woman that was with an abusive husband? Ain't that a human that is emotionally shattered. Would you have the patience and emotional strenght to live a life of reasurrance? To help her heal her scars?

Some men are born to be emotional nurses. But I am not one of those might not be one of those men...and I'm sure that most of the people that post in this place cannot be considered one of those men.

Another thing...there always exception to the rule. I personally try to point that out in the past. Most advice in this place is given based on generalizations or the norm.

My point? Do not take anything said in this message board personal.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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What if the one half is a worthless piece of sh!t? Does that make the single mother a wh0re?

You're mother laid on her back didn't she? Were you raised strictly by a male couple? Isn't it custom in Puerto Rico to have the Fathers deflower the daughters before they reach 12? And single mothers are bad in your eyes?
1- I don't think he is Puerto Rican.
2- I think he wants a "puertorrican" poster back in the forum (e.g. that's the reason of his signature)
3- The chances of incest taking place in the U.S. are considerably greater than Puerto Rico or any Latino country...therefore, the "deflower" part is innacurate. In fact, as far back as 15 years ago, it was still very common to find virgins on the night of marriage.

From my personal ex-wife was the perfect mother and also the perfect wife. She is now a single mother (well, 50% of the time). Why? Because I left her.

Why? Because I did not see myself growing old with her...and I felt it was unfair to her. So, I decided to leave while she was still young and very good looking.

She is one of the cases in which a woman that was decent...happens to have children as by-product of a marriage...and encounter herself in the "single mother" predicament thanks to her ex-husband...that left her.

Not her fault.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
Latinoman said:
However, and I say this with all due respect...don't you think that the "new" man in your mother's life wouldn't have to deal with some issues? Such as grieve and pain and trying to overcome a loss? Issues that are normal for a human and even understandable.
Oh, I understand perfectly that there will likely be emotional scars in most of these situations. I'm not saying that we should all go hop on single mothers and play Kleenex-Man. If anyones chooses not to date single mothers, they are completely within their rights to do so, and it probably makes sense for most people not to. I'm simply pointing out that sometimes extenuating circumstances may have caused that singleness and that calling every single mother a vvhore because of it is stupid. Case in point.....

my ex-wife was the perfect mother and also the perfect wife. She is now a single mother (well, 50% of the time). Why? Because I left her.
You leaving your wife didn't automatically turn her into a vvhore, did it? This is just one of the situations where an perfectly normal woman (by your own description) was involuntarily put into a situation that would cause some to label her. It sounds as if you still respect her, so honestly, how would you react if you saw people calling her a vvhore because she's a single mom?

That being said, I have dated a few single moms. Some were psycho slutbags, but some were just normal people in a hard place. The trick is that if you do choose to date a single mother, just be extra careful taking the time to weed out the excessively damaged or dirty ones. Or you can just avoid them altogether, it's just a personal choice. Myself, I'd rather judge them on a case by case basis, and be ready to walk at the first sign that's she's one of the bad ones.

For example, I met this girl, chatted got her number and email, then found out later that she has three kids. I was fairly ungh about it, but I figured I'd give it a shot. We set a time, she's a no show. I get an email from her the next day saying that one of her kids fell and needed stiches. I'm like "ok whatever", but she's a solid 9 so I'm willing to give her another chance. Set another date, another no show. So I block her email, delete her number, and walk away. Two weeks later, I have to reset my email settings and I figure it's safe to not block her again, she must have gotten the point by now. Ohhhhh no, two days later I get an email from her about how her car caught on fire and she lost my number and her friend was in town and she had tonsilitis and world war three started in her basement (or might as well have). Now, she is a bad one, not because she has kids, but because she acts like a child and isn't responsible. With her type, even if she didn't have kids, you'd still be getting excuses and BS, and having kids doesn't turn a woman into that type, it's just who they are.

On the flip side, I have dated single moms who were perfectly capable of living a normal life and not imposing any of their hardships or problems on anyone else. One SM I dated always had a babysitter on time, had a regular babysitter for the weekends so she wouldn't have to scramble to find one if we chose to go out last minute, only brought her kid over to my place during the day (never at night when we would be banging), and even then she always asked if it was ok to bring her. I was never asked to pay for anything for the kid, not presents, not food, not clothes, nothing. She never cancelled dates at the last second, never stood me up, never made her issues my problem. Her being a single mom had no detrimental effect on her ability to have a normal relationship.

So it can go either way. If you don't want to do it, don't. I just don't like it when people have a bad experience (or hear about them) wih single mothers and think that calling them all vvhores is appropriate.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
Julian said:
i have no pity for single mothers. They let a dude bust a gigantic nut inside them. Whats there to feel sorry about.
Dude youre such a loser.....No one ever said anyone has to feel sorry for a single mother only ask you to put urself in their shoes. What if you were with a woman and had a baby and she just up and left you with the baby....would you want people to feel sorry for you???

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
the babies dad did die, about 2 months after the baby was born, was shot getting robbed at night at a gas station. However that's has no bearing on this situtation.

She does love her son, and that's good. I always told myself I would not raise another man's child, and I wont'... but if you take the kid out of the equation, there is not too much wrong with her.. you know besides the normal good looking woman problems that most good looking women have. She doesn't ask for help, makes a good living, even though she is young, lives by herself in a nice apartment and has a nice car and even buys cooks/buys dinner/etc.

I don't know. Because I know if i go down the road where it's going to lead.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2006
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Single moms are usually more trouble than it's worth. I should know, I dated and lived with one with two kids for 2 years (AFC days). There comes a point when you get pushed into the "daddy" spot whether you want to or not. When the boy got old enough to understand a little bit of stuff, he asked if I could be his dad. In the end, the relationship wound up very bad. Unless you just LOVE kids, want to deal with the ex and her, the kids crying and needing taking care of, forget it. I decided there are far too many single women in this world that you can game. You are always no. 2 compared to the kids, and whether she says it or not, she is always looking for a daddy for them.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
I assumed the "single mother" referenced in this thread was an unwed hor with a baby!! This is common today. In the 1970's hors were called "unwed mothers" and their offspring were called bastards, now they call them "single mothers".

There is no such thing as "single mothers" - you need the sperm and the egg to make life (this is twofold creation and NOT a singular development) - unwed mothers are merely hors with a baby. I'm sure most of you are "bastard" children - born from a woman who was not married (i.e. "hor") - if you are a bastard then be angry at your mother and not me!!!


Mar 17, 2001
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FaithHealer said:
...and whether she says it or not, she is always looking for a daddy for them.

Damn straight.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
it's interesting you should mention this i met two single moms on memorial day and i met both of their kids i love kids but it was funny trying to talk to a girl and her kid is there but i didn't feel the need to be nice to the kid because of the mother but i just love kids if i could i would be one again but then again my childhood sucked


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
FaithHealer said:
Single moms are usually more trouble than it's worth. I should know, I dated and lived with one with two kids for 2 years (AFC days). There comes a point when you get pushed into the "daddy" spot whether you want to or not. When the boy got old enough to understand a little bit of stuff, he asked if I could be his dad. In the end, the relationship wound up very bad. Unless you just LOVE kids, want to deal with the ex and her, the kids crying and needing taking care of, forget it. I decided there are far too many single women in this world that you can game. You are always no. 2 compared to the kids, and whether she says it or not, she is always looking for a daddy for them.
EXACTLY!!!! These are women with BAD JUDGEMENT.... Not all of them, but MOST THEM HAVE BAD JUDGEMENT IN MEN...

I remember one girl when i was 18 who was hot as hell but she told me that she'll wait to have sex before marriage :crackup: :crackup: She got knocked up by some idiot thug and breaks out on her 3 weeks after the baby girl is born... 6 yrs later, she's working at a ihop sees me there (mind you she wouldn't give me the time of day back then cause she was so hot) and is all touchy feely because i'm better lookin, muscular, and confident. "Jon why don't we exchange numbers and get reacquainted again... Me: I thought you were seeing someone right now?? Her: Oh he's nothing" :rolleyes:



- I am Kingbeef


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
I assumed the "single mother" referenced in this thread was an unwed hor with a baby!! This is common today. In the 1970's hors were called "unwed mothers" and their offspring were called bastards, now they call them "single mothers".

There is no such thing as "single mothers" - you need the sperm and the egg to make life (this is twofold creation and NOT a singular development) - unwed mothers are merely hors with a baby. I'm sure most of you are "bastard" children - born from a woman who was not married (i.e. "hor") - if you are a bastard then be angry at your mother and not me!!!

Actually...I understood very clearly what you said (based on some other posts you have writen in the past of which I find many to be solid advice). And I am not going to say that I disagree 100% with you on your point on "unwed mothers". From my perspective, I was writing more on the issue of mothers that are now "single mothers" due to an unwanted divorce or lost of her husband (death). And trying to let people understand that those women are not at fault to be in their current situation, HOWEVER, they carry some very deep scars in them to the point that they might have some issues too (to the point of high maintenance) caused by pain they didn't deserve.