is this funny or just stupid?


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
ok so i was talking to this girl online right, more like email type thing rather than instant message - couple days in between replies sort of thing. and after a short intro she goes

"but ya, what do you do for fun :)"

and I go

"well on friday nights i usually go to the library, find the biggest book i can and try to count all the letters in it and see if i can beat my record befoe i fall asleep. tons of fun. either that or i wander the streets looking for new rocks for my rock collection. :) you?"

and she never replied.. i remember hearing something about not giving girls straight answers. so was what I wrote stupid, cause too me it was at least somewhat funny(although I think I was hihg when i wrote it lol, but still). your opinion?


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
fruitopiax said:
ok so i was talking to this girl online right, more like email type thing rather than instant message - couple days in between replies sort of thing. and after a short intro she goes

"but ya, what do you do for fun :)"

and I go

"well on friday nights i usually go to the library, find the biggest book i can and try to count all the letters in it and see if i can beat my record befoe i fall asleep. tons of fun. either that or i wander the streets looking for new rocks for my rock collection. :) you?"

and she never replied.. i remember hearing something about not giving girls straight answers. so was what I wrote stupid, cause too me it was at least somewhat funny(although I think I was hihg when i wrote it lol, but still). your opinion?

Good idea but terrible execution. You went a bit overboard. And smileys are useless
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
I would have taken that time to demonstrate high value, but first you should have not qualified with her first attempt I would have asked a question like "why" first then answered with some high quality ****! rather than played around sarcastically build your status first then you can mess around like that later on

smooth guy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Well..I thought it was funny.