Is this the end?


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2011
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The story is as follows: I have been dating a girl for the last 9 months. We've had conversations about what we would do if we were to get married, so things like where we would live, how many kids we would have, our finanaces and so far. While we've had some differences about where we would live (due to her living far from her workplace), and whether we would buy a house or condo, we generally are able to come to a compromise. Some things that I noticed about her is that she is really into supporting her parents in their old age, this is a culture thing and she was a little out of touch with what is reasonable and what was feasible. I discussed this with my father and I was able to list key issues that she would have to give up if she intended to go forward with her ideas. This was enough to bring her to be more in touch with reality.

My sibling introduced us, so we meet them every now and then for a gather. My sibling and spouse mentioned to me that they feel she has a very cold personality and that its hard to have a conversation with her and that she has poor social skills because she is too guarded. I've identified this as part of her upbringing as her parent is also very guarded. My sibbing has very good social skills and is a lawyer, so I don't doubt that the assessment's accuracy.

I had a talk with her regarding her poor social skills. I pointed out how its gotten her in trouble in the past (ie. her boss saying that its causing problems with team cohession). She responded by saying that she has to put in a lot of work to improve it, but I pointed out that her sibling doesn't have that problem and her parents consider her sibling to be less smart than she is. Her response is that their family think that her sibling is a bad child due to the sibling have an active social life and being very personable. She then mentioned that she does not care how people see her and that she would rather people leave her alone and not speak to her because it at least prevents them from taking advantage of her, which is what her father taught her.

I then mentioned that I know its hard to improve one's social skills because I was once an introvert, but she can't just give up and ignore it because we interact with people all the time and in the future, if we get married, we will be interacting with each other's families and that it would be very bad if my family has resentment towards her because they feel they she gives them the cold shoulder. She then says that she doesn't see why she needs to pander to family for their approval and that she would rather breakup with me than pander for their approval. She then burst out crying This lead to the current situation where she is thinking of whether she should continue with me.

I spent the next day thinking about what happened. I concluded that all of the things that I talked to her about were initially my concerns, but because I kept seeking the opinoins of my family, it eventually mutated into something that I didn't really care about. Things like my family approving of her, I don't really care about that, but just that my family convinced me that it was necessary. But the biggest thing here was that I hate people who try to control my life and that was what I was doing without realizing it. So I appologized to her the next day for being a hypocrite, I even appologized to her for trying to get her to try to improve her social skills and for trying to control her life, even though I don't think I was wrong for trying to get her to improve her social skills(I didn't say this though). I also promised to not push her into anything ever again and ask her for a second chance. She said she would think about it and mentioned that sometimes when someone says something hurt, it could take a long time for it to be forgotten. At the end of the day, I said, "Call me when you want to see me, otherwise take care of yourself."

This was 3 days ago. She has not contacted me and I have not contacted her. I see her on msn, but she doesn't contact me and I haven't contacted her either. Is it reasonable to wait for a full week and if she still doesn't contact me that its time to accept that its over?



Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
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Yes its over... no girl would let u go for a whole week if she fears losing you... the truth is that she is not contacting u and she is caring less whether or not u gona see someone else on the meantime.... no fear of loss from her. Its over


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
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This is a very crucial time for you if your intent is to continue with her.

Give her her space. Do NOT initiate. You will regret it. You apologized, your part is done. If you push her, she will push you away. Let her chill and start to miss you. Stay off of MSN as well. Be GONE, gone.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2011
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What really makes me clueless is how it ended up getting so bad so quickly. We see each other for at least 2 hours a day and we even started planning a life together(I mean buying a place, kids, career and so forth). None of the classic signs of a relationship deterioration was present We never had fights, we don't quarrel over petty or irrelevant things because I usually recognize things like that and I just laugh it off or I make her laugh.

We've had some strong debates, but they were always constructive and in the end, we've always agreed to a compromise and none of these debates have ever become shouting matches. There was this one time where I specifically refused to compromise, but this was because at some point after we started a family, she wanted to leave her career to pursue a post graudate degree full time and she expected me to take care of the kids, support the family and pay off the mortgage. Also, after inquiring with her, she admitted that the degree itself had no financial reward or return, it just made her feel better at her current career. So I don't believe it was unreasonable for me to refuse to participate in something like this. I also asked her to consider how she would feel if the roles were reversed and she agreed that she would feel bad, so she dropped the subject.

My view may not be right, but I feel that women only use the breakup card if the relationship has been unbearable over the long term, I don't recall a relationship going downhill literally overnight unless cheating was involved. So it makes me question if she had already made up her mind beforehand or if this is some mind game because while women do have impulses, I don't think they are ever that extreme.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2011
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What really makes me clueless is how it ended up getting so bad so quickly. We see each other for at least 2 hours a day and we even started planning a life together(I mean buying a place, kids, career and so forth). None of the classic signs of a relationship deterioration was present We never had fights, we don't quarrel over petty or irrelevant things because I usually recognize things like that and I just laugh it off or I make her laugh.

We've had some strong debates, but they were always constructive and in the end, we've always agreed to a compromise and none of these debates have ever become shouting matches. There was this one time where I specifically refused to compromise, but this was because at some point after we started a family, she wanted to leave her career to pursue a post graudate degree full time and she expected me to take care of the kids, support the family and pay off the mortgage. Also, after inquiring with her, she admitted that the degree itself had no financial reward or return, it just made her feel better at her current career. So I don't believe it was unreasonable for me to refuse to participate in something like this. I also asked her to consider how she would feel if the roles were reversed and she agreed that she would feel bad, so she dropped the subject.

My view may not be right, but I feel that women only use the breakup card if the relationship has been unbearable over the long term, I don't recall a relationship going downhill literally overnight unless cheating was involved. So it makes me question if she had already made up her mind beforehand or if this is some mind game because while women do have impulses, I don't think they are ever that extreme.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
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You can wonder all you want, but what you need to do is chill... Relax. Do nothing. Or better yet, do something productive for you. Either way, don't chase. Don't offer anything. Chill...


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2011
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Well, I had a quick chat with her, apparently she wants to move on. Which is fine, I'm done griefing over this, I going to find someone else. Thanks for everyone's advice.


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2010
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ChunLiKasumi said:
What really makes me clueless is how it ended up getting so bad so quickly. We see each other for at least 2 hours a day and we even started planning a life together(I mean buying a place, kids, career and so forth).
These are your problems. At least 2 hours a day?! Where's the mystery, the space, no wonder it's over. Less is more!

Also, the time frame of 9 months is far far to early to be discussing stuff like this.

ChunLiKasumi said:
None of the classic signs of a relationship deterioration was present We never had fights, we don't quarrel over petty or irrelevant things because I usually recognize things like that and I just laugh it off or I make her laugh.
Those very things are signs of deterioration. I suggest you stick around and read the site, especially the DJ Bible, Book Of Pook and AntiDump.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
I really couldn't tell you if me seeing her too much was the cause since she was the one who kept calling me and wanted to see me, so I don't think space was an issue. Also, is keeping the mystery alive really necessary after seeing a person for more than 6 months? Isn't the mystery supposed to disappear in order to build trust? I also never initiated any conversations that involved starting a life together, it was always her. I'm not saying that you're wrong, I'm trying to find out where I failed to learn from my failure.

We never had fights, but we did have very strong arguments where we borderlined on shouting at each other before one of us realized that it was going to lead to an all out fight and back off (sometimes it was me, sometimes it was her). So its not like we didn't argue, we only argued when we had a strong difference of opinions, but it never got out of hand.

The more I think about it, the more I am starting to realize that the arguments that we had actually led to this. She may have sounded like she was compromising, but in fact, was only saying it and deep down, it was either her way or the highway. But the demands that she made were very absurd, putting her convenience over my own well being and was what I consider to be borderline slavery(such as living somewhere so that she can have a 10 minute commute to work while I would have to endure 3 hours commuting). I am not saying this because I'm trying to assign blame, but I do recall vividly that she tried very hard to get some of her demands across often repeatedly even after we had come to a compromise several days before. So I don't think this relationship would have worked out in the long term if this is the way she functioned. Maybe its the things I was uncompromising on that lead to this, maybe its because I gave her too much attention, I don't know, but I will take your advice and read up on this site. Thanks everyone. It doesn't hurt anymore.
May 25, 2011
Reaction score
You just said you were done grieving then you wrote that essay. mate your not over it and probably wont be for a while. Clear her out of your life, put all of her stuff in a box and put it out of sight, remove her on msn, dont reply to any of her contact. every time you contact her to try and get answers the worse you will make it.

just forget it, even if its hard. go out and make yourself happy for a bit, spend some money on yourself, go to the gym, get some new clothes, go out. its about you right now not her.

the only chance you have of her coming back is you leaving her alone for maybe even a year or two at most if there is a chance.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
pipe007 said:
Yes its over... no girl would let u go for a whole week if she fears losing you... the truth is that she is not contacting u and she is caring less whether or not u gona see someone else on the meantime.... no fear of loss from her. Its over
her odd personality was a sign of her emotionally disconnecting from you .. and she was also seeing other guys as always so yes it is over and you need to move on again..

the best way to make a women obsessed with yo is to dump her first when every thing is "going good" for no reason at all then come back treating her cold females love that BS and get very turned on by it cause they are accustomed to dumping men and having all the power...

Most men dont dump the females first cause most men dont have enough other options to sacrifice that one female:yes:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2009
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ChunLiKasumi said:
So I appologized to her the next day for being a hypocrite, I even appologized to her for trying to get her to try to improve her social skills and for trying to control her life, even though I don't think I was wrong for trying to get her to improve her social skills(I didn't say this though). I also promised to not push her into anything ever again and ask her for a second chance.
Let me very upfront: You will not like the answer!

Bottom line is she can't have RESPECT for you when you act as emotionally weak as you are acting. When you confront her on issues important to you, and the back down for fear of holding your beliefs you come across as being weak. It comes out as saying 'I'm not man enough to hold my beliefs even if you don't agree with them'.


The other problem is you trying to micromanage your partner's life. You are dating for 9 months and only NOW you realize she has poor socials skills?

In the future: find the issues that are really crucial for you (instead of arguing about getting a house vs a condo), state your position, and stick to your guns.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
I've always known she had poor social skills, but I did not know that she hates people talking to her (this is actually the first time I heard of this, it kind of makes me wonder how I ever hit it off with her). That was also the only time I backed off from a belief, all of the other times I either compromised or said no because I value my well being and health over her every whim and desire.

Anyways, I've stopped all contact with her and don't want to talk/see her anymore. I'm actually seeing someone else at the minute, trying to decide what a good second date should be. Hopefully, I'm over my trauma enough that it goes through smoothly (and yes, justanothernormalguy, I just realized that I am still griefing). The good news is that another rejection can't make me feel any worse than I currently am.
