Is this a good Idea...or foolish?


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2010
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I've been dating (going out on dates with, not in a relationship with) this girl for almost a month and a half and we have been on 4 dates. Things are going very well although slow.

Today I realized that a band that both of us consider one of our very favorites is playing two shows as close as they ever will be playing in mid -March. This is one of her favorite bands ever and she loves going to concerts, and I love the band as well. I was thinking that it would be a great experience for the both of us, however as tickets will be selling out no doubt I will need to ask her far in advance.

Is this a good idea? Should I ask her to go? When should I ask? Etc.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
If you want to take her, and think it will be enjoyable, why not?

Of course what do I know. Maybe the tickets are expensive.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
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Northern California
What the hell dood!? Just take her. Why would this be negative in any way? Unless your not fully confident in yourself. Take risk man and stop being scares of losing someone you just met.

Besides concerts are fun. Enjoy yourself first before you worry about her.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2010
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My confusion was simply because I have known her for not that long whether asking about something months in advance was normal but thanks for the reply :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
Lunacyde said:
My confusion was simply because I have known her for not that long whether asking about something months in advance was normal but thanks for the reply :)

You've been on 4 dates with her. Doesn't seem like a big deal. It's not like you're asking her to go on a 2-week European vacation.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2010
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Sweet, just wanted to check and make sure it wasn't some big rule don't make plans months in advance or something lol, I've seen other rules around here that seem equally as trivial, but can make a difference.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
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Lunacyde said:
I've been dating (going out on dates with, not in a relationship with) this girl for almost a month and a half and we have been on 4 dates. Things are going very well although slow.

Today I realized that a band that both of us consider one of our very favorites is playing two shows as close as they ever will be playing in mid -March. This is one of her favorite bands ever and she loves going to concerts, and I love the band as well. I was thinking that it would be a great experience for the both of us, however as tickets will be selling out no doubt I will need to ask her far in advance.

Is this a good idea? Should I ask her to go? When should I ask? Etc.
-first make sure there is loads of ticket still available.
- then tell her to keep the day available at any cost. That it's very important she keep it available. That's its not a big deal but tht she will probably like where you're taking her.
- if she says she has the day available get the tickets
- if she is an idiot and really insist saying she can't at this date. Say well too bad i'll just have to take my other gf to it (playfully).

it's not a big deal but it's always unsual and fun to get surprises from a guy.
why not?
and you like the band anyway.
I mean you must know all that already i'm not sure why you are even asking

kid, yes i called you KID
there is no law concerning the number of date, i mean take her there and it's a good occasion to get closer and it's not all a big deal. here, if she asks more than two times where you're taking her you can even tell her. She will be pleased you thought of it.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2010
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I will be driving and it's an hour and half drive. Should I pay for both tickets?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
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Lunacyde said:
I will be driving and it's an hour and half drive. Should I pay for both tickets?
oooh yes.
but don't make her fill like it's a big deal though.
if she is not stupid she will know herself she owes you one


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
Lunacyde said:
I will be driving and it's an hour and half drive. Should I pay for both tickets?
I would.

Should she flake sometime before the concert, you can take someone else.

Go have a good time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
BBbardot said:
-first make sure there is loads of ticket still available.
- then tell her to keep the day available at any cost. That it's very important she keep it available. That's its not a big deal but tht she will probably like where you're taking her.
- if she says she has the day available get the tickets
- if she is an idiot and really insist saying she can't at this date. Say well too bad i'll just have to take my other gf to it (playfully).

it's not a big deal but it's always unsual and fun to get surprises from a guy.
why not?
and you like the band anyway.
I mean you must know all that already i'm not sure why you are even asking

Uh yeah...You went too far. I don't know about making a cute little surprise out of it. I just think it's not a big deal to say "Hey, Band is coming to town. Let's go to it." Taking it and turning into this big fun surprise date DOES make it a big deal. I'd definitely do that for a serious girlfriend, but not some 4-dates chick. The fact that he's asking her is enough. He doesn't have to be Romeo.

Lunacyde said:
I will be driving and it's an hour and half drive. Should I pay for both tickets?
Come on, bro. Time to stand on your own two feet. You can pay for it and she'll buy you drinks. Or you can say, "Hey I'm waiting on a paycheck, let's just split this." You're a grownup. You can think a bit. Either way, it's not gonna matter.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
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Iceberg said:
Uh yeah...You went too far. I don't know about making a cute little surprise out of it. I just think it's not a big deal to say "Hey, Band is coming to town. Let's go to it." Taking it and turning into this big fun surprise date DOES make it a big deal. I'd definitely do that for a serious girlfriend, but not some 4-dates chick. The fact that he's asking her is enough. He doesn't have to be Romeo.

Come on, bro. Time to stand on your own two feet. You can pay for it and she'll buy you drinks. Or you can say, "Hey I'm waiting on a paycheck, let's just split this." You're a grownup. You can think a bit. Either way, it's not gonna matter.
that the thing, it's obviously silly but girls like it. I mean if he says it right and tell her it's not a big deal but keep this date opened ( obviously without saying: " i'm going to make you a surprise!!", that would be lunatic like.).
I think it's much less random.
I mean why not. Tell me why not? for the sake of playing it cool?
well i tell you why yes, because it's cute and fun, and also it pretty manly. Plus it's going slow, so it shows it takes control, that he is interested in her and want to take her somewhere. if he asks her like they are in town do you want to go it doesnt sound the same


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
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Iceberg said:
Uh yeah...You went too far. I don't know about making a cute little surprise out of it. I just think it's not a big deal to say "Hey, Band is coming to town. Let's go to it." Taking it and turning into this big fun surprise date DOES make it a big deal. I'd definitely do that for a serious girlfriend, but not some 4-dates chick. The fact that he's asking her is enough. He doesn't have to be Romeo.
thats the thing, it's obviously silly but girls like it. I mean if he says it right and tells her it's not a big deal but keep this date open( obviously without saying: " i'm going to make you a surprise!!", that would be lunatic like.).
I think it's much less random.
I mean why not. Tell me why not? for the sake of playing it cool?
well i tell you why yes, because it's cute and fun, and also it pretty manly. Plus it's going slow, so it shows it takes control, that he is interested in her and want to take her somewhere. if he asks her like they are in town do you want to go it doesnt sound the same. Plus he is going to drive one ****ing hour and half not making a big deal out of it is basically playing the slave. I think it's fair to make a little tiny bit a big deal out of it.
and YES it will matter

Iceberg said:
Come on, bro. Time to stand on your own two feet. You can pay for it and she'll buy you drinks. Or you can say, "Hey I'm waiting on a paycheck, let's just split this." You're a grownup. You can think a bit. Either way, it's not gonna matter.
AND YES IT WILL MATTEr. lunacycle, it's a sweet idea you had, don't ruin this following iceberg advise here (with all due respect to iceberg i think here you're wrong)
do not say that you will split. You had the idea, you're inviting her, don't talk about spliting the bill or paychecks. Talking about waiting for a paycheck= big turn off, I promise.

Just tell her to keep the date open if she confirms she will get the tickets, if she insist even a little bit to know what it is tell her. But still take care of everything else. Show her a good time. She will get back to you natually and you will have agreat time. Sometimes doing things you don't need to do end up feeling good for everybody. Don't play it too cool or you will basically just being a jerk ( like the thing of spliting the bill, oh boy)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
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Get the tickets but don't tell her. If you make it by March, just surprise her and go together; if you split, well then you still have the tickets and can go with a friend or another girl.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
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pinhas said:
Get the tickets but don't tell her. If you make it by March, just surprise her and go together; if you split, well then you still have the tickets and can go with a friend or another girl.
good too. actually i agree it's the best.
i forgot the concert was so far ahead.


New Member
Jan 9, 2011
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nw of england
pinhas said:
Get the tickets but don't tell her. If you make it by March, just surprise her and go together; if you split, well then you still have the tickets and can go with a friend or another girl.

The Assistant

Jan 5, 2011
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can someone else tell me why BBBardot, as a 17 year old girl from Europe, is giving advice to men on how to approach dating in America?

So many things wrong with so many!

What I would want to know from Lunacyde is, what do you mean that things are moving slowly? I mean, after 4 dates, you should already be having sex - otherwise she is not worth dating.

A good woman with a good head on her shoulders expresses her attraction to the man that she is seeing - otherwise she is either too prude, using sex as a negotiation tool, or just not interested in you sexually.

So, how much have you done with this lady, and if it isn't much, why do you think that is in your own opinion?


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
The Assistant said:
can someone else tell me why BBBardot, as a 17 year old girl from Europe, is giving advice to men on how to approach dating in America?

So many things wrong with so many!

What I would want to know from Lunacyde is, what do you mean that things are moving slowly? I mean, after 4 dates, you should already be having sex - otherwise she is not worth dating.

A good woman with a good head on her shoulders expresses her attraction to the man that she is seeing - otherwise she is either too prude, using sex as a negotiation tool, or just not interested in you sexually.

So, how much have you done with this lady, and if it isn't much, why do you think that is in your own opinion?
You always seem to hit the jugular.

Looking back on it, this dating situation doesn't sound sexual does it? You'd figure after 4 dates, a man could figure out on his own whether or not to ask a woman to a concert. Not that I knock him for asking. That's what we're here for, after all.

And yea BBardot giving advice is somewhat laughable.

But then when you see this first thread of "hers", I get visions of troll dancing in my head.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
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my young age? irrelevant, i'm pretty mature ( except when im playing)
the fact i'm in france? well you can guess by the way i speak english that i probably have an american+irish bf and i travel a lot to the us and the us travel a lot to paris=>irrelevant!
what else, i'm a girl? good point but you can't deny it adds another perspective which is not a negative thing.
-my first thread? I asked a question about how to change my don juan tag cause it doesn't apply for me obviousely, I got my answer, i was happpy. I was friendly. nothing wrong so far.
-furthermore, If the picture i posted offended you i'm sorry...It wasn't meant to... :)