It's been a while isnce I updated this, here you go:
Around 3 weeks ago things were becoming more and more ovbious that she liked me... we hung out every other day, whenever possible, talked on the phone, talked to her parents about me, etc.
One night, I was out at a bar, and she called me. Joking around, I told her I really wanted to talk to her once I left. I guess she thought I really had something to tell her, so she called me back later, at least 2 in the morning, and was begging to hear what I had to say. I started to think she was expecting me to tell her osmething, and when I say something, I mean that I like her, but I wouldn't. So I play along, and say, "you know what I am going to tell you, why do you want me to say it?". She says "because I just do". So we play this game off and on for around a week and a half, and one day while she met me on my lunch break, I told her that I wouldn't mind dating her if the opprotunity arose. She smiled and we talked for around half an hour, but she didn't respond.
Because I wasn't in a hurry, I never really cared that she didn't give me in immidate response, but I wasn't going to let her play like it didn't happen, that's how you erally become LJBF, so I brought it up again, and asked her what she thought about it. She couldn't give me a straight answer for the love of god, so I told her that I would just talk to her later. It pisses me off that we could talk about anything under the sun but when it came up with me and her she was always lost for words.
So I wake up in the morning and she had wrote me a pretty long email, saying how she didn't see me "like that" and wanted to be friends. I said to myself this was the last freaking straw with this chick, friend or not.
It's not that she wasn't interested that got me, I am sure alot of women AREn't interested in me. It was the fact that she lead me on, threw out signals, asked for favors and then acts suprised when she finds out I like her.
Also there is this guy at her job who is 7 years older than her, pretty much a loser by her own accounts, and he literaly stalks her. She is always telling me how she doesn't like him, but yet she said that she considered dating him and wouldnt' consider dating me.
So I wrote this email in response:
First, I ment to tell you, I am not mad/upset/disgruntled in the least bit, even if what I said
isn't true. Real friends don't get mad at each other when you tell them something they don't want
to hear, which Is why I know if we were to date, hypotheticly of course, that whatever happened,
if we were to break up we would be friends afterwards.
Anyway, that's not why I wrote this however. You said something that just baffled the crap out of
me. What does this mean?
Compared to you, I talk less with you about my
'stalker' but you would stop me and bring up an issues such as-- that its
not right that I am paying attention and thinking of his offer but I
recently told you something different directed toward you.
are you saying that you actually considered dating him and that wouldn't consider dating me?
I think I get what you are saying, but I am not completely sure. If that's the way you feel,
that's totally fine, just don't waste my time calling me, being there for me if you aren't
interested in taking it a step father, simple as that. Not saying I don't want to be your friend,
but you have a BF that you are just soo commited to, then you should be with him.
Relationships are a give/take. I give you my time because you give singals sayihng you are
interested. If you are not interested, I don't need to waste my time with you, and I don't mean
that in a bad way, but I would be wasting my time on someone who could care less about me.
You and I met though a mutual friend, and I use that term looosely, Jennifer., After I broke up
with jenn, you and I became pretty good friends, or at least I thought. YOu knew I liked you; you
knew the first time me and you ever spent time together that I liked you because I gavce you a
kiss. At that itme you would belying if you said that you didn't have the same feelings for me or
at least least some feelings at that time. I eventually told you, but you told me that you
couldn't do anything with me because of you friend, which I could honestly understand and I
honestly believe that, although that is not the full reason why, it's a good and legitmate reason.
I don't have to tell you what happend when we stopped talking; it has been said one too many times
and we both know what happended, but how does a friend, a true friend, just flat out LIE to one
antoher? That is what hurt me more than you dating someone; I don't think you understood or still
to this date get it, the fact that you lied to me so easily ment that you never really saw me as a
friend in the first place.
Now If you mean that you are more attracted to this guy then you are to me, then you know what, do
me a huge favor and don't waste anymore of my time. You have mistaken my kindness for weakness one
too many times. you know I would do anything to put a smile on your face, and you don't have a
problem asking for favors from me, and to be honest I really don't mind doing them, but to go so
low as to say that after everything you do for me, after as much time as we spend talking and as
close are we are, you find someone that you consider to be a stalker more attractive, then not
only am I being used, you have to be the most heartless women on earth.
Seriously, that brings back up the question. Why in the HELL did you contact me again back in
march? You knew I liked you. Even if you said you didn't, which I dont believe, you knew 2 weeks
later, you knew again in may and if THAT wasn't enough, you know now. A true friend would pull the
other saide and just say, " I know you like me, and I like you too, but just not like that". But
when you find out you give me the same bull**** "oh, I don't know what you are talking about, I
wasn't expecting it, where did that come from, I am so confused" answer and expect me to live with
it, partly because I have, but not this time. The other day, I told you I was in the mall, I saw a
pink diamond ring that I wanted to buy for you, if I would have actually gotten it for you, you
wouldn't have had a problem whatsoever wearing it, but then if I told you that I wanted to be with
you, you would act like I did something wrong.
The thing is, I am the most dependable person you probably know. Time after time, after you put me
though hell and back, I am there to do any and every thing you ask of me.
That brigns me back to the point... We aren't friends. We never have been. We are aquaintences who
have alot in common. I am someone you think that you call up when you are bored and waste my time,
leading me on and getting me to do thgins to feed your ego. I made the mistake of overlooking the
ovbious because I care about you, but I am much, much too smart for that and i know it.
As this email may sound, I am not mad, I really am not, but I am just going to put up with your
**** any longer, plain and simple. If you want to be my FRIEND, act like it. don't waste my time
talking on the phone as much as you do, taking up my time when you really aren't interested, you
have a BF for that and a" stalker" that you find more attractive then me, put them to use. Don't
through out hints that you are interested if you aren't.
The next day she tried to call me, and act like nothing was wrong. I then told her " Is something wrong". She said "no". I then said " Do you need anything, or did something happen to you?" She said "No". So I told her why is she calling me? I told her to not call me if that's the way she wants to look at me, someone that does things for them, takes up their time, but yet doesn't want to give anything in return.
She then starts to get defensive and says "Well, we have always been like this, and I don't think it's fair that I should have to date you to keep you around".
I tell her "Babe, It's not like it was MY decision to be friends in the first place. I wanted to date you the first time I saw you, I just played along with the whole friends thing becuase of the unique situtation. I wasn't EVER given a fair shot with you for you to make that decision"
I told her I honeslty wasn't mad at her, I was just tired of playing these damn high school games with her and I wouldn't put up with it any longer.
She called me later that night, around 1am to tell me thanks for sending her a BDay card (it was her B-day), and as soon as she tried to start a convo, I told her I had to go, I did have "company" over anyway.
I don't regret anything I have done with her, but I wouldn't do it agian if I had the choice. This girl has to be the most unstable girl I have ever seen. She writes me emails saying how ****ed up her life is and how she wishes she can change it, but yet doesn't do anyhting about it. She is a relationship that she is always saying she doesn't want to be in, yet she is in it. Her and her parents argue every other day, her dad is a whineo and her mom is just dumb. When we are on good terms, she takes up all of my time, and then expect me to be content wtih being friends.
The more I thought about it, I asked myself "what in the hell DO I like about this girl?"... She is THAT damn hot, where it would cause a guy, a reasonably goodl ooking guy who has a couple of female friends in the 7-8.5 range, to over look glaring bad qualities.
Honestly, the thought of dating this girl now repiles me to the point wehre i would kill myself of making such a dumb decision.