Is this girl still interested in me?


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
I met a girl online and we went out two times –note that she messaged me and basically asked to meet up with me (I'm a guy). We met up the first time and it was a great date with dinner and some walking around the city afterwards. She was kind of touchy feely and just had a overall good date.

The second date came about 2 weeks later (both of us had trips, so we were unable to see each other until 2 weeks later). She texted me and told me she was free that evening so I met up with her and went to the movies. In the theater she was kind of touchy feely, but we each kept to ourselves.

After the movies, I put my arm around her as we walked to get some food. She did the same and from there we were pretty comfortable with our arms wrapped around each other. We had dinner and had great conversation which included her saying things like “next time, lets do this”, etc.

Once we got in my car, I asked to kissed her and we did several times (no making out though). Once I got to her place, I kissed her once last time and then left (she lives with her parents, so I didn’t try to go up).

The next day I texted her and told her that I had fun. She responded about 8 hours later with a simple “me too, it was fun, how was your day?” I replied and didn’t get a message back for days. I texted her again like 4 days later and she responded about an hour later and told me she was free on Sunday. I told her I was free Sunday evening and she never replied to agree to meet up at night.

I texted her again a couple days later and told her she was on my mind and got a “how sweet!” text back pretty quick. I once again asked her when she was free and am still waiting for her response…

Am I out of the game or is she playing mind games? Note that not once did we have an awkward situation and everything pointed towards that we definitely clicked well.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
bigbird090 said:
I met a girl online and we went out two times –note that she messaged me and basically asked to meet up with me (I'm a guy). We met up the first time and it was a great date with dinner and some walking around the city afterwards. She was kind of touchy feely and just had a overall good date.

The second date came about 2 weeks later (both of us had trips, so we were unable to see each other until 2 weeks later). She texted me and told me she was free that evening so I met up with her and went to the movies. In the theater she was kind of touchy feely, but we each kept to ourselves.

After the movies, I put my arm around her as we walked to get some food. She did the same and from there we were pretty comfortable with our arms wrapped around each other. We had dinner and had great conversation which included her saying things like “next time, lets do this”, etc.

Once we got in my car, I asked to kissed her and we did several times (no making out though). Once I got to her place, I kissed her once last time and then left (she lives with her parents, so I didn’t try to go up).

The next day I texted her and told her that I had fun. She responded about 8 hours later with a simple “me too, it was fun, how was your day?” I replied and didn’t get a message back for days. I texted her again like 4 days later and she responded about an hour later and told me she was free on Sunday. I told her I was free Sunday evening and she never replied to agree to meet up at night.

I texted her again a couple days later and told her she was on my mind and got a “how sweet!” text back pretty quick. I once again asked her when she was free and am still waiting for her response…

Am I out of the game or is she playing mind games? Note that not once did we have an awkward situation and everything pointed towards that we definitely clicked well.
Don't worry, she's into you. That's judging by your story. You're just over reacting. Remember girls are busy and since you've only dated a couple times she doesn't know you all that well so you're not going to come in as first priority for her just yet. Just be patient and cool about it.

All the best with women, may you start banging hot tail like the best of them.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
loveorlust said:
Don't worry, she's into you. That's judging by your story. You're just over reacting. Remember girls are busy and since you've only dated a couple times she doesn't know you all that well so you're not going to come in as first priority for her just yet. Just be patient and cool about it.

All the best with women, may you start banging hot tail like the best of them.
Thanks's just weird how we clicked so well and then all of a sudden she's not in contact. Coming out of the second date when I got to kiss her several times I had no doubt that I was good to go. For example, on other dates I have felt like the date didnt go so well and the chick wasn't feeling me...however with this chick it was the exact opposite and the way she was feeling me (both physically and emotionally), i had no doubt i was a winner.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
You're too hot and heavy. Remember girls can change their minds like you can flip a light switch. There was definitely some interest there earlier on. You need to ease off the gas pedal.

Let her initiate contact first from now. You are falling faster and faster into the friendzone if you keep up those texts.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2011
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TillTheEndOfTime said:
You're too hot and heavy. Remember girls can change their minds like you can flip a light switch. There was definitely some interest there earlier on. You need to ease off the gas pedal.

Let her initiate contact first from now. You are falling faster and faster into the friendzone if you keep up those texts.
ok not gonna communicate with her until she does me. hopefully she doesnt forget i i said at least for me, 1st base on the second date was pretty quick for what i think is a "good girl"


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
I'm losing hope! There has been NC since cause I have the last text -"When are you free?"....I kissed this girl so many times and she even put her fingers in my pants waist.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
bigbird090 said:
I'm losing hope! There has been NC since cause I have the last text -"When are you free?"....I kissed this girl so many times and she even put her fingers in my pants waist.

Killing contact with a girl is typically a last resort and you'll find so many posts on here for similar situations. It is used as a "respirator" for cases where the girl's interest in you has dropped like a stone. Sometimes it can cause the girl to feel like she's lost you and then spark her interest back to levels near what you noticed when you first met her.

It is not to be used liberally at any point where you think a girl is losing interest. However, judging by your post, it sounded like you were heading for the friendzone fast by being too available and coming off as needy. That's why I suggested waiting for her.

There are two outcomes:

1) She forgets about you
2) She has renewed interest in you and then you meet up again

#2 above is the ideal outcome obviously. #1 is not so great, but there is something to be said about sticking to your guns and maintaining your dignity. :up:

Good luck!


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
I hope #2 comes true...just crazy how she just dropped me literally overnight when both dates went perfect


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
spin plates bro. don't let this turn into a oneitis situation.

i don't even mean find new girls to bang (although that would be great) but just find new girls to talk to and start establishing rapport with them

little things like this used to drive me crazy until i started spinning.

now, when things cool off with one girl or she does something that turns me off, like seeming uninterested in text or flaking on me, i shrug it off and move onto the next chick

if you're single, there is no limit to how many girls you can date. take advantage of that fact.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
We met up the first time and it was a great date with dinner and some walking around the city afterwards. She was kind of touchy feely and just had a overall good date.
Unless your a great conversationalist; dinner on a first date is a bad idea for a lot of reasons. Especially if you lack experience with women.

She texted me and told me she was free that evening so I met up with her and went to the movies. In the theater she was kind of touchy feely, but we each kept to ourselves
The roles are already reversed; she's leading and acting like the male and your following and acting like the female. Your also too available so early on if she simply calls you on a whim to do something.

After the movies, I put my arm around her as we walked to get some food. She did the same and from there we were pretty comfortable with our arms wrapped around each other. We had dinner and had great conversation which included her saying things like “next time, lets do this”, etc.
Again way too formal. Why are you guys acting like adults when your young kids? Dinner? Where's the fun stuff?!

Once we got in my car, I asked to kissed her and we did several times (no making out though). Once I got to her place, I kissed her once last time and then left (she lives with her parents, so I didn’t try to go up).
Asking to kiss her? That's the nail in the coffin buddy. Only insecure guys ask to kiss a girl. She lost a lot of attraction for you after this.

The next day I texted her and told her that I had fun.
Again your killing any aspect of being a challenge or a mystery. By this point she knows your ready to give her everything, which means your too easy, like a kid who gets a new toy and now they're bored with it.

She responded about 8 hours later with a simple “me too, it was fun, how was your day?”
Notice how it takes her longer to get back to you now? She's letting you down gently.

I replied and didn’t get a message back for days. I texted her again like 4 days later and she responded about an hour later and told me she was free on Sunday.
If you send a girl a message, unless it was a pointless text and she doesn't respond; don't send another message. It makes you look clingy, needy and makes it obvious you have no other girls in your life.

I told her I was free Sunday evening and she never replied to agree to meet up at night.
Because she's no longer interested. Get ready for her to start giving you excuses, "I'm busy with school" etc etc blah blah blah.

I texted her again a couple days later and told her she was on my mind and got a “how sweet!” text back pretty quick.
Dude you just don't get it. When a woman is not showing interest in you, let off a bit. You don't chase harder? That will push her further away.

I once again asked her when she was free and am still waiting for her response…
She tried letting you down gently, you didn't take the hint; now she will start taking a lonnng time to get back to you, giving you excuses or flat out no respond anymore.

Am I out of the game or is she playing mind games?
You were out of the game a while ago. She's not playing mind games, she's not interested anymore. She found out who you really were and it didn't vibe with her attraction circuit.

Read the DJ Bible and get your game up. You got a lot to learn, but it sounds like your pretty young, so its all good.

Move on and find new girls, because you have no shot with this one.



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
loveorlust said:
Don't worry, she's into you. That's judging by your story. You're just over reacting. Remember girls are busy and since you've only dated a couple times she doesn't know you all that well so you're not going to come in as first priority for her just yet. Just be patient and cool about it.

All the best with women, may you start banging hot tail like the best of them.

I'm sorry but your just absolutely clueless if you think this girl is into him.

Girls are busy?! LOL Yeah when they don't like the guy.

He won't bang any tail if he keeps being needy and clingy like he was with this girl.

If he learns from his mistakes, then the future will get brighter.

OP post your age so we know what demographic we are dealing with



Don Juan
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
I'm 26 :( she's 22....I got a degree and work for a fortune 500 while she has a degree but babysits so I thought I had it in the bag from the get go...yeah I agree I went too available and took me as a bum with no other girls...

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Dude, I made plans and tentative (not set) plans with like 5 women for this weekend, and kept messaging, texting, calling back and forth with all of them, in addition to the ones who couldn't do anything, probably like 12 total overall for this weekend. Very time-consuming, but it works to explore all options and hear all voices to judge level of interest. The one I just cancelled plans with about 3 hours ago was let down, but she doesn't hate me for it, and this increased her interest I can tell. I told her that I would call her later, but I won't, at least for some time. She's 29. Had another younger gal, but kinda big as5, that I had to be wishy-washy with because I was still gunning for my #1 girl, a 24 yr petite (but ideal height for me) blonde mom, and finally said No, I can't, mainly because she's short-haired like a boy, and I prefer girls with at least shoulder-length hair. She is also dumb as rocks so I'd also rather be with the more intelligent, more going for her 24 yr old mom. Then there's a 35 yr old fvcked up girl raised on a farm, but in good shape for 35. Her parents/family lives over 1000 miles from her just like mine so she's newly out here with not many friends. She's never been able go anywhere with me ever since I met her last fall, I still see her and we still keep in touch. I think that she's seeing someone, but never tells me she is, and keeps her line of communication open to me; therefore, I wait patiently for the day (which I believe will be soon this Summer maybe). She's not hot, but her body is good (tight in jeans) for 35. Also another 20-something extremely petite blonde I could have banged last night (she's like 5'), but I was tired from work, so I went home. She couldn't believe that I didn't pursue her with her being totally into me, ready to fvck last night. Seriously though, I know my type (not her - so short, just wouldn't work I just know), and I was so fvcked from work and should've just stayed home. Yes, women are work when you're tired. They don't work as hard all day as we do and are free to just party all night long on a workday like it's nothing. How do these b!tchez pay their bills? when they do nothing but party?

So I will report, about to leave to pick up my choice for tonight. Her interest was the highest, she's the prettiest w/ the best body (though with kids) so she wins me tonight.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
bigbird090 said:
update: no contact and the chick has deleted her online profile.. :(
Therefore, she found a better guy than you.

Thank you OP, but your princess is in another castle!

Judge nismo orders you to advance to World 2-1.

Case closed.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2012
Reaction score
Overall your game sucks balls but this can be remedied. as the posters above suggested read the dj bible and the book of pook. i also advise you subscribe to these online game blogs


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
bigbird090 said:
update: no contact and the chick has deleted her online profile.. :(
Plenty more fish in the sea mate, just learn from your mistakes and you've definitely come to the right place to sort yourself out. Pimpsicle gives cracking advice as always.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2010
Reaction score
This is pretty much the textbook definition of a girl "flaking". Low interest, move on.

There's no way to rationalize it. I had a HB9 I took out on a couple of dates from my marathon running group last summer. We went for drinks 1st date, 2nd date we did an Indian cooking class together which I had arranged as a surprise. Interest level sky high before the date wondering the surprise, seemed to have a great time on the date, great kiss close in the foyer of her home.

Within a week she had totally flaked out on me, went ghost. Barely see her anymore, she's always been friendly every time since.

I just cut my losses and banged one of her friends a few months later LOL


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
I experienced something similar recently, clearly she's not so attracted into you.
If the plates she's spinning fails, she could return eventually to you in the future, but I advise to not taking very serious an unstable girl like this. If that's the case, be more agressive and take what you can from her, because it's probably not going to last very long.